Throw it in the trash!

  As a kid I loved Ketchup, but then I realized it's too sweet and these days will only eat it with fries etc
Add some tabasco to your ketchup. Makes it spicy and not sweet. Only way I eat it anymore.

My Step-Dad was big on the "You can not like something but you have to at least try it once before you can say Not Eating that" 

Sushi for me was ehh, I can eat it but It just wasn't my thing and I like seafood .  For me the no goes are

Broccoli, Zucchini, Brussel Sprouts, Squash,  Cauliflower, Beats and Lima Beans

Oh and anything coffee flavored :vomit:  Never had a cup and not going to drink that vile piss anytime soon   

Arti... ughhheggghh... fn... choke!!! On pizza?? You mofos are weird! Get it outta here!!! 
