:rofl: ... I'm kinda a Crypto troll,.. so ... got 10 of these good (replica, they're heavy and made pretty nice) ones for $13 each and having a blast putting them in the check for a dinner bill and asking for $38,500 in change.. LOL... Just tried to pay the dealership for service on my diesel yesterday..., etc.

Cyrpto is the biggest Ponzi scheme ever. I'm shocked how many folks are 'into it.' Fundamentally the ONLY way you make money on this useless 'asset' is the greater fool theory. It's just transferring wealth from those who are in early (and lucky) to those who come in late and will lose. I'll bet we'll have plenty of divorces and 'Crypto Suicides' as a result as the years go by. 

I don't have ANY problem with the lack of morality/ethics. It's not YOUR responsibility to look out for anyone's financial interest but your own. It's a free country and people have to learn. All you hear is from those 'pump up' dudes and HODL people... you never  hear from the people who got cashed out due to margin calls (and lost it all) or those that got spooked and sold at a loss because they're too embarrassed to admit it.

That being said, I do have a buddy who is literally now worth 8 figures due to playing with this stuff for the last 7 years. He's had his initial purchase $$ out for some time now. He at least had a 'strategy' to liquidate 10% or so at certain price points. He's still in, but has a FAT USD bank account that he won't put back in... I wonder how many thousands .. or hundreds of thousands of 'late adopters' essentially have just transferred their 'wealth' to him?

Good luck. I sincerely hope you make money.


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The apps are so sketchy it makes it impossible to trust them even if you really want to.

Downloaded app, hit a wall with the verification code they were supposed to text to my cell. They already had me verify through email but the next step was to text a verification code to my mobile. Never got it. Hit resend like fifty times over the course of 2 days. In like 5 years I’m gonna get a crapload of texts containing a bunch of different verification codes. 

Downloaded binance app. Will not accept any password I try to enter no matter how unwordlike it is. Keeps telling me that I can’t have a common word for a password. Tried every ridiculous combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and symbols that nobody could possibly remember and same bullCrap. 

Coinbase thinks I already have an account set up with them. Must have been sleepdownloading crypto apps when I was sleepwalking and somehow subconsciously heard of coinbase before 3 days ago because there’s already an account associated with my email. If that were the case I’d be getting emails from them at least once in a while right? I’ve never got anything from them. Try to do “forgot password” deal to at least see if someone has set up a coinbase account through my email but they never send anything to my email to allow me to change said password. WTF?

This is all way more than enough for me to call bullCrap on all 3 of them. EFF EM!

how are you guys funding your account.  It won't let me use credit cards.  I have tried 3 different ones.  to setup a Fiat account they need your SS number and account info.  Not really wanting to give China my SS number. is a China company like Robinhood.  what do you all do?

how are you guys funding your account.  It won't let me use credit cards.  I have tried 3 different ones.  to setup a Fiat account they need your SS number and account info.  Not really wanting to give China my SS number. is a China company like Robinhood.  what do you all do?
I honestly think that it’s just like everything else Chinese. 1 out of 50 works and the other 49 just end up in the trash. Totally random without any rhyme or reason. That’s how China works. The have volume. You just have to try like 49 more times. 

If China ever starts exporting cars to the west that’s going to be interesting.

I am not new to stock trading but I am new to crypto currency.

Why is it that Fidelity, Ameritrade, and other big investment companies do not trade crypto currency ?

Why is it so hard to set up a crypto account with these various smaller ones and what is a crypto wallet ? 

Are all these challenges really red flags or is it designed to be difficult to keep would be investors away ??

how are you guys funding your account.  It won't let me use credit cards.  I have tried 3 different ones.  to setup a Fiat account they need your SS number and account info.  Not really wanting to give China my SS number. is a China company like Robinhood.  what do you all do?
New app updated then it let me. I had the same issue

My friend is a 'crypto decuple' ... his 'crypto wallet(s)' went from $6M to $4M in the last several months.. I keep banging him to sell it all... 

.. This stupid crypto 'wealth transfer' is not going to end well for the VAST majority of you fools... 

just sayin'

Good luck. .. God Speed... Snort Speed... whatever..  abc has warned you.. I have done my civic duty... 



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ABC is right to a very high degree. It really is all a scam/ponzi scheme that is somehow legal through I guess some loopholes. But it’s a global thing based mostly overseas where there is less regulation or none. And some people will benefit from it at the cost of others. That’s how whoever is at the head of these scams is making it possible. They are paying out a portion of their proceeds to investors to keep it going. Currency is based on actual value of things (unless you’re borrowing from your future like the current administration is doing) and so what’s the value of cryto currency based on? The answer is, it’s based on something imaginary very much like a Ponzi scheme. Crypto markets are dictated by the people who create them. It’s just a game to play with the world’s money with undefined secret rules that change constantly in order to benefit the people that are truly getting rich off of it. 

ABC is right to a very high degree. It really is all a scam/ponzi scheme that is somehow legal through I guess some loopholes. But it’s a global thing based mostly overseas where there is less regulation or none. And some people will benefit from it at the cost of others. That’s how whoever is at the head of these scams is making it possible. They are paying out a portion of their proceeds to investors to keep it going. Currency is based on actual value of things (unless you’re borrowing from your future like the current administration is doing) and so what’s the value of cryto currency based on? The answer is, it’s based on something imaginary very much like a Ponzi scheme. Crypto markets are dictated by the people who create them. It’s just a game to play with the world’s money with undefined secret rules that change constantly in order to benefit the people that are truly getting rich off of it. 
Ponzi gets a bad rap.  His business model was legit, he was exploiting a valid regional postage cost disparity.    It all went south mostly because demand exceeded his possible inventory....but he just kept selling.  It was poor management that got him into trouble.   

Crypto is all smoke and mirrors and the mirrors and smoke are virtual.  
