Throw it in the trash!

Next up is a multiple offender.  It's so chitty it has two names to try an sneak under your radar.




WTF?  It's so chitty you have to cover it in the aforementioned swill to make it "taste good".

Cooked cauliflower/cauliflower rice.

Get this flavor destroying garbage off my plate.  Whatever you are serving it with just went from a possible 10 to a 0.

The  communist that thought putting pineapple on pizza was a good idea needs to be shown the bottom of a lake..

I don't discriminate. I like everything that you listed. :legit:

You can throw all artificial sweeteners and seed oils in the trash though. 

Pure sugar and lard is better for you

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The Tripe in menudo, I like it when its crispy from a bbq but in a soup its gross
I'm the same way with tomatoes and onions.  On a burger, F off.  Salsa, yes please

Ranch, cool ranch, sour cream and onion or flaming hot chips.  All f*cking garbage.

Any strawberry, watermelon or peanut butter flavored candy!  Disgusting.
