Tell us something from your childhood we dont know about you (10 years old or younger)

I was 2 years old and climbed around into the drivers seat of my moms 68 Volkswagen bus truck. She backed it into the driveway and then went inside unloading groceries. I turned the ignition key and because it was left in gear, it lunged forward. It putted across the street and went down into the neighbors yard and got hung up on a fence. Dad came home and had to pull it out with his truck. 
That was my first time driving. I don’t think I drive much better now. 
I have a Downs son (8 years old at the time). because i was too busy with work at the time (probably 20 years ago) my wife and her best friend wanted to do a girls trip in our moho from Cali to north Dakota and back, Rockies etc.  their first night at an RV park with the 33foot 1988 Southwind moho.  she asked my my 16 year old son to watch my 8 year old while she went to check in.  a few min later some people come running into the office and said a moho had crashed into a fifth wheel. my wifes heart sunk as she knew it had to be our moho.  the rv park had a slight hill and my son pulled it out of park. it rolled and crashed into the slide of a brand new fifth wheel on its maiden voyage.  that guy was screwed cause they couldn't put the slide back in.  my wife used a few rolls of duct tape to put the whole left front corner of the moho back together with the light socket and all.  They continued on their trip and the rest was a success.  I have never seen determination like that.

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I was born in 1968, my dad was a marine staff Sergeant wounded in vietnam and was sent home about 1969-70. He got out because I was born and he was wounded.

I was probably 2ish, found his butch wax and decided to do my hair on christmas eve before midnite mass. On top of that I stuck a bobby pin in the wall socket and shocked

the hell out of me I'm told. My mom was crying, hysterical because we weren't going to make mass, they had to use a jar of peanut butter to get the butch wax out of my hair lol.

When I was approx. 4 years old in St. Louis, my mom and dad were attending a back yard party.  All the adults were having fun on the patio, and somehow I got into the built in pool and no one was monitoring the pool.  I have no idea what season this was and if anyone was supposed to be swimming.  My mom and dad were not watching me, and I was seriously drowning because in St. Louis I had never been in a pool before. 

The only thing that saved me was that my straw hat was floating on the water, and a man from the party jumped in and saved me.  I found out many years later from my dad, that the man went on to become Attorney General of Missouri.

I always saved the hat for sentimental reasons, but unfortunately in June 2021 I may have thrown it away during a mega stressful and haphazard family move.  I found one tonight that looks just like it, just for illustration purposes.


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We walked to school every day. When I was 6 years old my first day Kindergarten. I walked down the end of the street and sat on the curb. Didn't want to go! The neighbor at the end of the street Mrs. Eilert called my Mom and said Jeff is sitting on the corner not going to school. She had to leave work and come get me. Mom drove me to the school and walked me into the classroom. I looked out to the concrete playground and saw the tricycles with an oval painted track. I asked the teacher "Can I ride those?" Yes Jeff, you can ride those at recess. I couldn't wait for Recess. Needless to say........School wasn't a problem after that. Race was On! Peace

Another fun one from me when I was young...

I used to get up in the middle of the night and go in the family room where the big comfy rocking chair was and rock....and rock.....and rock.

Well as you rock, some chairs don't stay in place...the move. Usually backwards.

This chair was right in front of a huge glass window.....rock, rock, rock......CRASH!!!!!!!!


<-----<< Oh, and yes, that picture is of me when I was 2-3 years old. My brother and I were playing a game we called "Land Mine".

We would fill baggies of water, then dig a hole in the backyard, right next to the garage...put the baggies of water in then cover with dirt. then get a running start and jump on the dirt and YELL- "LAND MINE".

If you jumped right, you wouldn't get "that" dirty, but the side of the garage was covered in was not happy. Well, I think my brother thought it would be funny to throw a dirt clod at me and yelled, "GRENADE"

As you can see from the pic where that ended up.


Another fun one from me when I was young...

I used to get up in the middle of the night and go in the family room where the big comfy rocking chair was and rock....and rock.....and rock.

Well as you rock, some chairs don't stay in place...the move. Usually backwards.

This chair was right in front of a huge glass window.....rock, rock, rock......CRASH!!!!!!!!


<-----<< Oh, and yes, that picture is of me when I was 2-3 years old. My brother and I were playing a game we called "Land Mine".

We would fill baggies of water, then dig a hole in the backyard, right next to the garage...put the baggies of water in then cover with dirt. then get a running start and jump on the dirt and YELL- "LAND MINE".

