Throw it in the trash!

I hate any form of an Olive................

Cabbage ... fkin garbage. Keep it off my corned beef. The ONLY exception is Northwoods Inn, for some reason I can eat that stuff.

I like to eat several drives me crazy when they ask me what kind of "Dipping Sauce" do I want.  I want to eat Ja.Lop.a.No (Jalapeno) Poppers.  I have diverted from my diet and I sure as heck don't want to divert more, by eating crap (Blue Cheese, as DW would say, "Vomit-troucious").

Around her, if you go into a restaurant, watch out for a "Smothered Burrito"  (often Green-Chili Sauce).   How can I pick it up and eat it, if it has sauce all over it. A Burrito is supposed to be eaten like a sandwich..   God gave us fingers for at least 3 things got to the bathroom (hold ur pecker, and wipe your....), eat with (hopefully after you washed the poop off), and to play w/your wife's body.

The other day, I was at a donut shop, and they asked me if I wanted a knife and fork w/my Breakfast Burro.  What the heck is that!!!  They sell a Burro Bowl (same ingredients, in a bowl, no tortilla).  He also had the nerve to ask if I wanted Sour Creme on it....Vomit.trocious.

Broccoli ....unless you boil it, throw it away, and use the leftover water to drown a cat it's absolutely worthless.

cracklins and pork rinds... you only defend it if you eat carp too, dirty ass bottom feeder :effu:

Brussel sprouts

anything that comes out of the ocean



cooked spinach (Raw is fine in a salad).

When I was young, I was pretty picky about food, but as I grew up I've found there is very little I won't eat (except salmon unless it's poached with a nice dill sauce or as lox on a bagel).  As a kid I loved Ketchup, but then I realized it's too sweet and these days will only eat it with fries etc (which I rarely order and would rather have onion rings anyway cuz they are better).

PS:  Clint was right, nobody should ever put Ketchup on a hot dog . . .

Orange juice with PULP!!!! No pulp is fine, but I don't want to chew what I'm drinking! :laugh1:

Creamed Spinach

Brussel Sprouts
