RV Quiters……. Already?

I agree. The RV Lifestyle is NOT for everyone. Unless they're trying to keep up with the Jones's.  :doh:  

27 years of going to Glamis now. In one sand club called “Orange County ATV” for about 20+ years (about 80 families) and then one other club and so on, so on & so on. I know what you mean^. We have seen a lot of families come and go in those 27 years at Glamis. Life.

Same world different vessel. The new boating community will be doing the same. We are anticipating a year from now.  Take the vessel cost, storage fee's maintenance and lack of use to a level thats just unimaginable.

Average 50-60 foot slip fee's here in Newport $5000.00 per month.  No available slips so the the prices have gone way up due to demand. The new boat owners will now just park their boats for the off season. Plans for spring and summer then the reality will hit. Then the travel restrictions should be gone and the boating lifestyle will be an expense thats just not welcome or needed just to get out of the house. 

I am gearing up for the repo season to start. Banks will want their boats back and none of the repo companies can steal these new boats without a dealer onsite to program new RFID keys. No RFID key then no starting the vessel. Heck its an operating system now. So no way to operate without this ability.
Saw several new boats bumping around Newport over Labor Day.  Some really nice boats out there. 

Waiting for all those " vanlife" people to get sick of it. We were close to pulling the trigger on a Class b about 4 years ago and now they are just stupid $

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