If you jumped right, you wouldn't get "that" dirty, but the side of the garage was covered in was not happy. Well, I think my brother thought it would be funny to throw a dirt clod at me and yelled, "GRENADE"

As you can see from the pic where that ended up.

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There was a story my Grandmother use to tell about me when I was about the same age as that picture, The picture kind of triggered that memory actually.

I was around that age and my mom's cousin who was my Dad's best friend ( actually how they met in High School) was getting married.  Well Mom and Dad left me with Grandma and Grandpa so they only had my two sisters to deal with to get ready to go to this big wedding.  Well grandma got me all cleaned up , hair combed nice white shirt with my new dress pants all ready to go.  Last thing she told me was go sit with your grandfather we have to go in just a minute.  Well I walked right by Grandpa and out into the yard and proceeded to play.  Well by the time she found me a mere minute later. I looked like your picture.  Of course the older I got the quicker the time from go sit with your grandfather to what in the hell have you done got shorter and shorter. 

So instead of wearing my nice white shirt with the dress pants at the wedding I was wearing the same thing my parents dropped me off wearing.  Still remember my mom laughing when grandma said I only took my eye's off him for a second. Grandma use to say I could get in trouble faster then she could put on lipstick.

when i was 3 or 4 around 1977-78 my dad finally had saved enough to buy a worm drive skill saw... i was playing with it apparently (not pluged in just carting it around the garage) and i set it on a 5 gallon bucket of paint. no biggie right? well the bucket didnt have a lid on it, it was covered with tin foil so saw went right thru and sat in the bucket of paint for a number of days i guess, when my dad finally noticed the cord sticking out of the bucket as he was looking for hte saw.  all i recall from that was him in the backyard trying to clean all the paint out of it, which i dont think he could save it.  he eventually got another one in the mid 80's which i still have to this day and just used it 2 days ago.

my dad died when i was eight, but before that when i was like 6, i took apart my bike to paint the frame, it didnt dawn on me that i shouldn't have rested the frame up against my Dads 63 corvette with a 427 engine to paint my frame.

im thinking this is one of the times my mom thought i should have died.......
I did something similar but it was the side of my parents brand new house. Dad was pretty pist!!   


When I was about 3, maybe 4 years old, my mom put me down for a nap. She was doing some stuff around the house. My dad was at work and my brother was in Kindergarten.

My mom came in to check on me and I was no where to be found....panic mode set in as she went through the house looking for me. She feared I was in the pool...but no, no where in the yard...she went out front, NOTHING...Vanished!

She called my Dad then called the some time had passed, but by the time she called the cops....a lady had just called in saying she found a young boy wandering around the neighborhood!   :kenk:

They put 2 and 2 together and realized I was the one.

Apparently, I got up from my nap and went out the back door and down the driveway and was just out front. 

Some lady drove by, saw me out front and picked me up without even knocking on any door to see if I belonged somewhere or if a neighbor knew who I was. She took me home and called the cops!

The cops then chewed my Mom a new one for being negligent. My poor Mom. 

Wrought Iron gates went up across the driveway after that!



My 10 yr old did that when he was 7...lady down the street found himn walking @ 5:30 am. Apparently after I left for work, he decided he was leaving too :doh:

I chewed lead paint off window sills.  I fell out of a 2nd level window of an apartment and didnt get hurt,  Roamed the neighborhood until the street lights came on.  Did all the crap a kids these days would never be allowed to do.  I'd say I was left pretty much unattended! from age 2-17

Just wait! Someday someone is going to ask, tell us about the crazy things your parents/grand parents did in the sand dune. It may turn out to be unspeakable.

Just wait! Someday someone is going to ask, tell us about the crazy things your parents/grand parents did in the sand dune. It may turn out to be unspeakable.

If they only knew...................  LOL.


and this was before the sun went down & everyone started drinking............  what happened after does not get talked about........  LOL

Like in the one post from cookie, can you imagine how it would be received today if you saw kids riding tricycles on the roof of a house? It would make national news, maybe even international. 

Playing on the roof was no big deal then, heck we used to just run across the roof and jump off like it was just a curb.

I was almost 10 yrs old and we lived in Okinawa. We went to the beach with another family who had 3 boys. The oldest kid was the ugliest freckle faced kid you could ever imagine, the other 2 boys were very good looking blonde kids. While we were there, the parents started getting drunk and arguing. At first I wasn't paying attention, but eventually they got really loud and I could hear what they were arguing about. The wife said she never loved her husband, she was disgusted every time he touched her and she had been having an affair with his best friend for most of their marriage! I was transfixed! My parents never argued in front of us and never drank. 

