Projects around the shop

So now to finish my story. A few weeks ago when I listed this car I had seen a 32 Ford with a cool old vintage 50s logo on the door. Just some car on CL. Got me thinking and about the same time I was really wanting to keep this car. So I looked all over and found this vintage logo.


Called my brother who is a very skilled graphic designer and said what can we do with this. Remember the Chucks Speed Center logo we have is 56 years old and has not changed since 1966. So he comes up with this. 

chuckslogo7.18.22 (3).jpg

My dad was old school and very traditional. He gave the ok to the bottom part but not the first part. So we changed it to this. He was thrilled and signed off to make the graphic. Said lets do the graphic and raise the price.  :lol:   That was him telling me we are keeping the car in the family. I also found out this is my brothers favorite car of his. (My brother and I both liked the first graphic but most I have talked to like the bottom one and what we are going with)

Both logos.jpg

This pic is a little blury but what it will look like roughly. He going to try give it a more distressed look. For now I am going to build a hoop almost like a small roll bar that goes behind the seats. It will be attached to a couple of steel straps coming up from the floor. The interior is mostly wood framing so not much to attach to. Then I have a bar to attach some 4 point harnesses to to make the car safer. I want more than just the lap belt. Also need to drop the steering column down and extend the shaft to make it closer. If it fits I might just put in this set of 2" Crows for each seat. 

Screenshot_20220728-190230_Messages (1).jpg


Oh and there is an original front grill/radiator guard that he happened to find at the swap meet. Had to pay $500 for it. Him and I dropped it off at the chromer a few weeks ago. I will need to make a custom bracket to mount it.

Back in the shop today and it felt good to do some work. Going to do some reorganizing moving things around. Our big giant A-frame hoist to lift engines in and out is going outside now. So I am building a little roof cover just so rain and crap doesn't get in the chain hoists. Turn the rack into my scaffolding to get up there and weld on top of the i-beam. I still have more pieces to weld in.



@onanysunday does this mean with the passing of your father ( RIP) that you will be more involved with the shop over the real estate thing ? 
