Sand Sport Super Show 2021

Looking forward to this as I always do!

This year hopefully I'll be there really looking for something new to put back in my trailer.

I won't be buying at the SSSS, well...not a sxs but beer(s) yes, swag....yeah. Maybe some shirts or a hat...I don't know.


Working on a buddy's buggy with his angle grinder (no guard) ruined my T-shirt when the wheel grabbed it.  Definitely picking up a replacement.  :biggrin:

I am planning on making an "FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions) card to hand out which will answer about 95% of the questions that will be asked:

1: No, It's not in stock. See #2:

2. No, I don't know when it will be back in stock.

I can't say that I am looking forward to this years show. At least when you guys yell at me over the phone I can take my headset off and work on other things until I hear the buzzing stop in the ear pieces. I can't do that in person. 

If you come to the booth and Ron and I aren't there, it's probably because we saw Grant, Rich, or Andrew walking towards us and we ran to our predetermined hiding places. 

All (half) joking aside, I am looking forward to getting back to in person shows again, pending the new round of shutdowns that will most likely be imposed on us all again.

I am planning on making an "FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions) card to hand out which will answer about 95% of the questions that will be asked:

1: No, It's not in stock. See #2:

2. No, I don't know when it will be back in stock.

I can't say that I am looking forward to this years show. At least when you guys yell at me over the phone I can take my headset off and work on other things until I hear the buzzing stop in the ear pieces. I can't do that in person. 
How about if I hug you and whisper my complaints into your ear? 

If they mandate Mask's, are you still going?  I am on the fence anyway, nothing I really need to see other than a few friends.  I will go for sure if I can pick up my HOA card for Roadrunner, where is their booth?

If they mandate Mask's, are you still going?  I am on the fence anyway, nothing I really need to see other than a few friends.  I will go for sure if I can pick up my HOA card for Roadrunner, where is their booth?
Would you even be able to recognize yore friends with masks on? 

They probably won't even let you in unless you have your vac card or a Wuflu test 2 whenin two days. It is California.

Heck, I can't tell the hot chicks from the dogs anymore.  I think there are a lot of Butterfaces out there encouraging mask rules.
Pfft...leave the mask on.  "For Health Reasons" 


If they mandate Mask's, are you still going?  I am on the fence anyway, nothing I really need to see other than a few friends.  I will go for sure if I can pick up my HOA card for Roadrunner, where is their booth?
If the mandate it I wouldn't if I didn't already have a booth and a campsite. I'm pretty much over the masks. That said, I'll be there regardless :cheers:

If they mandate Mask's, are you still going?  I am on the fence anyway, nothing I really need to see other than a few friends.  I will go for sure if I can pick up my HOA card for Roadrunner, where is their booth?
While I’m not happy about this current round of Mask mandates in places like offices and such. If they has a suggested mask wear option, or asked that you wear masks in the indoor buildings. I would be willing to comply to be able to have a show and some normalcy back. Plus this year I’m looking for a few items, so I have personal interest in it happening this year. 

So I have a question here about this Years show? Do any of you think they will make it that only people that Buy tickets online beforehand be able to attend? To try to limit the crowd because of this Covid crap?

So I have a question here about this Years show? Do any of you think they will make it that only people that Buy tickets online beforehand be able to attend? To try to limit the crowd because of this Covid crap?
I would imagine so as the media keeps increasing talks about a resurge of the rona and masks suggestions are once again upon us

if you’re thinking about going, you save a couple bucks buying online and don’t have to worry about the event selling out like the swap meet did 

worse case, we all get refunds issued if they cancel the event or an iou voucher for the 2022 show 🤣 (I won’t hold my breath for a quick reimbursement) 

Wonder if RObbie Gordon will be taking new deposits 

Wonder if RObbie Gordon will be taking new deposits 
Sure. Why not? He's going to have 1, probably 2 prototypes there for people to sit in, plus all of the various sized carbon fiber seats for deposit holders to test fit. He's already sold a ton of deposits just from CAD drawings, just imagine how much easier it will be to sell them when people are sitting in it, seeing all of the superior engineering in person.

On another note, the SSSS promoter or fairground authorities will probably require proof of vaccination plus masks or no entry. 