I was just now learning that married people sometimes got drunk and slept with other people and my mind was trying to process it all, including just how angry they were getting! The husband yelled, "So you had an affair with him? Well that explains the ugly red headed freckled sh1t you gave birth to!" She was furious and yelled, "The ugly one is your kid! The two cute blonde ones are HIS kids!" Now my mind is REALLY expanding exponentially - realizing that not everyone in this world are actually related to both parents!!

The look on all 3 boys' face was priceless, especially the red headed kid! To hear both parents talk about him like that and realize how they really felt about him was devastating! My mom was totally aghast at all of this and was throwing our stuff in the car to get out of there! She grabbed me and threw me in the car. As we were hauling ass out of there, mom was saying to me, "That's why you never drink! People do and say really stupid things when they're drunk and then they have to live with their regrets forever!"

I asked, "do you think they're going to get a divorce?" My stepdad said, "Probably.." and my mom said simultaneously, "That's none of your business! Just forget all about them!"

Obviously that didn't happen!      :lol:

I was almost 10 yrs old and we lived in Okinawa. We went to the beach with another family who had 3 boys. The oldest kid was the ugliest freckle faced kid you could ever imagine, the other 2 boys were very good looking blonde kids. While we were there, the parents started getting drunk and arguing. At first I wasn't paying attention, but eventually they got really loud and I could hear what they were arguing about. The wife said she never loved her husband, she was disgusted every time he touched her and she had been having an affair with his best friend for most of their marriage! I was transfixed! My parents never argued in front of us and never drank. 

I was just now learning that married people sometimes got drunk and slept with other people and my mind was trying to process it all, including just how angry they were getting! The husband yelled, "So you had an affair with him? Well that explains the ugly red headed freckled sh1t you gave birth to!" She was furious and yelled, "The ugly one is your kid! The two cute blonde ones are HIS kids!" Now my mind is REALLY expanding exponentially - realizing that not everyone in this world are actually related to both parents!!

The look on all 3 boys' face was priceless, especially the red headed kid! To hear both parents talk about him like that and realize how they really felt about him was devastating! My mom was totally aghast at all of this and was throwing our stuff in the car to get out of there! She grabbed me and threw me in the car. As we were hauling ass out of there, mom was saying to me, "That's why you never drink! People do and say really stupid things when they're drunk and then they have to live with their regrets forever!"

I asked, "do you think they're going to get a divorce?" My stepdad said, "Probably.." and my mom said simultaneously, "That's none of your business! Just forget all about them!"

Obviously that didn't happen!      :lol:
 thought the funniest part was that you were only 10 and was checking out the two good looking blonde boys..........

BTW im glad i dont drink  LOL

Just wait! Someday someone is going to ask, tell us about the crazy things your parents/grand parents did in the sand dune. It may turn out to be unspeakable.
First trip to the dunes was to Pismo, I am thinking it was 70-72. All I remember was my Grandfather riding around on a Trail 90 in cut off shorts, no shirt, boat shoes and a big straw hat with a Boda bag full of wine around his neck..

Him and his Firefighter friends Joel Rumbelfanger, Bill Barr and Monty Ward were all doing this. They would climb a dune take a drink pouring the wine into there mouth from as far away as they could get the bag. All day long they did this as the rest of the group would struggle to get to the top of hills or around bowls.

Then as the sun went down they would all stop on the beach, nobody was camping there BTW. Build a big bonfire and the men would go out into the surf with pitch forks looking for clams.  They would boil the clams continue to drink and get crazy and jump around the fire like madmen. Firefighters know how to party, at least back then they did.

Also remember that trip because my dad ( also a fire fighter at the time) and a few buddys had pulled the body off a VW bug and put on a manx body. It was also the maddest I ever saw my mom.  Her and my dad went out on a mid-morning dune run in the dune buggy. Well I guess the belt broke and he seized the engine. It was a long walk from there to where we were camped( A campground with tree's and stuff that you could see the beach from the entrance)  and she was not happy by the time she got back to camp.

Dad sold that buggy that day to one of the other guys and it would be another 20 plus years till I went to the dunes again.  I asked my mom if she wanted to go once with me.... Well let's just put it this way. She had that same look when she sid, No Thanks.

