So who's going to be the DNC's candidate ?


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It's pretty close.... 

the more demented calipornians move there the worse it will get....

Screenshot_20240806_180445_Samsung Internet.jpg

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Unconfirmed but worth looking into..

Walz record: 1: Allowed the riots to go completely out of control. Police Precinct burned to ground.  120 buildings torched, $500 million in damage. Did not allow police or National Guard to take control until it was too late. Police were not allowed to wear riot gear, as it “looked too combative”.  2: Locked down state excessively during pandemic.  Had a tip line for citizens to call in and report offenders. Example:  children playing outside. 3: Churches were closed. Small businesses were closed. Liquor stores were open.  Walz’s radical AG was waiting to pounce on and prosecute any small business owner who dared open their doors. 4: Minnesota had the largest fraud of pandemic money in US. 5: Overtaxed and squandered a record budget surplus, after promising to return to taxpayers. 6: Allowed protestors to storm US interstate, and falsely stated semi driver ( releasing his identity on TV) intended to cause injury to protestors. 7: Created a situation where doctors and patients could not get to hospitals. 8: Allowed armed thugs to take over part of city and establish encampment that lasted for months, only ending when they were paid off with taxpayer money. 9: Excessive restrictions and endless permit requirements have caused new businesses to give up and choose other states to build in, and existing businesses to relocate. 10: Propose and pass excessively restrictive “green deal” laws. 11: Excessive controls on for example, copper mining on Iron Range. 12: The most  extreme abortion allowance in US.  (Most Citizens do NOT favor abortion up to time of delivery unless medically necessary ). 13: Excessive mandates to school districts on how money  can be spent, and curriculum that must be taught.  A radical Leftist curriculum at that. 14: Created an environment (“defund the police”), putting citizens at risk. 15: Created a “sanctuary state”  for young minors wanting irreversible gender altering surgery. 16: Allow school districts to not inform parents if children want to use “alternative pronouns” in school. 17: Allowed a small panel to decide on and change our state flag.  18: Minnesota is now considered one of the worst states for business. Minnesota has now fallen to 19th in education under his watch and since he took office there has been over $500 million in fraud and not one person has been fired. He forced all state employees to get vaccinated or lose their jobs. His policies have quit tampons in boys, bathrooms, biological males and girls, restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams. He signed the bill that gave Minnesota drivers licenses to any illegal alien who applies for it. This is just a partial list; that immediately, comes to mind.

Is anyone surprised that she picked a left-wing radical, soft on crime, socialist beta male?

The Democrat Party has proven to be a Socialist Party…

Watching FOX NEWS about this guy. How can you say "I didn't say that" When they have it on tape. Don't understand how any Democrat can vote for that party. Unless you just HATE AMERICA. Peace 

Unconfirmed but worth looking into..

Walz record: 1: Allowed the riots to go completely out of control. Police Precinct burned to ground.  120 buildings torched, $500 million in damage. Did not allow police or National Guard to take control until it was too late. Police were not allowed to wear riot gear, as it “looked too combative”.  2: Locked down state excessively during pandemic.  Had a tip line for citizens to call in and report offenders. Example:  children playing outside. 3: Churches were closed. Small businesses were closed. Liquor stores were open.  Walz’s radical AG was waiting to pounce on and prosecute any small business owner who dared open their doors. 4: Minnesota had the largest fraud of pandemic money in US. 5: Overtaxed and squandered a record budget surplus, after promising to return to taxpayers. 6: Allowed protestors to storm US interstate, and falsely stated semi driver ( releasing his identity on TV) intended to cause injury to protestors. 7: Created a situation where doctors and patients could not get to hospitals. 8: Allowed armed thugs to take over part of city and establish encampment that lasted for months, only ending when they were paid off with taxpayer money. 9: Excessive restrictions and endless permit requirements have caused new businesses to give up and choose other states to build in, and existing businesses to relocate. 10: Propose and pass excessively restrictive “green deal” laws. 11: Excessive controls on for example, copper mining on Iron Range. 12: The most  extreme abortion allowance in US.  (Most Citizens do NOT favor abortion up to time of delivery unless medically necessary ). 13: Excessive mandates to school districts on how money  can be spent, and curriculum that must be taught.  A radical Leftist curriculum at that. 14: Created an environment (“defund the police”), putting citizens at risk. 15: Created a “sanctuary state”  for young minors wanting irreversible gender altering surgery. 16: Allow school districts to not inform parents if children want to use “alternative pronouns” in school. 17: Allowed a small panel to decide on and change our state flag.  18: Minnesota is now considered one of the worst states for business. Minnesota has now fallen to 19th in education under his watch and since he took office there has been over $500 million in fraud and not one person has been fired. He forced all state employees to get vaccinated or lose their jobs. His policies have quit tampons in boys, bathrooms, biological males and girls, restrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams. He signed the bill that gave Minnesota drivers licenses to any illegal alien who applies for it. This is just a partial list; that immediately, comes to mind.

Is anyone surprised that she picked a left-wing radical, soft on crime, socialist beta male?

The Democrat Party has proven to be a Socialist Party…
Ooops! I see you covered this in point #2. I read it too fast.

I'll add one more, he set up a tip line so residents could anonymously turn in their neighbors for violating his pandemic restrictions. Which is ironic since just today in a rally speech he espoused being kind to your neighbors. Dude takes hypocrisy to a whole new level.

It also appears he spent a lot of time in China and has a deep affinity for that country.

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These people are all bad. I am not sure why anyone would choose this turd, but the Dems really want to CHEAT!!!. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Trump 2024!
This is not going to go well!

I fear Kamala-toe will win because the left is so corrupt, and they flaunt it! They don't give a rat's ass about anyone and will do/say whatever it takes to keep themselves in their position! It doesn't affect them.

This election is Effing scary!

These people are all bad. I am not sure why anyone would choose this turd, but the Dems really want to CHEAT!!!. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Trump 2024!

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Not sure why that responded twice...can't delete the second one...


Eff the DEMS
