Vaccine Research

Yup, you are correct. I am aware of that information thank you. My point is that because it IS government funded TAX PAYER FUNDED they are holding your hand walking you into "We know what's best for YOU - come along let US help you".. 
Fixed it for you.

We need to get away form this "government funded". It's ALL TAX PAYER FUNDED!  These f*ckers just spend, spend, spend our money with not a care or control in the world.

I got it in Feb 2020. 3 out of our 4 family members did as well. My ten year old barely showed any symptoms. My 18 year old was mildly sick for 2 days. My wife (50) did not get it. She however is on  Hydroxychloroquine as she has Lupus. 

My son in law's family also got it from myself. His wife and child both got it. He however did not. He was also taking  Hydroxychloroquine as he has a mild case of Raynauds .

This all happened before the Anti-Hydroxy propaganda. THEY want you sick. THEY want you dependent. Yes, we have gotten to this stage.

I struggle with all of the cray cray conspirator theorists over the last couple years. But when China, Venezuela, Big Tech, huge foreign money,  and our Libs all work together coupled with the most dumbed down population this country has ever seen I simply can not deny it any more. 

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Exactly there is no such thing as Government Funded..

Fixed it for you.

We need to get away form this "government funded". It's ALL TAX PAYER FUNDED!  These f*ckers just spend, spend, spend our money with not a care or control in the world.
Ayep.  Just because there isn't an obvious cost, doesn't mean you didn't pay for it.  

Which is fine, so long as We, The People, continue to have a say.  Those days are getting numbered or are already dead.

I had it in Feb 2021.  Nasal headache for 2 days.  Wife lost smell and taste for about 10 days.  My 3 kids whom I was on hanging out on the couch with 10 min before my positive results never got it.  I am on the fence because I have yet to find a study which states my natural resistance from already having it will be improved by the vaccine.  That being said, if the FDA approved it tomorrow I would probably just get it over with but the lack of liability has me second guessing.  I can just see the TV commercials now.... Did you receive the emergency Covid 19 vaccine and live.  You are eligible for jack sh!t.

I got it in Feb 2020. 3 out of our 4 family members did as well. My ten year old barely showed any symptoms. My 18 year old was mildly sick for 2 days. My wife (50) did not get it. She however is on  Hydroxychloroquine as she has Lupus. 

My son in law's family also got it from myself. His wife and child both got it. He however did not. He was also taking  Hydroxychloroquine as he has a mild case of Raynauds .

This all happened before the Anti-Hydroxy propaganda. THEY want you sick. THEY want you dependent. Yes, we have gotten to this stage.

I struggle with all of the cray cray conspirator theorists over the last couple years. But when China, Venezuela, Big Tech, huge foreign money,  and our Libs all work together coupled with the most dumbed down population this country has ever seen I simply can not deny it any more. 
My wife has Lupus too and was taking Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) for years when she was younger, thankfully her Lupus seems to be mostly in remission now. (she got stung by a bee in the 90's and the Lupus symptoms lessened significantly, but that's another story)

The way the media and the Gov officials portrayed hydroxychloroquine was nothing short of extremely dishonest and immoral. The risk they played up, cardiac issues and retina damage are miniscule. My wife was on high doses of Plaquenil for years with no side effects. And so have many other Lupus patients and others with rheumatoid arthritis. In most of the world this drug is available otc!

So the same people that lied about Hydroxychloroquine can't understand why people are hesitant to get the vaccine? There has been too much dis-information/politicization in the last year  around Covid for people to feel confident about getting vaccinated. And I don't blame them for being skeptical.

BTW, I am vaccinated, J&J shot. There are reasons why I did, but I support anyone to do what is right for them and not what others want them to do.

2 family members have it now... both went to hospital...70ish female...fever, chills, weakness...low blood 02,  4 night in icu, back home....other one is a late 30s male...had it, knew he had it got zpak....(if your dr gives you this with a positive test...get another dr.)...let it go on for over a week got in his lungs...he is in icu in still...on experimental drugs that seem to be helping but has set backs....

If you think you have covid...GET A FRIGGEN TEST.....GET TO THE DR..... make sure they give you something other than Zpak.....if you could get really sick... like a bad flu and get pneumonia.....

My wife has Lupus too and was taking Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) for years when she was younger, thankfully her Lupus seems to be mostly in remission now. (she got stung by a bee in the 90's and the Lupus symptoms lessened significantly, but that's another story)

The way the media and the Gov officials portrayed hydroxychloroquine was nothing short of extremely dishonest and immoral. The risk they played up, cardiac issues and retina damage are miniscule. My wife was on high doses of Plaquenil for years with no side effects. And so have many other Lupus patients and others with rheumatoid arthritis. In most of the world this drug is available otc!

So the same people that lied about Hydroxychloroquine can't understand why people are hesitant to get the vaccine? There has been too much dis-information/politicization in the last year  around Covid for people to feel confident about getting vaccinated. And I don't blame them for being skeptical.

BTW, I am vaccinated, J&J shot. There are reasons why I did, but I support anyone to do what is right for them and not what others want them to do.
The Owner of my company got the Covid, His wife she has Lupas so has the hydroxychloroquine.  Besides getting tested he didn't go to the hospital just took the hydroxychloroquine..... Well after almost 8 weeks and dropping 65 lbs of muscle he finally tested negative.  Now after almost 6 months of going back to the gym he is putting back on muscle but he is struggling to gain strength.