So when years from now when they tell out stories of the dunes they will not be that wild in all the big picture of things.

When we first moved to Okinawa, we discovered that it was a penal colony many years ago, so many of the descendants were kind of proud of their skills as pickpockets or home burglars. It was common knowledge to them that most military families received a travel allowances check in addition to a regular check on the first payday after they arrive. They sent a couple of small kids thru the window of my parents' bedroom and stole several thousand in cash, silver certificates, rare coin collection, Rolex right off his wrist. The only money we had left was $60 of my allowance money I saved up, under my pillow. The cops said they never catch them, nobody cooperates, so we should just get a dog.

My stepdad came home with a spool of nichrome wire, nearly invisible but super strong. we made up trip wires that snaked through the area behind the house. He also got a 120 lb German Shepherd which had failed out of the military working dog school (he couldn't ignore other dogs or cats) and they gave us 500 lb of free gov't dog food. He had been tied up behind the Chief's Club for a couple of months, so he was really mean, the waiters would tease him by leaving bones just out of reach of his chain. We got him home and he slowly settled down after a week or so. He became my dog. I fed him about 4 lbs of food/day, shoveled what seemed like 8 lb of crap a day, groomed him and he dragged me for a walk twice a day. I was a really small kid - 60 lbs, so since he weighed twice as much, he decided which way we went, I just got dragged everywhere!   LOL

We had tied the trip wires to a long waterpipe along the 30" tall retaining wall, then it was a 11' drop into the neighbor's back yard. Rudy would lay in the laundry room and if all was quiet, he would wag his tail against the dryer and we'd hear a soft "bong, bong, bong" all night long. If he heard something, he'd stop wagging and growl softly, which would wake me up. He did it one night and I woke my stepdad up. He said, "Let him out. We'll clean up in the morning." I quietly opened the door and all I could hear was dog paws on cement, then snarling and snapping, then screaming, then the loud banging of the waterpipe as he tripped over the nichrome wire and a loud scream and a thud as he went over the low wall and fell 11' down to the ground! I went out with a flashlight, but couldn't see anyone. Rudy was looking over the low wall and wagging his tail. The next morning, we saw a small puddle of blood where the burglar fell in the neighbor's yard.

The rules were if I was walking Rudy on the street, he had to stay on the leash. if I took him exploring in the rain forest, he was allowed off leash to protect me from Habu snakes, which were very common and extremely paranoid snakes, they would attack from a much longer distance than other snakes. I'd let Rudy run ahead on the trail and if he spotted a Habu, he'd trot back to me and herd me in a different direction with his shoulder. If I tried to push past him, he'd push back harder. We had a lot of fun chasing frogs into ponds, eating lunch in the forest, pretending we were Huck Finn, exploring, etc.

My sister was just beginning to crawl and she'd slowly crawl across the front yard grass. Rudy would lay in the sun, relaxing with his paws crossed. When she got close to the street, he'd casually get up, trot over to her and knock her over and she'd crawl off in a new direction. Every time she headed for the sidewalk, he'd casually knock her over and she'd crawl back.

There was another kid on our block who had a Doberman that barked all of the time. Rudy only barked when he was suspicious of someone. The other kid kept saying his Doberman was the toughest dog on the street and he could kill Rudy. One day I got tired of his yapping and let Rudy off his leash. All we heard was Rudy's jaws snapping and the Doberman yelping in pain! The kid went home with his bleeding Doberman and that evening his father came over and complained to my stepdad that Rudy had attacked his dog unprovoked. I spoke up and said that was a lie, his kid had been bragging that his dog would eat mine. So I showed him he was wrong. My stepdad said, "You can't go around letting Rudy get into dog fights! That's the wrong thing to do!" "Well, you don't want me to get into fights, so I just let Rudy prove how wrong he was! That sure shut him up!"  :lol:     I still got in trouble, but it was worth it every time I saw the loudmouth kid and his Doberman started whining when he saw Rudy!  :lol:  

I always thought Rudy was fearless, but one time we saw a rat in the yard, about the size of a small cat! I told Rudy to get it! He got up, took one step, got a good look at it, backed up, sat down, looked up at me with his ears up like, "Hell no! Did you see that effing thing?? You want it, you go get it!"  :lol:    I later shot the thing with a .22 cal CO2 pellet rifle and the wet fur acted like body armor. It got knocked back about 4 ft and got back up, chattering like crazy! We ended up killing it when I threw a Cherry Bomb into it's hole and blew it into bits!
