Not even close, My Best friend Milton went to Cancun with his whole family in September of last year, his dad got Covid, they put him in a separate room in the Hotel, he got a little worse, when they picked him up with a Ambulance, and got him to the hospital they would not take him out of the Ambulance until Brad paid $4000 us, Then they wanted $10,000 to check him into the hospital, Then they told him they wanted another $10,000 and when they refused the put him on medication that made his O2 level go down. He called Life flight out of Texas and they told him to get his family out of the Country. They came by Helicopter with a PA and two armed guards, and a armed escort. They tried to keep Brad Father and they pulled him out of the hospital with armed us guards.
The hospital in Cancun would rather get cash than save a US citizen.