Redbull Race @ Glamis

Seriously, where did the mean SxS touch you? 

Not a single post about SxSs on IG or GD escapes your helpful insight on the sexual orientation of SxS owners.  I don't think anybody here thinks SxSs are better for Glamis (or Idaho Dunes) than a proper rail.  But for just about everything else, a SxSs is better, period.  I've owned a bunch of both and do more than dunes, and I love SxSs.  Ignoring the cost/value aspect if I had to keep only I'd take a SxS over a rail.  I'm lucky enough to be in a position to have both, which is the best solution IMHO but that's not feasible for everyone. 

I don't think I've ever seen anyone else some damn obsessed with SxS-bashing...

Thanks buddy i try my best, LOL 

and now you are in Vegas time to make it to buggy roundup

BUGGY ROUND UP - The Gatherings -

Thanks buddy i try my best, LOL 

and now you are in Vegas time to make it to buggy roundup

BUGGY ROUND UP - The Gatherings -
Haha, yeah we'll have to get together for beers and you can yell at my SxS (SxSs-plural if Speeds ever become a reality). 😉 I'd love to do the buggy gathering but my Funco is a bare frame at powder right now.   I guess I can just bring the RZR right!?! 😉 😛 



Know you have the SPEED on order. How many other SXS do you currently own, models? .. just curious.. I know you usually have the newest 'stuff.'


I don't think I've ever seen anyone else some damn obsessed with SxS-bashing..
After cruising some of the high traffic rides and watching people on sand highway, I think these SxS are the worst thing to ever hit Glamis.

Even sand highway used to be "smooth".   But it appears its absolutely rippled out beyond control. 

After cruising some of the high traffic rides and watching people on sand highway, I think these SxS are the worst thing to ever hit Glamis.

Even sand highway used to be "smooth".   But it appears its absolutely rippled out beyond control. 
Agreed! This last weekend was the roughest I’ve ever seen Glamis. F’ing “RZR chop” everywhere!

Agreed! This last weekend was the roughest I’ve ever seen Glamis. F’ing “RZR chop” everywhere!
I’m trying to figure out how this rzr wheel hop chit happens. It makes it awful around the populated areas. If you have a rzr in your group go let some air out of their tires and maybe stiffen up their suspension. 

I’ve asked this before but I will ask it again. Have any of you guys that own long travel cars, and complain about RZR chop, ever own a standard travel car before long travel cars were built? How about a Honda 90 or Honda 110 before the Honda 250r came out? Just wondering how far back you guys go. You know, back when the dunes were smooth til how they are now.

I’ve asked this before but I will ask it again. Have any of you guys that own long travel cars, and complain about RZR chop, ever own a standard travel car before long travel cars were built? How about a Honda 90 or Honda 110 before the Honda 250r came out? Just wondering how far back you guys go. You know, back when the dunes were smooth til how they are now.

"In my day" first it was the 2/3-wheeler dudes making fun of the Banshee guys.  Then when 4-stroke quads came out "every jackass with a 300 credit score went and got a Raptor" and the 2-stroke guys (of 2, 3 and 4 wheels ilk) got together on hating them.  Same with rails.  The "no travel" guys hated the short travel hated the mid travel hated the long travel.  Then it was all LS-powered rails' fault that things were whooped out.  "33-35 inch tires, too much horsepower and more money than brains."  Then the sand-fleas (SxSs) actually started having enough power and travel to make it around G and now evvvvvvvvvvvvverything including Biden is their fault. 

The reality is, there's lots of free money out there right now and people can finance (or HELOC... we're getting to "that place" again where everybody has huge perceived equity in their homes) anything they want.  It just happens to be SxSs are the easiest/best way for *most* people to get in the sand, so that's what they buy.  Just as many people would be out in G right now with long-term Work From Home and BidenBux in the mailbox even if SxSs never existed, they'd just be annoying everyone on something else...


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Solution = Stay out of the high traffic (donkey) areas... and..... enjoy the beauty of Glamis... there's more... no WAY more.... Glamis acreage than there is ruts, morons and 'sign n' buy' people...  and what not.. 

... Just get far from the crap, dunes are still like butter.. if you can only get to Olds n' back to camp .,.. then you get what you get.

Can't change who.. what.. or when is out there.... just look for no trails.. and run it... !



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Also... is anybody actually sure it's "RZR chop" not just "eleventeen beeliondy people are going to Glamis again, and living there" chop?  The improvements in SxSs do mean more people are out duning and reaching more points, instead of just sitting at the hill.  But how do we "know" that SxSs create the chop... not anything else?  And if it the SxSs, is it because of their design/poor setup or just a consequence of how many there are?  I suppose it doesn't matter either way...


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"In my day" first it was the 2/3-wheeler dudes making fun of the Banshee guys.  Then when 4-stroke quads came out "every jackass with a 300 credit score went and got a Raptor" and the 2-stroke guys (of 2, 3 and 4 wheels ilk) got together on hating them.  Same with rails.  The "no travel" guys hated the short travel hated the mid travel hated the long travel.  Then it was all LS-powered rails' fault that things were whooped out.  "33-35 inch tires, too much horsepower and more money than brains."  Then the sand-fleas (SxSs) actually started having enough power and travel to make it around G and now evvvvvvvvvvvvverything including Biden is their fault. 

