Property Tax Month/Year

The one thing California is not high is Real Estate Taxes (percentage), many states are much higher than California, you can complain that your house is overvalued.  My property tax is 1.05%, actually pretty reasonable.  But thus the reason we pay higher gas taxes and income tax to cover this, Every State gets your money one way or another.

The one thing California is not high is Real Estate Taxes (percentage), many states are much higher than California, you can complain that your house is overvalued.  My property tax is 1.05%, actually pretty reasonable.  But thus the reason we pay higher gas taxes and income tax to cover this, Every State gets your money one way or another.

It is going to be costing me under $250.00/ month next year.  Insurance is going to cost me more than that.  Talk about a racket. I have paid those leeches every month sense 97 only had one claim in that entire time and that was for hail damage that they contacted me about because I was in an area that got a lot of claims.  Yet they want me to pay more because it will cost more to rebuild, Well WTF have you done with the $80K I have given you so far?

Not that much higher than here. We generally pay 1.25% (you’re just under 1.75%), but our tax rate is based on purchase price and can’t escalate more than 2% per year under Prop 13. 

There’s a bill that will be on the ballot next year to strike that and instead base it on actual value. This will likely price a lot of us out of this state since my taxes would jump from $5800/year to over $13k/year. 

I don’t have a lot of faith that the election authority won’t make it read like a good thing, and that the idiots in this state won’t pass it because Gavvy told them to. 
This is the truth!  In CA I'm paying $8,600 per year now on one house and $5,120 on my rental - not bad at all.  If prop 13 gets removed it could jump to $45k for both houses - that's insane.  Charging a tax on market value would create havoc for me.  I've been on Next Door app and listened to all the folks pushing charge based on market value - I didn't do an official poll but it seems pretty close to 50/50 for and against.  Some arguing its a tax on earnings but those "earning" have never been received.  I don't trust anything that goes to a vote - I feel we are outnumbered with the amount of takers and freeloaders in the system. 

$5800 in NOrco, the only thing saving us is that it's currently impounded so the $500 a month I never see... if it was a flat payment I'd be sick

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The one thing California is not high is Real Estate Taxes (percentage), many states are much higher than California, you can complain that your house is overvalued.  My property tax is 1.05%, actually pretty reasonable.  But thus the reason we pay higher gas taxes and income tax to cover this, Every State gets your money one way or another.
and if they smash prop 13 like they have been trying to do? We're already the highest taxed state in the nation. We wouldn't be able to pay the 13k a year on top of the mortgage so you lose your house to the state, then you owe the bank and have no house Sounds like some gestapo chit to me :dunno: ...

My commercial building sits on TOP of TWO (2) counties, Dallas and Tarrant. They both dip in also. Paid $13,840 in 2021. Peace 

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Alabama is very inexpensive. 15 pieces of real estate, of which have 12 rentals, a couple 5 acre lots, a couple 1 acre lots and the 100 acre farm that has a Homestead exemption…. Total tax $2900.00. 😉

Alabama is very inexpensive. 15 pieces of real estate, of which have 12 rentals, a couple 5 acre lots, a couple 1 acre lots and the 100 acre farm that has a Homestead exemption…. Total tax $2900.00. 😉

Damn thats cheap. I have three (3) houses, one (1) commercial building and a (2) acre lot....last years taxes $40,000. Should rise once the Dream Home gets registered. Peace

Damn thats cheap. I have three (3) houses, one (1) commercial building and a (2) acre lot....last years taxes $40,000. Should rise once the Dream Home gets registered. Peace
What's your income tax rate though...?  :biggrin:

About $6,500 here.

Here's the thing with the bill to remove Prop 13...

The EFFING Demoncraps will word the bill as a help the LGBTQ_AEIOU_I'M A COCKATOO_BLAH BLAH BLAH so people will be all like oh yeah I support that!

Then BAM...Oh wait, what????????


You watch...They do it with Everything they want passed. Like the Gas tax, said to help Fire Fighters and Police....BOOLSH%T!!!!!!

And another note with the Dummies in CA that pay "rent" They'll be all like I don't care...the owners can afford it. It don't bother me!

Well, Landlords then raise the eff out of the rents and the renters are like  :simrak:  DOH!!!

EFF these IDIOTS running and RUINING this state!


It's been about 30 years since AZ and CA were comparable. Pretty sure 99% of the members here, know this.

You should edit your response to, "Sometimes people here need to be heard."
Naw dawg....I responded correctly.

If I really wanted to derail this, I could brag about having a huge break on property tax for being a Vet as well.

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Naw dawg....I responded correctly.

If I really wanted to derail this, I could brag about having a huge break on property tax for being a Vet as well.
Thank you for your service :usa:
