RV Quiters……. Already?

They saw a TV show where a family finds the perfect RV and looks so happy.  That starts a people dream of owning an RV. Driving across country seeing the sights with their mate and wonderful offspring, working form a National Parks spending every waking moment in 280 square feet.  

Then they did it and after the first time they got to a National Park with there crappy kids and their mate who hasn't to get more than 30 feet away in five days and said this may not be what they advertised on that show that looked so happy.......

The final straw was when the got to that one campground when they had..........

To back the RV in.

Now the RV is for sale divorce papers have been filed and the fight of who actually has to keep the kids has started.
Just the backing up a trailer or RV is grounds for divorce.   My favorite thing is to get to a campground a day before the crowds get there and on the day they arrive just park my chair in front of my RV and watch the fireworks of couples trying to get into their RV space.   Only thing that is comparable is the husband/boyfriend yelling at the boat ramp as they expect some miracle back up job from their mate that has never done it before. 

They saw a TV show where a family finds the perfect RV and looks so happy.  That starts a people dream of owning an RV. Driving across country seeing the sights with their mate and wonderful offspring, working form a National Parks spending every waking moment in 280 square feet.  

Then they did it and after the first time they got to a National Park with there crappy kids and their mate who hasn't to get more than 30 feet away in five days and said this may not be what they advertised on that show that looked so happy.......

The final straw was when the got to that one campground when they had..........

To back the RV in.

Now the RV is for sale divorce papers have been filed and the fight of who actually has to keep the kids has started.
To add insult to injury, fast forward a week after they get home when the Mr. went to dump the holding tank and the sh!t shoot and stinky slinky got clogged with non-RV TP and feminine products.  Now the wife has gone missing and the husband went to his parents' house and lawyered up.

Just the backing up a trailer or RV is grounds for divorce.   My favorite thing is to get to a campground a day before the crowds get there and on the day they arrive just park my chair in front of my RV and watch the fireworks of couples trying to get into their RV space.   Only thing that is comparable is the husband/boyfriend yelling at the boat ramp as they expect some miracle back up job from their mate that has never done it before. 
When we first got the trailer my ex and I would arrive at the dunes and after two laps around camp of her telling me where I should park and where I shouldn't. She would just be pissed off the rest of the weekend because I didn't park exactly like she told me. Towards the end of the marriage I would pull up to the camp she would get out and walk to the fire and let me just park, same results. Just more relaxing for me. 

When we first got the trailer my ex and I would arrive at the dunes and after two laps around camp of her telling me where I should park and where I shouldn't. She would just be pissed off the rest of the weekend because I didn't park exactly like she told me. Towards the end of the marriage I would pull up to the camp she would get out and walk to the fire and let me just park, same results. Just more relaxing for me. 
Funny my wife likes to have the RV parked a certain way when we camp in Glamis.   Most of the time we are the first to arrive so it is pretty easy to accomplish.  If it does not happen she does not make a big deal about it.   

Funny my wife likes to have the RV parked a certain way when we camp in Glamis.   Most of the time we are the first to arrive so it is pretty easy to accomplish.  If it does not happen she does not make a big deal about it.   
Oh it had to be exactly like she wanted. The door must face Southeast or what she thought was southeast.  Teaching her ( rule #6 to a happy married life, never teach your wife anything) the directions on a compass was almost impossible. Trying to explain to her that just because the compass on the truck says southeast doesn't mean the door will be in the direction you want took an entire season. If I wasn't afraid of her just driving off without me I would of been the one who got out of the truck and let her park.

That was when she finally figured out if we get there first or second you get "that" spot.  If not the later you get there the worse spot you get. Without just parking backwards or in a second row, both not options in her mind.  That was also about the time she lost interest in going and I started enjoying the dunes again :lol:  

To add insult to injury, fast forward a week after they get home when the Mr. went to dump the holding tank and the sh!t shoot and stinky slinky got clogged with non-RV TP and feminine products.  Now the wife has gone missing and the husband went to his parents' house and lawyered up.
Have the cops been leaking news to you before the media? 


1,000,000% agreed.
That's an expensive short lived romance.... 🤣

If the new RVer's are thinking of selling, better do it sooner than later. We have been steadily getting inventory for the last couple months. We have some towables well over the 25% discount range right now. Prices are coming down. 

Here's an example....

2022 Genesis Supreme Powerlite 2414LE  $28% OFF MSRP


That pisses off seasoned RVers.  LOL!

Another factor is kids sports are in full effect.  So many families that had all that free time no longer have that time.  They see an RV sitting in the driveway or paying storage every month for it to sit with no immediate plans to use it. 
I think the storage fee’s put many over the edge to sell and get out. They get in thinking it’s only a $500 a month payment, but then they need to store it somewhere. Now they just added another $125 - $150 a month to park it somewhere. Now they have two monthly bills to pay. A few people I know have to pay to store and they’ve said the places close to home are full with a waiting list and are raising rates. 

