POS Doctors...


Have you tried that mouth guard for snoring?

I use this one pretty regularly:

Shop Stop Snoring Solutions Guaranteed to Work for You | ZQuiet

It basically positions your lower jaw down and out just a bit...there are 2 different mouth guards, one is more extreme.

This is a cheap and easy way without having a Darth Vadar Mask and all that crap!

I found after getting used to it...which was a couple days...I sleep better with it.

Just a thought.

I used one for a while.  It hurt my teeth and jaw.  It would take a couple of hours every morning to let things shift back in place.

I do have diagnosed sleep apnea and do have a CPAP.  My issue it I need something to put me to sleep so I can tolerate it.

The doctor is sending me some Lunesta (sleeping pill) and see how that works.  I have heard that testosterone can help with sleep too.  Once I get that started, I'll see if that's all I need and stop the sleeping pills.  

I've had a CPAP for 15 years.. took me only 3 days to get used to it.... you MUST learn to deal with it,.. it's just air but it's a life saver/game changer.. once you're on it, you'll never let go.

Trust me, works.


 Have you considered therapy? They have CBT-i for sleep disorders. I'm willing to bet you're at a point where it's freaking you out and you get sleep anxiety.. or you've been there for awhile already.. Wouldn't hurt you to get some good advise on sleep hygiene and change a few things about your thought processes.

Be careful with the lunesta, ambien, etc. The gabba drugs will eff you up.. when they quit working, and they do, your insomnia will come back twice as hard.. Use sparingly... 

You may laugh, but look into hallucinogenics.. As crazy as it sounds, they're changing the world when it comes to trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc.

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I've had a CPAP for 15 years.. took me only 3 days to get used to it.... you MUST learn to deal with it,.. it's just air but it's a life saver/game changer.. once you're on it, you'll never let go.

Trust me, works.

I literally cannot sleep without my CPAP machine. Like zero sleep... It's almost like a baby blanket to me now. I have the full mask so I get a lot of air blowing across my lips, nose, face and I'll use that airflow and imagine being out in the middle of the mountains laying on my back with the wind blowing across my face. Relaxes the hell out of me ..

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 Have you considered therapy? They have CBT-i for sleep disorders. I'm willing to bet you're at a point where it's freaking you out and you get sleep anxiety.. or you've been there for awhile already.. Wouldn't hurt you to get some good advise on sleep hygiene and change a few things about your thought processes.

Be careful with the lunesta, ambien, etc. The gabba drugs will eff you up.. when they quit working, and they do, your insomnia will come back twice as hard.. Use sparingly... 

You may laugh, but look into hallucinogenics.. As crazy as it sounds, they're changing the world when it comes to trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc.
I have been doing sleep hygiene for years.  Just doesn't work.  I'm a very light and reatless sleeper and if I wake up even to roll over, boom....brain turns on.   My goal is to NOT stay on anything, maybe just tra8n my body and mind to want sleep.

I have been doing sleep hygiene for years.  Just doesn't work.  I'm a very light and reatless sleeper and if I wake up even to roll over, boom....brain turns on.   My goal is to NOT stay on anything, maybe just tra8n my body and mind to want sleep.
Don't think I'm badgering you about Hydroxyzine..  Far from it.  I'm still not figured out, but it helps the best yet.  I had taken other stuff but I gained a bunch of weight,  didn't work, etc...  I'm curious to what you figure out. 

I used to drink HEAVY just to be what I perceived as sleep.  The insomnia and alcohol were ruining everything in my life.  Finally went to a doc, and that is where I ended up.  I am LIGHTYEARS better today than before.   However...

I still go to bed around 10.  Toss 'n turn for half an hour, wife snoring away...at some point drift away.  Probably wake up 5 times during the night, always checking the clock. Rarely to piss....  Each "clock check" could be 30 mins of whirlwind brain after.  

I get up at 5 to go to work.  Ain't a whole lotta time for sleep in that messy gap.  99% of the time I'm up before my alarm goes off.  Brain just burning away.

Oddly, the alarm woke me up today.  Panic at first.  Then relieved I got the extra 40 mins of sleep since the last clock check.....

Is it better than damn near a fifth of vodka on a weeknight night?  F-yes...!  

I rarely even have a single drink on "school nights" now.

