I had a TRX, after owning a Trackhawk before it I was honestly a bit underwhelmed with the power/speed. I did the
QTP cutouts on it, and it sounded great either open or closed (obv way louder and more raw open... but still not raspy) and I liked being able to easily switch back and forth. I still LOVE the high-trim 5th Gen RAM interiors (my TRX was loaded-loaded, but even the "base" TRX gets most of the nice stuff). Personally, I think the TRX also looks better, but that's 100% subjective and clearly you prefer the Raptor.
That said, if it's something like a ~$20k difference (IIRC my Raptor stickered at 92k) I'd honestly take the Raptor. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate the exhaust note, but other than that it's a great truck (and I'd prob get the factory 37"s package). Other than sound (both exhaust, and blower whine) the TRX is just way too big, heavy and soft to really feel that 700+ HP. It was novel, but it kind of wore off quickly and it just ended up being a Yuge $90k+ truck. The MPG on both are bad, obviously... and I imagine that MPG isn't even no your list of considerations, but the TRX is just baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. It cruises around high-11s AFR (it, like all Hellcat stuff has true wide-bands you can call up on the SRT pages) even just going down the freeway. Baaaaabying it pure freeway I think I managed 14 MPG. Drive it around town and it's legit single-digit, not even being a jackass.
I used to be a pretty brand-loyal guy (Chevy), but as I got older I realized that was just like only listening to certain genres because somehow it was part of your identity. If you like Metal, you can't listen to Country... now I say effe all of that. I like whatever is best. I love TOOL, Waylon, and Outkast equally... sue me. By the same token if I was buying a new HD truck for "hard work" it'd be a F450. If I was buying a factory wheeler it'd still be a Jeep. If I was buying a sports car it'd be tough picking between a C8 (Z06, hopefully) and some flavor of 911 or Buttster/Gayman. Luxury car/SUV... IDK I like my Cayenne E-Hybrid a lot (it's better than the Trackhawk was in every way other than pure brutal straight-line and exhaust noise...). Etc. etc. etc.
If I was shopping "high end play truck" again I'd prob do the Raptor and save the $20k (I'm assume you can get one for something like $72k... am I wrong?) for mods or a killer stereo to drown out that exhaust.