
We will see if the Can am is fixed as they say it is and I am gonna try to pick it up on Saturday.

Lots going on around the House here as My Youngest Son Jarod tested Positive for the Covid on Tuesday. I went Wednesday afternoon after work and got the shot. I didnt want to get the shot at all but thought maybe my work will let me keep working if I did. Well Last night Wed night HR calls me says I can continue to work but Friday afternoon I have to get a Covid Test. so tomorrow I get tested if its Neg I can still work if Positive I am off for two weeks like Jarod is.

Headed back down the hill today to drop the new ride back off at the Dealer

Can am is at the dealer AGAIN.. This is the line in the sand. If its NOT fixed to what I feel it should be I am done. It will go up for sale. If I lose 1000-2000 it is what it is I can't afford to lose that but I also cant afford to keep driving up and down the hill to NOT use this car. As I sat alone on the front patio last night It was clear to me that maybe my path is to be alone. I thought this car would get me out of the house and doing things but hasnt worked out that way so at some point I guess ya got too Piss on the fire and call it a night.

We will see what they say this week. A problem with the Lemon law is there isnt any other cars at the dealer right now.