Doctors are like Dealership Mechanics.  Absolutely zero diagnostic ability.  
 I was a General Motors dealer mechanic for 34 god dammed years. I was underpaid and overworked for long hours, worked Saturdays away from my family, busted the skin on my knuckles, burned my arms, down on my knees, and strained my back bent over the fender of a million stupid dumb ass lifted duramax trucks, and all for what? For you to say I have zero diagnostic ability. Well I tell you what, do you want to compare education? My training transcript goes all the way back to 1991 and is probably equivalent to several master's degrees. I took pride in using the latest tools available to me to identify problems that were hard to fix, problems that other dealers couldn't fix, problems that Field Engineers called me about to ask what I thought, I spent hours upon hours reviewing Pico Scope vibration data to identify root cause failure in rotating components, and don't get me started how many hours I spent reviewing sensor data captured on a laptop during a 50 mile road test to try and fix an intermittent misfire, and while I'm at it, I was the guy who volunteered to be the Corvette powertrain tech because no one else wanted the job, when you missed a shift at 6500 rpm in your 2019 Z06 and imprinted the intake valve on a piston it was I who pulled the head and oil pan to repair it, I've been around the block more than a few times and I don't appreciate your blanket statement regarding dealer techs. 

Sure, I'm just a stupid auto mechanic, I'll never amount to anything else, if a car falls on me tomorrow the management will scrape me off of the ground and make room for the next swinging pee pee to take my place.  I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Perhaps I should just apply for a job flipping burgers, at $20 an hour they sometimes make more money than I do.

Just curious, was it better when Trump was in office ?  Does the VA change policies often due to leadership ? 

All veteran's should be taken care of !
I think it’s more about an administration talking about addressing the problems associated with government health care (Veteran’s Administration) with the usual “fix” being more money without quantifying result.

As an E-2 making roughly $900 a month I paid cash for a private dentist to fix any issues I had.

 I was a General Motors dealer mechanic for 34 god dammed years. I was underpaid and overworked for long hours, worked Saturdays away from my family, busted the skin on my knuckles, burned my arms, down on my knees, and strained my back bent over the fender of a million stupid dumb ass lifted duramax trucks, and all for what? For you to say I have zero diagnostic ability. Well I tell you what, do you want to compare education? My training transcript goes all the way back to 1991 and is probably equivalent to several master's degrees. I took pride in using the latest tools available to me to identify problems that were hard to fix, problems that other dealers couldn't fix, problems that Field Engineers called me about to ask what I thought, I spent hours upon hours reviewing Pico Scope vibration data to identify root cause failure in rotating components, and don't get me started how many hours I spent reviewing sensor data captured on a laptop during a 50 mile road test to try and fix an intermittent misfire, and while I'm at it, I was the guy who volunteered to be the Corvette powertrain tech because no one else wanted the job, when you missed a shift at 6500 rpm in your 2019 Z06 and imprinted the intake valve on a piston it was I who pulled the head and oil pan to repair it, I've been around the block more than a few times and I don't appreciate your blanket statement regarding dealer techs. 

Sure, I'm just a stupid auto mechanic, I'll never amount to anything else, if a car falls on me tomorrow the management will scrape me off of the ground and make room for the next swinging pee pee to take my place.  I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Perhaps I should just apply for a job flipping burgers, at $20 an hour they sometimes make more money than I do.
Now that’s how you whine & cheese folks, nicely done!

 I was a General Motors dealer mechanic for 34 god dammed years. I was underpaid and overworked for long hours, worked Saturdays away from my family, busted the skin on my knuckles, burned my arms, down on my knees, and strained my back bent over the fender of a million stupid dumb ass lifted duramax trucks, and all for what? For you to say I have zero diagnostic ability. Well I tell you what, do you want to compare education? My training transcript goes all the way back to 1991 and is probably equivalent to several master's degrees. I took pride in using the latest tools available to me to identify problems that were hard to fix, problems that other dealers couldn't fix, problems that Field Engineers called me about to ask what I thought, I spent hours upon hours reviewing Pico Scope vibration data to identify root cause failure in rotating components, and don't get me started how many hours I spent reviewing sensor data captured on a laptop during a 50 mile road test to try and fix an intermittent misfire, and while I'm at it, I was the guy who volunteered to be the Corvette powertrain tech because no one else wanted the job, when you missed a shift at 6500 rpm in your 2019 Z06 and imprinted the intake valve on a piston it was I who pulled the head and oil pan to repair it, I've been around the block more than a few times and I don't appreciate your blanket statement regarding dealer techs. 

Sure, I'm just a stupid auto mechanic, I'll never amount to anything else, if a car falls on me tomorrow the management will scrape me off of the ground and make room for the next swinging pee pee to take my place.  I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Perhaps I should just apply for a job flipping burgers, at $20 an hour they sometimes make more money than I do.
Generalizations suck, the issue today is a good amount of current techs are not like you....or we don't get access to them.

Thanks for all you did all those years, I have a guy I'll go to until we move 200 miles away....because a competent mechanic you trust is like gold...

