Vaccine Research


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May 5, 2021
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Not trying to start a debate on this or that, nor turn this into a political discussion just trying to do my own reading/research.

As someone still on the fence of whether or not to get "The Shot" I would like to do some real reading on the shots. Where are some good places to read up on them and their pluses and minuses that are just bias shout chambers. What sources have you guys used to base your decisions to get it or not. Not looking for "my sister's brother's friend told me".

If they would give FDA approval to the vaccine it would make the choice a whole lot easier. I really don't like that the manufactures can not be held liable.

I literally just got off the phone with my doctor to review my latest blood test and she was mentioning that doctors are being censored and that she cannot post anything on social media or other places regarding what she is seeing in the field.

this Physician is young and healthy and was also raised by anti-VAXers. I believe she actually has no vaccinations whatsoever.

that being said she still prefers that her at risk patients get the vaccine and other than that she believes it is a personal choice but I got the impression that if you were relatively young and in good health she probably would discourage it, although again I felt like she was not comfortable expressing her medical opinion generally.

my ex-wife has severe food allergies, very strange ones and her physician specifically told her she should not get the vaccine.

my decision was based on my health, age and desire to travel. I highly doubt that the Covid vaccine is what he’s going to kill me.


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My wife works at a Dr office, one of the Dr's and her husband  that have both been vaxed got covid last week. Not sure how they are doing because  today  was our first day back to work since she found out.

There is no way to do the research without Politics in the equation. 86% of Democrats are vaccinated, 42% of Republicans are vaccinated.  The election made this about politics, sad in so many ways...................If you find good reliable resources, let me know.

Your going to get some pretty extreme viewpoints around here that is for sure.

The way I looked at it was this. 

I have made lots of choices that I know are not good for my health, I use to smoke, I use to party pretty hard as well. I eat bad, my blood pressure is probably high my blood has the consistency of maple syrup and I am sure there are 1000 things I have done that will cause cancer.

What will the vaccine do to me that I have not done to myself?  I don't think the chances of me having any offspring are very high so what is the worst that happens?  At this point in my life if I get any disease that kills me who is to say it was from getting a shot and not something I did 30 years ago. 

If I get the dam thing then I don't need to worry about possibly getting the crap and if I do it won't be nearly as bad. Last night I watched the Suns game in a pretty crowded bar for the first time. It did enter my mind that somebody in there could have it.  But I did what I could do to not worry about it by getting a couple of shots. 

Then there is the thing  not being able to breath is my darkest fear of dying. Had Bronchitis once and that scared the crap out of me. I hate needles but not being able to breath just flat out terrify's me.  

It will be tough to find non-political stuff about the vaccine on-line.    Lots of anti-vaccine organizations online that make it look like they are a medical website.   You can try some of the legit medical journal websites.   Best to talk to doctors you trust and ask them.  

 - same... on the fence..

One of my big questions is whether or not they are actively updating the vaccines as new research moves forward, OR are they still shooting people up with the same formulation as December? I am having trouble finding any information at all.

 - same... on the fence..

One of my big questions is whether or not they are actively updating the vaccines as new research moves forward, OR are they still shooting people up with the same formulation as December? I am having trouble finding any information at all.
Same vaccine as anything different would have to be approved by the FDA, even on an emergency basis.  

I was a strong hold out till more info came out.

Then a good talk with a Dr. friend of mine...he and his wife (a Nurse) both in the trenches of this crap...he said look if you get the vaccine or don't get he doesn't care.

BUT...if I were to get Covid and have very low or almost no symptoms at all and then were to be around my mom who has a very weak immune system and she got could be very very bad he said!

So, plain and simple, I got the shot to protect my mom or at least help. She also got the shot, the Maderna one.

I got the J&J shot...arm hurt for about an hour...other than that, nothing!

Even my brother was telling me when he went in the marines 30 years ago, he got shot up with all sorts of crap and this he wasn't worried about either.

Our family is strong conservative/republican by the way...just to be part of the politics side of this :lmao:

Oh...and I don't get the Flu shot either, still won't!


PS, added before the shot and after the shot pics! :bag:

see, nothing to worry about!


D-Bartley_Post Vaccine.jpg

Should probably mention that once the FDA grants full approvals for the vaccines, they will become mandated . . .

