Supercross/Outdoor Motorcross

Just stoked to have him back!

Be interesting to see how he does. 


not a fan but the kid knows how to win, Grats (rumor he might race 450 outdoors 2025)


Great racing, pretty solid riding by Deegan in the 1st, but got smoked in the 2nd but it didn't matter!

Congrats to him on the championship. Can only go downhill from here!  :lmao:

Looking forward to the guys that take him down... 

Congrats to chase...epic ride in the 2nd. Stoked to see Tomac back...looked great in the 1st...Even Plessinger was worried.

Bad start in the 2nd but an overall 7th for the day after 4 months off, not bad!

Even Mookie got his best overall, 4th.

This coming Saturday is the last MX...that went by fast!

I am excited to see Roc race Deegan this weekend should be a blast

I hope Roczen smokes him, but I think Deegan is gonna be so SIKK and Send it Brah!

If he beats Roczen and everyone, there isn't a helmet big enough to fit that punks inflated ego!

Smoke him Roc! Smoke that moofer like some pulled pork and ribs with a side of Smack-Slaw and Cry Baby Cabbage!!


"Breaking🚨 we have good news a bad news for the @elitomac fans Eli has officially signed with the @starracingyamaha team for the ENTIRE 2025 SMX season but with that said he did say this will be his “final full season of professional racing” it’s a good thing I’m going to @ironmanmx this weekend to support the Champ @elitomac"

I wonder if he will still do supercross and forgo MX after 2025?? It does say last "Full" season.


Stoked he's gonna give it go, so fun to watch and no matter what, you can't ever really count him out!



hope he goes out in style

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Congrats to Deegan and Chase! Both well deserved!

I was actually surprised about Roczen...but I think he was just out having fun so top 10 is cool!

Now, stoked that Tomac was in and a 3rd overall...that is epic considering he's been out of the outdoors for 2 years and just came back last weekend!

Of course, he's not gonna have the speed of..............ONLY 3 Guys, well actually only 2 in the 2nd.

Come on, that is awesome!

Glad he's back...the rest of the field has to be scratching their heads.

Deegan is to undergo surgery on his hand for worn out hardware, part of the reason no go for MDXN.

In one way I was hoping he'd go, just cause he's fast hell, but then to hear him on the podium representing the US... :simrak:
That, I think would be no bueno.
