Prez Debate!

I'd rather they stay home in November.
I think that is what you're going to find happened from last night's debate, people are either going to stay home or not vote top of the ticket
Well that debate last night was something, I guess now it's just in the hand of voter fraud.
I thought Trump was killing it for the first 45 mins or so and then I had to leave because our group was going to dinner.. Later in the evening I caught the whole thing and just shook my head... He knew, we knew, everyone knew, that Kamala was going to go there and shake him up and he just couldn't contain himself. He took it all, hook line and sinker..SMH..
If you really think about it, that's a scary leader. I never thought about that way until today.
I thought Trump was killing it for the first 45 mins or so and then I had to leave because our group was going to dinner.. Later in the evening I caught the whole thing and just shook my head... He knew, we knew, everyone knew, that Kamala was going to go there and shake him up and he just couldn't contain himself. He took it all, hook line and sinker..SMH..
If you really think about it, that's a scary leader. I never thought about that way until today.

You have to remember, she was a court room prosecutor. She knows how to debate, and make the other side look like a fool.

She has tools in her tool kit Trump does not possess, and she played him right where to where she wanted him to be.

Hook, line and sinker for sure.
I'd like to see a debate without others involved. Let the two of them go at it. Talk about the issues we all face daily. Like for instance.......
Costs of High Octane Fuel. Costs of 2 cycle motor oil. Costs of Paddle Tires. Costs of Yearly Passes on GOVT land. Stuff like that. Peace
I'd like to see a debate without others involved. Let the two of them go at it. Talk about the issues we all face daily. Like for instance.......
Costs of High Octane Fuel. Costs of 2 cycle motor oil. Costs of Paddle Tires. Costs of Yearly Passes on GOVT land. Stuff like that. Peace

I'll take...

Things neither of them know anything about, for 1000 Alex!

maybe he and his prep team underestimated her. She should have been easy to beat. Vivek would have decimated her.
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I thought Trump was killing it for the first 45 mins or so and then I had to leave because our group was going to dinner.. Later in the evening I caught the whole thing and just shook my head... He knew, we knew, everyone knew, that Kamala was going to go there and shake him up and he just couldn't contain himself. He took it all, hook line and sinker..SMH..
If you really think about it, that's a scary leader. I never thought about that way until today.

Unfortunately for him, it's a feature, not a bug
This is all about, Can the media convince you that she is better for the USA?
Media has been the problem since 2016.
They are so left and biased it's unreal!
I'm afraid that it has to get so bad that then it will open the eyes of the blind, but at that point are we already too far gone!
If Kamala gets in...and things go even further and faster downhill than with Obummer or Joe will the media portray it that it is the conservative's fault.
The DemonCraps are never held accountable...but when is enough enough?
8 years of this current administration just might put the US over the edge of no return.

These are scary times. A freaking Corrupt Lawyer as President, that is about as sharp as a marble, who was voted the WORST VP even by their own party, but now is the deemed the one to save us all???? Are you kidding me, that right there is how media can say whatever and the sheep just fall for it!
She has flip flopped on so many policies from 4 years ago, but don't need to worry about that, ORANGE MAN BAD!!!

Rant over...for now!
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trump should have been better prepared. Shame on him. She is a former prosecutor and she know that when you say something - either to a jury or to a live audience; they ALL hear it. Even if it gets objected and stricken from the record in court or she was lying (most of her debate was lies) the fact remains that everyone still heard it. Disappointed that trump got sucked into her trap.
maybe he and his prep team underestimated her. She should have been easy to beat. Vivek would have decimated her.
I was thinking the same thing - Vivek would have talked about details, specifics and policies - not the name calling, not going back to the border 47 times, not getting sucked in. The media is a joke but you can't blame the media or moderators for Trumps failure in this debate. While they did fact check him more times - he shouldn't be saying blatant crazy shit. Moderators gave him more time. A rational, calm, intelligent person would have stuck to facts and details around Kamala's BS. Vivek would have done just that and it would perfectly expose her lack of depth and quality.
maybe he and his prep team underestimated her. She should have been easy to beat. Vivek would have decimated her.

Truth.. I wish he was running I'd vote for him.

I thought Trump was killing it for the first 45 mins or so and then I had to leave because our group was going to dinner.. Later in the evening I caught the whole thing and just shook my head... He knew, we knew, everyone knew, that Kamala was going to go there and shake him up and he just couldn't contain himself. He took it all, hook line and sinker..SMH..
If you really think about it, that's a scary leader. I never thought about that way until today.
Scary how easily he was manipulated.
Scary how easily he was manipulated.

Agreed.. it isn’t like everyone including himself didn’t know she was gonna try and get under his skin.. a simple comment about his rallies got it done?