Then off site storage just adds to the inconvenience of getting it ready for a trip, or the rush when you get home to empty it so you can get it put away. 

It takes a year or two, but they realize they only used it once or twice last year and it’s getting sun baked and losing value, and costing more to keep, so they sell it, sometimes taking a loss, but it’s still cheaper then continuing to pay the payment & storage.  

I know if I had to pay to store my Class A and pay for another spot to park the trailer, I’d sell it and get out. 

This is good news. We can finally find a spot to camp during the summer now. We barely camped the last 2 summers because it was impossible to find a spot unless it was booked way ahead of time. We usually book a spot for each month of summer around March. We only went 3 times this summer. We could have found spots if we tried harder though.....

Also good news because we plan to upgrade very soon. We are in escrow selling our house and moving in to the motorhome for a while. As soon as we close we plan to find a pusher and sell our current motorhome. I might need to wait it out now for a good deal on the one we want.

I've witnessed that before. The scramble to correct is even funnier. Peace
We were at Emerald Cover in Parker for a week. Mid-week a river front space became available so we moved over. My oldest was ~3 at the time and, sippy cup in hand,  wanted to "help" dad set up the trailer... proceeds to pull the black handle prior to me having the hose reconnected :sogross:  ...hot Colorado River black tank sewage rolling down the sand to the waterfront before I could do anything about it :lol:  

That's an expensive short lived romance.... 🤣

If the new RVer's are thinking of selling, better do it sooner than later. We have been steadily getting inventory for the last couple months. We have some towables well over the 25% discount range right now. Prices are coming down. 

Here's an example....

2022 Genesis Supreme Powerlite 2414LE  $28% OFF MSRP

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That's good to hear! I think our plan is out of the 5th wheel and back into a moho again 2-4 years from now when the kids are doing their own thing, should be deals to be had by then :cheers:

Same world different vessel. The new boating community will be doing the same. We are anticipating a year from now.  Take the vessel cost, storage fee's maintenance and lack of use to a level thats just unimaginable.

Average 50-60 foot slip fee's here in Newport $5000.00 per month.  No available slips so the the prices have gone way up due to demand. The new boat owners will now just park their boats for the off season. Plans for spring and summer then the reality will hit. Then the travel restrictions should be gone and the boating lifestyle will be an expense thats just not welcome or needed just to get out of the house. 

I am gearing up for the repo season to start. Banks will want their boats back and none of the repo companies can steal these new boats without a dealer onsite to program new RFID keys. No RFID key then no starting the vessel. Heck its an operating system now. So no way to operate without this ability.

I sold my trailer near top of the market and am holding the money for when prices come down.  If I have to hold out for a season, I will.  I'm not going to pay COVID prices for something worth half next year.

We bought at the tippy top of the market. Best price for our old coach, and my thoughts of waiting were thrown out the window when she said, "Do you really want to wait for just the right one to show up that was used(and abused) by newbies and was sold out of desperation before repo? You know what shape it will be in. "

We actually sold our toy hauler right before things went crazy. My luck. But I am not buying until I get a garage/shop built. Already bought an adjoining lot to get enough room. Off site storage is a PIA. Going to be patient and wait for construction and RV market to return to reality.

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We actually sold our toy hauler right before things went crazy. My luck. But I am not buying until I get a garage/shop built. Already bought an adjoining lot to get enough room. Off site storage is a PIA. Going to be patient and wait for construction and RV market to return to reality.
We have been camping in Parker most of the year, so we rented coach storage there. 2 trips per month saved enough fuel to pay for the storage, and we had my truck there for boat launching and local travel. 

I think the storage fee’s put many over the edge to sell and get out. They get in thinking it’s only a $500 a month payment, but then they need to store it somewhere. Now they just added another $125 - $150 a month to park it somewhere. Now they have two monthly bills to pay. A few people I know have to pay to store and they’ve said the places close to home are full with a waiting list and are raising rates. 

Then off site storage just adds to the inconvenience of getting it ready for a trip, or the rush when you get home to empty it so you can get it put away. 

It takes a year or two, but they realize they only used it once or twice last year and it’s getting sun baked and losing value, and costing more to keep, so they sell it, sometimes taking a loss, but it’s still cheaper then continuing to pay the payment & storage.  

I know if I had to pay to store my Class A and pay for another spot to park the trailer, I’d sell it and get out. 
I agree. The RV Lifestyle is NOT for everyone. Unless they're trying to keep up with the Jones's.  :doh:  