@Cookie didn't mean a guy like you, its the other majority. 


 I was a General Motors dealer mechanic for 34 god dammed years. I was underpaid and overworked for long hours, worked Saturdays away from my family, busted the skin on my knuckles, burned my arms, down on my knees, and strained my back bent over the fender of a million stupid dumb ass lifted duramax trucks, and all for what? For you to say I have zero diagnostic ability. Well I tell you what, do you want to compare education? My training transcript goes all the way back to 1991 and is probably equivalent to several master's degrees. I took pride in using the latest tools available to me to identify problems that were hard to fix, problems that other dealers couldn't fix, problems that Field Engineers called me about to ask what I thought, I spent hours upon hours reviewing Pico Scope vibration data to identify root cause failure in rotating components, and don't get me started how many hours I spent reviewing sensor data captured on a laptop during a 50 mile road test to try and fix an intermittent misfire, and while I'm at it, I was the guy who volunteered to be the Corvette powertrain tech because no one else wanted the job, when you missed a shift at 6500 rpm in your 2019 Z06 and imprinted the intake valve on a piston it was I who pulled the head and oil pan to repair it, I've been around the block more than a few times and I don't appreciate your blanket statement regarding dealer techs. 

Sure, I'm just a stupid auto mechanic, I'll never amount to anything else, if a car falls on me tomorrow the management will scrape me off of the ground and make room for the next swinging pee pee to take my place.  I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Perhaps I should just apply for a job flipping burgers, at $20 an hour they sometimes make more money than I do.
Preach brother!

Don't think I'm badgering you about Hydroxyzine..  Far from it.  I'm still not figured out, but it helps the best yet.  I had taken other stuff but I gained a bunch of weight,  didn't work, etc...  I'm curious to what you figure out. 

I used to drink HEAVY just to be what I perceived as sleep.  The insomnia and alcohol were ruining everything in my life.  Finally went to a doc, and that is where I ended up.  I am LIGHTYEARS better today than before.   However...

I still go to bed around 10.  Toss 'n turn for half an hour, wife snoring away...at some point drift away.  Probably wake up 5 times during the night, always checking the clock. Rarely to piss....  Each "clock check" could be 30 mins of whirlwind brain after.  

I get up at 5 to go to work.  Ain't a whole lotta time for sleep in that messy gap.  99% of the time I'm up before my alarm goes off.  Brain just burning away.

Oddly, the alarm woke me up today.  Panic at first.  Then relieved I got the extra 40 mins of sleep since the last clock check.....

Is it better than damn near a fifth of vodka on a weeknight night?  F-yes...!  

I rarely even have a single drink on "school nights" now.
I lived the same life with alcohol.  I just can't do it anymore.

I can fall asleep quick, it's staying asleep that I can't seem to figure out.  I get a couple hours and then boom...AWAKE!  I'll go into a 2 hour rabbit hole over something stupid like the word "large".  Why that?  Who came up with that?  What was their reference?  

 I was a General Motors dealer mechanic for 34 god dammed years. I was underpaid and overworked for long hours, worked Saturdays away from my family, busted the skin on my knuckles, burned my arms, down on my knees, and strained my back bent over the fender of a million stupid dumb ass lifted duramax trucks, and all for what? For you to say I have zero diagnostic ability. Well I tell you what, do you want to compare education? My training transcript goes all the way back to 1991 and is probably equivalent to several master's degrees. I took pride in using the latest tools available to me to identify problems that were hard to fix, problems that other dealers couldn't fix, problems that Field Engineers called me about to ask what I thought, I spent hours upon hours reviewing Pico Scope vibration data to identify root cause failure in rotating components, and don't get me started how many hours I spent reviewing sensor data captured on a laptop during a 50 mile road test to try and fix an intermittent misfire, and while I'm at it, I was the guy who volunteered to be the Corvette powertrain tech because no one else wanted the job, when you missed a shift at 6500 rpm in your 2019 Z06 and imprinted the intake valve on a piston it was I who pulled the head and oil pan to repair it, I've been around the block more than a few times and I don't appreciate your blanket statement regarding dealer techs. 

Sure, I'm just a stupid auto mechanic, I'll never amount to anything else, if a car falls on me tomorrow the management will scrape me off of the ground and make room for the next swinging pee pee to take my place.  I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Perhaps I should just apply for a job flipping burgers, at $20 an hour they sometimes make more money than I do.
I would like to think Cookie was referencing the newer/younger workforce.

