POS Doctors...

I know the struggle. Takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep and I wake up constantly. I've tried various sleeping aids (50% for insomnia from the VA) and will be requesting a sleep study when we get to AZ next month because I'm desperate to find some sleep (CPAP has really helped a couple buddies so I'll give the ball gag a shot). Doesn't matter what I do, drink, not drink, work my ass off, veg, whatever. All ends up the same. Due to my job, "effective" drugs aren't an option but I'm at the point where I'll do it anyways. I only get it really bad a few times a year but when that comes up, it's just no Effing sleep for weeks and it just makes you absolutely miserable. 

Mac, you mentioned health insurance going up; are you not on Tricare? Select is "free" and Prime (or whatever the hell they call it) now is still dirt cheap. Now, it's still gubmint medicine...

I know the struggle. Takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep and I wake up constantly. I've tried various sleeping aids (50% for insomnia from the VA) and will be requesting a sleep study when we get to AZ next month because I'm desperate to find some sleep (CPAP has really helped a couple buddies so I'll give the ball gag a shot). Doesn't matter what I do, drink, not drink, work my ass off, veg, whatever. All ends up the same. Due to my job, "effective" drugs aren't an option but I'm at the point where I'll do it anyways. I only get it really bad a few times a year but when that comes up, it's just no Effing sleep for weeks and it just makes you absolutely miserable. 

Mac, you mentioned health insurance going up; are you not on Tricare? Select is "free" and Prime (or whatever the hell they call it) now is still dirt cheap. Now, it's still gubmint medicine...
I'll shoot you a message on the sleep stuff.

Tricare premiums and co-pays keeps going up  (I'm on Select).  I deal with the catastrophic cap now every year too.  I'm not sure how you're not seeing it.

I'll shoot you a message on the sleep stuff.

Tricare premiums and co-pays keeps going up  (I'm on Select).  I deal with the catastrophic cap now every year too.  I'm not sure how you're not seeing it.
Prime costs $30/month and hasn't gone up much since I retired ($40 a year maybe?). In network costs are minimal but no clue what is available in Havasu and I don't go enough to incur much cost.

It's been a while since we had a good Whine and Cheese post.

So I am making my health a priority this year.  I'm getting some answers finally but still have a ways to go.  Found out some meds i was put on were causing a lot of my pain issues.  Quit taking them...boom...I feel better.  There are other alternatives to statins so I'm not worried.  I've made significant changes in my diet and added a premium fish oil.  We'll see how it goes.

Next, I have MAJOR sleep issues (sleep apnea and insomnia).  The insomnia is the worst.  I have a CPAP, but don't tolerate it because I end up just laying in bed with a mask strapped to my face.  Also...welcome to old age...I have low testosterone.  Easy enough fix.

SO...here's my b*tch...

I served 25 years in the Navy.  I retired and guess what...obama said my health insurance benefit was too good, so he put it on a plan to increase rates and co-pays to marry it up with the rest of the health insurance markets in the US...AFTER I HAD ALREADY RETIRED!!!  F*CK THAT GUY!!!  So...I bust my a$$ and get my VA rating taken care of.  It only took 7 year because the VA is so fantastic at what they do...(kill Veterans so they don't have to take care of them)  So...I try and use the VA for as much as I can because it's free.  The care providers at the VA always push back and say..."Don't you have other insurance?"  F*CK YOU!  I earned this, you broke me...you f*cking fix me.  I pretty much go off on them like that when they bring it up.  I don't care.  So...my care provider at the VA said she would not fix some things and I should go see my other doctor.  Warm up the keyboard...  I email my Congressman.  GOD BLESS Rep Paul Gosar!  Dude is awesome.  He always gets back to me the same day and handles things immediately.  His staff contacted the VA and filed a Congressional inquiry as to why they weren't helping me.  NOW...the VA is scrambling to help.  Now was that so hard???  The true test will be at one of my appointments today.  The VA classifies insomnia as a mental health issue.  Every f*cking time to go to the VA...."Would you like to talk to mental health and get some antidepressants???"  For the love of F*CK!!!!  NO!!!!  Also, the VA is in cahoots with biden and his administration.  If you request or receive mental health assistance with the VA, they report you to the ATF and local authorities that you shouldn't have your guns.  Sen Kennedy - LA is trying to repeal this but of course biden won't sign it.  I already have Rep Gosar updated on this topic.  So...the VA is going to try and put me on antidepressants...and I'm going to go off.  What is so f*cking hard about prescribing me some Ambien and moving along?  I know I can go online and sign up with an internet DR and get it the next day, but this is about principle that the VA should be taking care of this, so...here we are.  This Dr better have done their homework before my appt today. 
This is why this site is awesome...i love hearing someone else STAND their ground!!!!

