Tell us something from your childhood we dont know about you (10 years old or younger)

I had the cops " chasing" me down second street in El cajon when I was about 4-5 years old on my jumbo jet, big wheel.. apparently I made it almost a mile away from home. My parents had no shame, they brought it up as a fond memory . It only got worse from there.  :legit:

I had a "great awakening" at 16, and was pretty tame after that 

We used to ride in the back of pickup trucks all the time in traffic. Standing sometimes.

I had the cops " chasing" me down second street in El cajon when I was about 4-5 years old on my jumbo jet, big wheel.. apparently I made it almost a mile away from home. My parents had no shame, they brought it up as a fond memory . It only got worse from there.  :legit:

I had a "great awakening" at 16, and was pretty tame after that 
Great awakening….?