While younger generations are taking blue collar jobs, the first time they put a tool in their hand was when they started a trade school.  I know I grew up with a tool in my hand and when it came to trade school, I was already a mechanic, I just needed to learn how to be THAT type of mechanic.  Mechanical aptitude and ability isn't a natural gift to everyone.

One thing that is picking up steam in our country is people see a college degree isn't what it was made out to be.  Higher education is overpriced and meaningless in many areas.  Trade schools and OJT is making a comeback BUT...you need the younger generation to want it and they need to wanting more than "that's good enough...".

My wife got Halcion to fly.... took them when my buddy died....they put you out.....didn't look at long term issues with it as I only took them for a few nights....my SIL  took one on the plane and he has sleep issues...he was out for the entire hawaii flight... he's asking his doc for them now. 

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I used to take 1mg of Xanax per night to help me sleep for about 15 years. About 2-3 years ago all the doctors stopped prescribing it. We'd all like to sleep without 'sleep aids' but sometimes you need them. Maybe try Lunesta or Ambien.


 I was a General Motors dealer mechanic for 34 god dammed years. I was underpaid and overworked for long hours, worked Saturdays away from my family, busted the skin on my knuckles, burned my arms, down on my knees, and strained my back bent over the fender of a million stupid dumb ass lifted duramax trucks, and all for what? For you to say I have zero diagnostic ability. Well I tell you what, do you want to compare education? My training transcript goes all the way back to 1991 and is probably equivalent to several master's degrees. I took pride in using the latest tools available to me to identify problems that were hard to fix, problems that other dealers couldn't fix, problems that Field Engineers called me about to ask what I thought, I spent hours upon hours reviewing Pico Scope vibration data to identify root cause failure in rotating components, and don't get me started how many hours I spent reviewing sensor data captured on a laptop during a 50 mile road test to try and fix an intermittent misfire, and while I'm at it, I was the guy who volunteered to be the Corvette powertrain tech because no one else wanted the job, when you missed a shift at 6500 rpm in your 2019 Z06 and imprinted the intake valve on a piston it was I who pulled the head and oil pan to repair it, I've been around the block more than a few times and I don't appreciate your blanket statement regarding dealer techs. 

Sure, I'm just a stupid auto mechanic, I'll never amount to anything else, if a car falls on me tomorrow the management will scrape me off of the ground and make room for the next swinging pee pee to take my place.  I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. Perhaps I should just apply for a job flipping burgers, at $20 an hour they sometimes make more money than I do.
Sorry that I offended you, not my intention.  I grew up in the garage, my Father was a Cummins Deisel mechanic for 30 years, he died due to the strain on his body from that job. After 6 back surgeries, the last one he died on the operating table (back surgery).  I spent every weekend in the garage from 7 yrs old on wrenching and learning.

That being said, it isn't the individual mechanic that is the problem, it is management, they rather have people do it the easy way.  There is no incentive to diagnose it. My Dad complained about this changing 30 years ago ("the New Breed").

Again, sorry you are offended, not my intention.  I am a sales guy, feel free to write a long winded post about me.

I wanted to take the time and give an update here.

So the VA did what I figured they would do and just shut down any prospect of testosterone treatment.  F*cking HATE the VA.  Tried bring it back up with my Congressman and now he's going silent.  

I did get prescribed sleeping pills (Lunestra).  That is working fairly well.  I am able to tolerate using a CPAP and sleep for at least 6 hours every night now.  That is a HUGE improvement.  I know others mentioned other, more natural approaches to sleep but I was that bad.  I'm in the process of figuring out what else will work and hoping sleeping pills won't be a long term solution.  

I did say f*ck it and used my other insurance and got put on testosterone.  I should have conceded and done it months ago when offered, I just wanted the VA to pay for it.  Anyway, here we are.  It's not horribly expensive.  I take a shot every 2 weeks as of now.  While not OMG!!!  BEST EVER!!!  I will say it's starting to improve my mood and overall physical feeling.  It's hard to say if it's helping with my inflammation right now because my orthopedist has me on a strong anti-inflammatory since I over stressed my elbow (just had surgery at the end of April).  And yes, sex drive is increasing too (wasn't an issue but I'm definitely feeling the reversal of a 54 year old man back to my younger state)   :sexywave: doesn't seem to mind... :lol:

I'm definitely looking forward to more overall improvement.  I plan to get back into a gym soon and make benefit of the boost and see what else it can do for me.

Thanks to those that shared info and details.  I know it's not always easy to share medical and personal info but it is appreciated.  The way I look at it, NO ONE talks about Men's health so let's talk, share and help each other out.  What you share today might help or save someone who is struggling and doesn't want to admit it or talk.  It's why I try and be pretty open on here.  The world needs more off-roaders!  
