Saturday 1-15-22 What are you doing this weekend?

Going to clean organize my Glamis gear. Pledge the SXS's plastics. Slowly work my way into a possible trip this season. Make sure Mom is comfy and eating foods. Got a COLD front blowing in. Should be a nice and frigid weekend. Peace

I got to do all my Normal chores around Here and then possibly move an old trailer out of the side Yard to start to get it Cut up and make wider to possibly Haul the sxs around for short trips. Also my Youngest is starting the LT Build on his Truck to make it into a Prerunner. I told him NOT to do it to his truck which is a 2014 silverado crewcab 4x4 but he has it in his head so we will see

Just got notified my Secretary's New Born child has COVID. Headed to the office to learn Payroll once again. Peace

Got home from sand pile last week with some frame repair to take care of. Now done and painted and will start to put back together today.

Had a new to me motor to convert, for a friends sand car land yesterday, so will be starting on this soon.



Burning some fuel.  Did 185 miles so far this weekend.  Shooting for 200+

Went to some places I've never been (down past the wall/ceiling/roof/floor/basement..).  

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Home, no trip to Philadelphia so we are watching the games on Live stream. Catching up around the house.

Feeling much better aside from this nasty sore throat.

Working on  parts list for the twins new machines.

Might try and do some clutch lessons tomorrow in the driveway.

We are all still recovering from the damn Vid.  The fatigue issue is 20220115_161835.jpgkicking my ass.

Did over 230 miles this weekend.  We burned every drop of fuel we brought.  Saw a bunch of stuff I've never seen, hit up a bunch of dunes we've never done, some were good some were VERY soft and technical.

Met @Dodd and his wife and son, met @Lord of the Dunes, hooked up with a buddy and his wife and had a really good ride with them.  

Ate some good foods, drank some cold beers, hung with some of my favorite folks.  Even the sunrises were amazing....  

All in all.... pretty darn good weekend. 






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Lunch with some of the GF's friends. South PHX peeps need to check out Concina Madrigal.  

Buddy hit me up while there wondering if I want to cruise to KOTH with him.  Uh, hell yes I do.

I had a great time meeting Bobalos in wash 13 with a couple of his friends. Nice and relaxing time around the fire. Wash 13 was quiet as a church by about 11 pm, pretty surprising!

Sunrise pics:



It should be a interesting weekend. The grandsons are coming over so I’m going to try and get the oldest 7 into cooking on the bbq. I got this as a gag gift a couple years ago.  I put it together and found out it’s a lot on the short side.  So I went to Home Depot and picked up some charcoal and grilling utensils.  We’ll see if he takes any interest or I cut the legs down and make it a table top bbq. 

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Well it didn’t go as planned.  Him and I were doing fine until.  The grandmother and her sister came over and started giving all kinds of advice.  By the time they were done he was heading to the back of the yard crying.   He helped me a little today on cooking some hotdogs. 

Well it didn’t go as planned.  Him and I were doing fine until.  The grandmother and her sister came over and started giving all kinds of advice.  By the time they were done he was heading to the back of the yard crying.   He helped me a little today on cooking some hotdogs. 
The grill is a man's territory. Chics...
