So I got back and parking my work vehicle on Friday I see this person who seems too be a bit confused with Hood up on his car.. I think maybe he needs a Jump start?? He is on the phone but I dont interupt.I do my work stuff and he is inside shipping a bunch of stuff and I just couldnt walk out and leave something inside was just see whats going on. I ask the guy he man is your Battery dead? He says in a Very femine voice No but my cable thingy is lose and my car wont start. I say stay right here continue shipping let me see. I grab a pair of pliers "all I had" and go tighten up the neg cable walk in and say I think your good. He goes out and car starts right up. He was like YAY!!!! OH MY I BETTER CLOSE THIS HOOD BEFORE SOMEONE STEALS MY BATTERY.. I just smiled said have a great day.
Then on my way home I guy calls wants to buy Big Brians old paddles so I get home load them up and go meet the guy. Got the amount Brian wanted put his cash away in his Talon for him and that was my Friday afternoon evening