I got shots for Shingles. That dude kicked my ass so I dove in and got the shots. I Don't take Flu Shots. Probably got Covid in Jan 2019. Was sick for three days. Laid in bed with no energy, no appetite, the pillow hurt my head. Body hurt. Shiit, everything hurt. Woke up the 4th day, took a shower and went back to work. Very rarely do I get sick. Have I taken the Covid shot? NO. Have I ever taken another man's coock up my aisss? NO. Have I ever rode a wheelie down Oldsmobile hill? YES! Have I ever fallen into a witches Eye and jacked my shiit up? YES! Did I run to the store and buy multiple boxes of toilet paper because everyone else was? NO! Have I ever pulled a Holeshot racing Motocross? YES! Have I ever won an overall First Place Trophy racing Motocross? NO! Have I ever been in a fist fight? YES! Have I ever won a Fist Fight? NO! Did I graduate High School? YES! Have I ever been fired from a Job? YES! Do I have a License Plate on my Truck that reads WGASA? YES! Which stands for................Who Gives A Shiit Anyway. Peace

^^^^^  I'll take a shingles vaccine when my time comes, which is soon.

Sounds horrific.  Vaccine was based of a need/want.  Not a political/media shadow war.

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As a deployed DOD contractor I basically only got vaccinated (pfizer) because I knew travel would be easier. I had all the symptoms in March of 2020 but was unable to get tested to verify. With the initial shot I only had a day of discomfort at the injection point. Second shot was about 24hrs of the same symptoms in March. Basically bed ridden for a day. 

I am currently in Palau which only opened up travel restrictions in June. They require vaccinations and testing before arrival. 100% of adults are vaccinated. I believe that was funded by the United States Taxpayer. They have not had a single case. If you shut down entry of possible carriers then you most likely are good. Palau only has around 15000 people so I am sure that helped. 

I normally never get vaccinated for anything unless required by my work. I figure God gave us the ability to fight things off so why rely on someone else. That being said if you have multiple  comorbidities then I would not be afraid to get vaccinated with your doctors guidance. 

Now let's get back to at least pre-covid Freedom. After that we can work on getting back the other freedoms they have taken.

It's been 1.5 years and I've been in a different house everyday of the week and at the lumber yards picking through material like every other sweaty, dirty bastard there, that is working at other peoples houses everyday.. I'm nearing 50, smoke, put on some weight and I'm still kicking. I been under the weather a few times, lost my taste for 24 hours, but not feeling the need to get vac. My age and choices would have people say get vaccinated.

 The science is out there. Less than 2% chance of dying. I think this is more of a personal choice.

P.S. I think it's very telling that you can't get an antibody test easily to see if you've had it. My doctor told me the only place he knows of is to go donate blood because they check.. If you knew you had already had it, would you get a shot? And who here believes that a shot is going to give you a more natural immunity than mother nature will provide us?   "Science" absolutely loses me when they tell me I should still get the shot if I've already had it.. 

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It's been 1.5 years and I've been in a different house everyday of the week and at the lumber yards picking through material like every other sweaty, dirty bastard there, that is working at other peoples houses everyday.. I'm nearing 50, smoke, put on some weight and I'm still kicking. I been under the weather a few times, lost my taste for 24 hours, but not feeling the need to get vac. My age and choices would have people say get vaccinated.

 The science is out there. Less than 2% chance of dying. I think this is more of a personal choice.

P.S. I think it's very telling that you can't get an antibody test easily to see if you've had it. My doctor told me the only place he knows of is to go donate blood because they check.. If you knew you had already had it, would you get a shot? And who here believes that a shot is going to give you a more natural immunity than mother nature will provide us?   "Science" absolutely loses me when they tell me I should still get the shot if I've already had it.. 
I had a runny nose and cough in early January 2021 for a couple of days, turned into a sneeze the 3rd day.  Work said don't come in.  On the fourth day I had zero symptoms but felt I should get tested regardless.  I tested positive twice the same week (tested 2 days apart by different places) even without symptoms.  Work said I could come back 9 days after showing no symptoms (no idea where the '9 day' thing came from, but I work in a hospital so go figure).  Work also told me DO NOT get tested again.  Okay.  We were one of the first places to have the vaccine and it was offered to all of us as 'first responders'.  I declined and continue to ignore the daily work emails saying I can just walk in and get the shot whenever I want to.  Already had it so why do I need to vaccine? 

Then the Los Angeles Dept. of Health started calling my cell phone, which I ignored, but they'd leave voice mails.  After a week of them calling every day I finally answered and spoke to a nice lady.  She asked if I wanted to schedule an appointment for the vaccine, to which I said I've already declined, numerus times via email.  She said they don't email anyone, just phone calls. I said I meant my work emails and she said oh, where do you work, to which I replied I work for you at County of Los Angeles Department of Health Services, County USC. Plug my last name into your Outlook and see if it pops up.  She did and there I was on her screen.  I politely asked her to stop calling me and haven't heard from them since that day.  Dummies.

To answer your question- Yes, I had Covid and see no need for me to get the vaccine.  

Should change the name from COVID19 to something else.  Dudes would be fighting each other to be vaccinated against Smallcox.  For some, unfortunately it is already too late...

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Do the words measles, smallpox or polio mean anything to you ?
Look up natural immunity to smallpox vs. vaccinated. Thanks for proving my point.

An interesting observation during the smallpox scourge was that people who survived natural smallpox developed life-long immunity against the disease, but immunity following vaccination begins to wane in vaccine recipients 3–5 years after vaccination,[1] even though the majority of vaccine recipients retain some level of antibody up to 75 years after vaccination.[69] The mechanism of vaccine-induced protection is not clear, leaving a major gap in knowledge of the correlates of immune protection against smallpox that becomes relevant for efficacy evaluation of new-generation vaccines.

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Like Trump tried but got called racist. 
That was a test. You have earned a trophy. Glad you caught that. What have the progressives said in the past..."Never let a crisis go to waste".   The only way to beat Trump was to allow the "crisis" to get bad enough to pass BS voting  rules. Notice I didn't say Laws.

Larry Elder for Governor.