The reality is, there's lots of free money out there right now and people can finance (or HELOC... we're getting to "that place" again where everybody has huge perceived equity in their homes) anything they want.  It just happens to be SxSs are the easiest/best way for *most* people to get in the sand, so that's what they buy.  Just as many people would be out in G right now with long-term Work From Home and BidenBux in the mailbox even if SxSs never existed, they'd just be annoying everyone on something else...

Well said! My parents remember riding the dunes on their pumped up 90’s and 110’s. Dunes were super smooth. The buggies out there were mostly vw. Then the heavy Corvair buggies came with more power and started tearing up the dunes. At least that’s the story they tell me. Every track that went across a dune that made them pucker on the 3 wheelers were called Corvair tracks! Then time passed on with quicker buggies and the whoops started. I got into buggies around 25 years ago. We had a rear engine 2 seat with a vw 1915 which soon went to a 2276! Pulled the motor and put it in a J&J 2 set mid engine. We duned the crap out of those buggies but the dunes were still smooth just whoops at the bottom of the hills. Then the long travel cars came in and next thing you know the whoops have now made it to the dunes! Our dunes now are choppy from all sorts of toys. Just as much as buggy guys complain about RZR chop, think of how hard it is to dune on a quad or 3 wheeler falling into buggy tracks especially when the sand is wet! Now I’ve had the pleasure to run dirt bikes, 3 wheelers, quads, standard travel and long travel buggies, and now RZR’s through our deserts so I guess I’m at fault for most kinds of tracks! 

Also... is anybody actually sure it's "RZR chop" not just "eleventeen beeliondy people are going to Glamis again, and living there" chop?  The improvements in SxSs do mean more people are out duning and reaching more points, instead of just sitting at the hill.  But how do we "know" that SxSs create the chop... not anything else?  And if it the SxSs, is it because of their design/poor setup or just a consequence of how many there are?  I suppose it doesn't matter either way...

It’s not ruts or cross chop from traffic. It’s literally wheel hop ruts. Like when you have too much air in your truck tires and try to start from a dead stop in the sand. I don’t mind all the cross traffic ruts and understand that’s a function of the crowds. But in the flat valleys or on sand highway you can’t even go in a straight line with the flow of the ruts without the wheel hop bumps. In the section of the dunes that take a skill set to drive in you won’t find them. I’m not one to whine about sxs or sxs owners. I will poke fun at their choice of vehicle but I know they are out just having fun like me. I just want to figure out why those wheel hop bumps are happening and educate people to fix it. 

The choppy stuff wasn't out there in 1978, they weren't out there when I returned from 1987-89. They were out there when I returned in 2003, and there were very few long travel rails at the time and no SxSs at all. I agree, over time there are more and more of them, but I also think it's a matter of sheer numbers of vehicles and not any specific type of vehicle. 

Ummmm…. Can we stay on topic for more than a page, squirrels… everybody still hates the whoops… hahaha.

Organized SXS race in Glamis is likely awesome!! THANK YOU $3 8oz soda RB and Monster for making so many of our Offroad fantasies come true!!!! 🙂

Happens to be a weekend my crew and I headed out there so will see what’s up and report back. Probably just traffic, no spots and mid-dunes closure (CANNOT fence that in so good luck with pass through…). 

Serious, and applicable to thread topic, thought though, I would definitely be in for race rental for that if available. I’m generally aware that’s available for Best of the Desert, so maybe? Would likely be in to pay a G or so for something legal and top level/pro competitive, myself. Anybody know of source or down to supply race ready for $$?? 🙂

Haha, yeah we'll have to get together for beers and you can yell at my SxS (SxSs-plural if Speeds ever become a reality). 😉 I'd love to do the buggy gathering but my Funco is a bare frame at powder right now.   I guess I can just bring the RZR right!?! 😉 😛 

Actually people do bring there RZR, it is fun just to hang out, some only have 70 3 wheelers and enjoy the event,  actually it is super fun and everyone gets along and camps together, everyone is more than welcome, 

That chop is at every off road destination now, go try and ride your Motorcycle in Johnson Valley or Dove Springs, it will shake your arms to death. Sorry, Back on Topic now

Looks like it will be a wheel to wheel event. Wheel to wheel means if you don't get the hole shot your not going to make a pass very easy without giving somebody the bumper.  The later heats are going to be pretty bad for ruts that is a given and deep ruts will make it even more single file because they will have all the good lines burnt in by then .  The LCQ and the finals will be real bad.......... Unless the wind is blowing 60mph then it will be some good racing.  Sounds like they will do it up by Osborne so they should be able to get a pretty good track set up.  Wonder if the Ledge will be hard to get to with the " track" set up in the area? 

That weekend is a weekend that we are scheduled to go but nobody in the group has a car that would qualify for entry and I don't think any of us will be making adjustments so we could.  Might just have to drive over and check it out, that is unless it is a smooth weekend then hell no I am not going to watch somebody dune, I am going to dune.  
