Reverse Sear

Bomb!! Slice up some garlic also and brown them up in the butter then top off those bad boys. Always reverse sear all my steaks. 

Bomb!! Slice up some garlic also and brown them up in the butter then top off those bad boys. Always reverse sear all my steaks. 
good call I am a garlic junkie sometimes

Only one of the best (and easiest) ways to cook everything perfectly  🙂

For sure a good way to get'r done ...but I don't have the patience to wait :lol:

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For sure a good way to get'r done ...but I don't have the patience to wait :lol:
I throw whatever meat in for the week on Sunday , then finish when it's time to eat. It really doesn't take much planning  🙂

Or can be started in the morning and finished when home from work - sort of like a crock pot but way better!

Correct me if i am wrong, but isn't a reverse sear when you sear first, then cook it?
