RV Quiters……. Already?

I am guessing it is combo.   1)Not liking the work involved in getting ready for trips and the work involved in owning a RV; 2) the fact many employers have asked their workers to return to the office; and 3) many can get what they paid for them a year ago and walk away with not big financial loss. 

I am guessing it is combo.   1)Not liking the work involved in getting ready for trips and the work involved in owning a RV; 2) the fact many employers have asked their workers to return to the office; and 3) many can get what they paid for them a year ago and walk away with not big financial loss. 
I could see many new rookie RV’ers quitting after the first tire blows and Jack’s up everything  on their new trailer.

I could see many new rookie RV’ers quitting after the first tire blows and Jack’s up everything  on their new trailer.
That pisses off seasoned RVers.  LOL!

Another factor is kids sports are in full effect.  So many families that had all that free time no longer have that time.  They see an RV sitting in the driveway or paying storage every month for it to sit with no immediate plans to use it. 

My buddy works at a campground.  It was booked almost 100%, 7 days a week last summer.  This summer has almost got back to normal.  30% during the weekdays.

Probably also means a glut of inventory on trucks and SUVs that can tow once the leases are due. 

This is great news to all who have been doing the rv life style for some time. The new group just didn't fit in well.

I would be scared of there units after watching them use them. Watched one kid hook the city water hose to the flush inlet. It flushed it ok, water flowing out the doors.

My buddy works at a campground.  It was booked almost 100%, 7 days a week last summer.  This summer has almost got back to normal.  30% during the weekdays.
Bout time lol glad to hear something is getting better. Thanx for the update 

Looks like it's time to start looking for that rig you've been dreaming about... I'd give it about 6 - 12 months and the market will be FLOODED with RV's for sale... cheap[er]
Man I hope so…. Waiting on that full body painted DP 

They saw a TV show where a family finds the perfect RV and looks so happy.  That starts a people dream of owning an RV. Driving across country seeing the sights with their mate and wonderful offspring, working form a National Parks spending every waking moment in 280 square feet.  

Then they did it and after the first time they got to a National Park with there crappy kids and their mate who hasn't to get more than 30 feet away in five days and said this may not be what they advertised on that show that looked so happy.......

The final straw was when the got to that one campground when they had..........

To back the RV in.

Now the RV is for sale divorce papers have been filed and the fight of who actually has to keep the kids has started.