I've also had insomnia for years.....taken melatonin, lorazapam, Tylenol pm, magnesium, benadryl and a few others that were prescribed.

I've tryed the  10 mg  of Ambien, but found the 5mg work the best for when I know i'm definitely not going to sleep.

But for every day use, i've found that the costco sleep aid works the best for me...and its cheap!!!!!

The sad thing about most everything to help w/ sleep lose, has been know to cause dementia.  

The sad thing about most everything to help w/ sleep lose, has been know to cause dementia.  
I pay attention to Alzheimer's and dementia studies because I had that genetic testing done through 23 and me or whatever the hell it's called and found out I have a marker for it, APOE gene. They really don't know what causes it. They thought it was a plaque but that's slowly being shown to be not the smoking gun they thought.. It's my understanding that the lack of sleep is worse than the pills when it comes to causing dementia and Alzheimer's. There's a new school thought that Alzheimer's and dementia might be a lot like cancer, that it's just the perfect storm that happens that causes it, It's not just one single thing. Then there's another that thinks that it's due to inflammation. There's a lot of studies that say inflammation is causing all kinds of problems with our bodies and brains. 

In the end who knows what happens. Take care of yourself your whole life and then get run over by a bus.. 😂

I pay attention to Alzheimer's and dementia studies because I had that genetic testing done through 23 and me or whatever the hell it's called and found out I have a marker for it, APOE gene. They really don't know what causes it. They thought it was a plaque but that's slowly being shown to be not the smoking gun they thought.. It's my understanding that the lack of sleep is worse than the pills when it comes to causing dementia and Alzheimer's. There's a new school thought that Alzheimer's and dementia might be a lot like cancer, that it's just the perfect storm that happens that causes it, It's not just one single thing. Then there's another that thinks that it's due to inflammation. There's a lot of studies that say inflammation is causing all kinds of problems with our bodies and brains. 

In the end who knows what happens. Take care of yourself your whole life and then get run over by a bus.. 😂
Dementia/Alzheimer's = type 3 Diabetes...terrible way to go!!!!

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I lived the same life with alcohol.  I just can't do it anymore.

I can fall asleep quick, it's staying asleep that I can't seem to figure out.  I get a couple hours and then boom...AWAKE!  I'll go into a 2 hour rabbit hole over something stupid like the word "large".  Why that?  Who came up with that?  What was their reference?  
 I learned long ago drinking and good sleep don't mix and like you I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat and like you the problem is staying asleep. The only way I couldn't get my brain from going zero to sixty and keeping me awake for hours on end was to pre-occupy it.  

So I have to sleep with the TV on, not only the TV has to be on because if I turn it on I am now completely awake it has to be on some stupid show that I have seen a million times before. I wake up to let's say Law & Order, I hear 30 seconds of the episode and I go oh this is the one that blah blah blah. I watch it till the commercial break at that time I roll over to close my eyes till the commercial is over and next thing I know it's like 1-2 hours later. Rinse and Repeat.

 I was a General Motors dealer mechanic for 34 god dammed years. I was underpaid and overworked for long hours, worked Saturdays away from my family, busted the skin on my knuckles, burned my arms, down on my knees, and strained my back bent over the fender of a million stupid dumb ass lifted duramax trucks, and all for what? For you to say I have zero diagnostic ability. Well I tell you what, do you want to compare education? My training transcript goes all the way back to 1991 and is probably equivalent to several master's degrees. I took pride in using the latest tools available to me to identify problems that were hard to fix, problems that other dealers couldn't fix, problems that Field Engineers called me about to ask what I thought, I spent hours upon hours reviewing Pico Scope vibration data to identify root cause failure in rotating components, and don't get me started how many hours I spent reviewing sensor data captured on a laptop during a 50 mile road test to try and fix an intermittent misfire, and while I'm at it, I was the guy who volunteered to be the Corvette powertrain tech because no one else wanted the job, when you missed a shift at 6500 rpm in your 2019 Z06 and imprinted the intake valve on a piston it was I who pulled the head and oil pan to repair it, I've been around the block more than a few times and I don't appreciate your blanket statement regarding dealer techs. 

Sure, I'm just a stupid auto mechanic, I'll never amount to anything else, if a car falls on me tomorrow the management will scrape me off of the ground and make room for the next swinging pee pee to take my place.  I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Perhaps I should just apply for a job flipping burgers, at $20 an hour they sometimes make more money than I do.
you should use you tube to help you figure stuff out, great place for guidance
