San vicente baja race massacre

Not even close, My Best friend Milton went to Cancun with his whole family in September of last year, his dad got Covid, they put him in a separate room in the Hotel, he got a little worse, when they picked him up with a Ambulance, and got him to the hospital they would not take him out of the Ambulance until Brad paid $4000 us, Then they wanted $10,000 to check him into the hospital,  Then they told him they wanted another $10,000 and when they refused the put him on medication that made his O2 level go down.  He called Life flight out of Texas and they told him to get his family out of the Country.  They came by Helicopter with a PA and two armed guards, and a armed escort.  They tried to keep Brad Father and they pulled him out of the hospital with armed us guards. 

The hospital in Cancun would rather get cash than save a US citizen.  
 He said Cabo, not Cancun. 

Cancun, playa del carmen area is one of the worst areas in MX for tourists getting robbed, killed, tainted alcohol, etc.  The US state dept has a 'do not travel to' advisory for that state in MX.

I’ve heard so little about chit like this lately that I was starting to want to plan a trip again…

Uh. Nope. Not anymore. 
Yeah we started looking at booking a trip, nope not anymore.

Staying out of Mexico.  
I’ll take my chances in AZ. 
Tomato / Tomatoe

We canceled our trip to Cancun, not worth the saving of money to be on the beach where so many random killings happen in the country,  you dont hear about this many random shooting in Canada the other boarder country, 

The big issue is that the local police or government. does not really react to these situations, they make a press release that they are looking into it, and make a statement that it is so Radom, Fuk Mexico.  I will spend my money in the States.  
Yup, Hawaii for us too now.

Bummed too, cause we loved all of Baja and Can-Cun. It's not worth it.

Lots of murders in the US, don’t think a line of vehicles that look a lot like the ones we all see or own, in a terrain we’re all familiar with has been shot up though. Helluva lot easier to picture myself waiting in line for that gas station than it is for me to be involved in a Chicagoland gang shooting  

Anyone know if everyone in that line was a narco, or just one and they shot the whole line up because it was there? It 

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I love the shouldn't post this.... UM people need to KNOW what goes on down there EVERY day.... what if you just happened to be in that group and had no idea?????  Mexico's days as a destination are OVER.
People will still go.    If I did not have lots of stuff going on this summer I would be going down there to ride along the coast.    It is like no other off-roading we do in the states. 

Last summer when I went a few weeks before the ride there was allegedly all sorts of crazy stuff going on in TJ that was posted.  Never felt uneasy or unsafe when we were there.  Heck we were on the side of the highway before Ensenada broken down in my friend's truck with two SXSs on the trailer. 

Baja is fine and the racing will continue.  Lots of teams down there now prerunning the Baja 500 scheduled in two weeks.    

"The Mexico border is a filter for pussies" - Jesse James
Everyone freaking out, just stay home.
Nobody in this forum makes enough money for the cartels to give a crap about them.
Innocent Americans being killed down there is EXTREMELY rare.

We canceled our trip to Cancun, not worth the saving of money to be on the beach where so many random killings happen in the country,  you dont hear about this many random shooting in Canada the other boarder country, 

The big issue is that the local police or government. does not really react to these situations, they make a press release that they are looking into it, and make a statement that it is so Radom, Fuk Mexico.  I will spend my money in the States.  
Just stay on the resort and you're fine. The killing on those public beaches aren't random anyway. It's usually cartel beef.
Rarely are any innocent Americans involved.

Cancun, playa del carmen area is one of the worst areas in MX for tourists getting robbed, killed, tainted alcohol, etc.  The US state dept has a 'do not travel to' advisory for that state in MX.
If you stay on the resort, you're fine. No reason to leave them anyway.

Just stay on the resort and you're fine. The killing on those public beaches aren't random anyway. It's usually cartel beef.
Rarely are any innocent Americans involved.
I guess that is the issues last time we went to Cancun, it was great about 8 years ago, but we dont really drink and we like to explore, we only spent hours at the Resort, we rented a car and drop from 7am to 10pm, did the same in Hawaii,  

Not sure if i would rent a car and drive around with just the 2 of us now for 12 plus hours on our own,  I am sure the Californians will laugh, but last trip for us from NV, we stayed on the beach at Newport, drove from San Diego. to Long Beach for half the week, then a couple days at Disney on property.  Did not feel like i was going to run into a beef with someone with a Full Auto. 

I stopped going a few years ago after I met el Presidente while working at Televisa in Mexico City

The level of corruption there makes Biden seem innocent  - the lack of consequences for this type of crime  separate this from anywhere in the US (so far), even Chicago.  Here you at least have to be Psychotic to perform those acts of violence,  there,   well its Tuesday ....

Good thing there were zero murders in the USA last week. This thread smells like vagina.
The issue is that in some states in the USA, like my state, you can carry guns or have them in your vehicle to protect yourself.  Last night I was driving in some of the worst parts of Phoenix, I mean neighborhoods I've never been through in my life, and I felt confident because I have guns by my side.  But in Mexico, the moment you cross the border with any weapon, you are breaking the law and putting yourself at risk of serious jail time, like we have all heard the worst stories of even people who accidentally had a gun and were arrested.

So this is just common sense.  Most people don't want to be at a disadvantage like that, especially in this kind of country.  If I traveled to Canada or New Zealand without a gun, no problem, even though we all know that nowhere on Earth is 100% safe.

The issue is that in some states in the USA, like my state, you can carry guns or have them in your vehicle to protect yourself.  Last night I was driving in some of the worst parts of Phoenix, I mean neighborhoods I've never been through in my life, and I felt confident because I have guns by my side.  But in Mexico, the moment you cross the border with any weapon, you are breaking the law and putting yourself at risk of serious jail time, like we have all heard the worst stories of even people who accidentally had a gun and were arrested.

So this is just common sense.  Most people don't want to be at a disadvantage like that, especially in this kind of country.  If I traveled to Canada or New Zealand without a gun, no problem, even though we all know that nowhere on Earth is 100% safe.
I agree to a point, but your handgun against full auto rifles will not end well most of the time.  That assumes you even see the issue before the shooting starts.  Mexico has all the gun control the libs could dream about.  Wish they would all move there and see how it goes for them, especially Congress critters.

Come on now bro. Salina Cruz is totally different than crossing the boarder and going down into TJ. 
 Haha. I don't disagree, TJ has always scared the ish out of me and I never stop when I go thorough it. Same with Rosarito btw. Have you been to Salina Cruz? You fly into Huatulco and get picked up by a taxi and drive 2 1/2hours to the camps, which is about an hour from Guatemala. The surfers that go their are literally the ONLY gringos for hundreds of miles. There's no tourism whatsoever. My son and I got chased in by a huge Bull shark our 1st time down there. Twice, I've had our guide (different trips and different guides) make calls to what they said were family members that were supposedly connected to the cartel, to "talk" to some locals that were giving us a hard time. After those calls, both guys were pretty much in tears and apologizing, promising to never act out again. The area is gnarly. That said, we had a great time and am going again in a little over a month. 