Should probably mention that once the FDA grants full approvals for the vaccines, they will become mandated . . .
You can't say Mandated! That will be mandatory...Oh wait, can't say that either probably!


One of those terms they are going to change even though it's not gender specific. Clown World we live in!

The Vaccine doesn't protect against COVID.

My wife's doctor said yesterday, that 50-66% of the people getting the Delta Variant have been vaxed.  I know several people that were vaxed and got it.  One of em, it screwed up his lungs.

A few thoughts.

1). If it were really saving lives it would COST.  Are cancer treatments free? Are they giving away free raffle tickets for vacations if you get your cancer treatments? 

2). Dr's are being censored. Why?

3). Why did George Soros and Bill gates just purchase a Covid test making company? 

4).  There have been 40+ thousand deaths from the vaccine to date. 

Does the government and those who support this shot really care about others lives? That's what this is all about right? "HEY PUT YOUR MASK ON YOU MIGHT KILL SOMEONE!!". Right?  What about all of the policies and laws that have been implemented that promote suicide, crime, homelessness, etc. etc. etc...... 

The virus is real. It does kill people. But in no way is it as dangerous as THEY would have you believe. You are more than 50% times likely to die in a car accident than from Covid. In fact  95% of all "Covid" deaths are accompanied with at least 4 comorbidities. Are they asking us to stop driving because we might kills someone?  

If you get Covid you have a 99% chance of survival. if you get the vaccine you can still get Covid and you STILL have a 99% chance of survival.

This is global warming, global cooling, holy ozone, climate change, polar caps melting, seas rising but now it's connected to YOU!  This is a machine producing huge profits and political control.  I don't even believe that THEY in power know what they are doing but in the end the goal is for all of us to bow down to the government in fear for our lives and hand over our God given inalienable rights.

"Give me liberty or give me death"  - Patrick Henry

"Oh please save us dear government - take whatever you want. And PLEASE don't silence or shame me" - Today's society.


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A few thoughts.

1). If it were really saving lives it would COST.  Are cancer treatments free? Are they giving away free raffle tickets for vacations if you get your cancer treatments? 

2). Dr's are being censored. Why?

3). Why did George Soros and Bill gates just purchase a Covid test making company? 

4).  There have been 40+ thousand deaths from the vaccine to date. 

Does the government and those who support this shot really care about others lives? That's what this is all about right? "HEY PUT YOUR MASK ON YOU MIGHT KILL SOMEONE!!". Right?  What about all of the policies and laws that have been implemented that promote suicide, crime, homelessness, etc. etc. etc...... 

The virus is real. It does kill people. But in no way is it as dangerous as THEY would have you believe. You are more than 50% times likely to die in a car accident than from Covid. In fact  95% of all "Covid" deaths are accompanied with at least 4 comorbidities. Are they asking us to stop driving because we might kills someone?  

If you get Covid you have a 99% chance of survival. if you get the vaccine you can still get Covid and you STILL have a 99% chance of survival.

This is global warming, global cooling, holy ozone, climate change, polar caps melting, seas rising but now it's connected to YOU!  This is a machine producing huge profits and political control.  I don't even believe that THEY in power know what they are doing but in the end the goal is for all of us to bow down to the government in fear for our lives and hand over our God given inalienable rights.

"Give me liberty or give me death"  - Patrick Henry

"Oh please save us dear government - take whatever you want. And PLEASE don't silence or shame me" - Today's society.

It does cost.  It was funded by congress/EO under the Covid bills.  Check out Pfizer/Moderna/J&J stock since March-ish.

I think I had Covid January 2020.  Fever and cough for 3 days.  No-one else in my family or anyone I had contact with got sick.  

I know 2nd hand, 2 people who were hospitalized with "covid" in 1 1/2 years.  No one I know or work with "quarantined" at any point.  I continued working through all of this and was in constant contact with co-workers, the public, vendors and contractors.

My friends and family never skipped a beat with gatherings, parties, handshakes and hugs. 

This pandemic literally only exists, for me, in the media.

It does cost.  It was funded by congress/EO under the Covid bills.  Check out Pfizer/Moderna/J&J stock since March-ish.
Yup, you are correct. I am aware of that information thank you. My point is that because it IS government funded they are holding your hand walking you into "We know what's best for YOU - come along let US help you".. 
