
The success of Slappy and GD was always the lives touched, the culture cultivated here that extended into caring for Mother Glamis and the vision shared with that we became friends, then family and ultimately stewards of the place we all love.

You've lead with clear purpose and have been a person we all could lean upon, pass that torch, enjoy yore quiet time in Glamis or wherever the next adventure leads. Love you Bro.

To Chris and Dave, congrats on taking on something we all feel so deeply about. The active members here are the type that endure, the faithful. We look forward to the legacy continuing, and most of all growing.

Crusty :crusty:

Change is inevitable and if Rob is happy I am happy! Congrats to Dave and Chris :cheers:

So many gatherings over the years... Thanksgiving potlucks in 13.5 with 140+ of your closest friends, Havasu gatherings, the sandy golf tourneys, local socials and getting to know lifelong friends, and so much more.

A lot of passionate people on this site that support and defend our right to ride and the freedoms we enjoy. This site and it's people are literally responsible for what has become the largest off-road Veterans Day gathering in the world, coming up on it's 21st year :smilie_flagge13:  

Software will always change but what hasn't changed is the passion and camaraderie. Looking forward to continued success (and maybe a round of golf with @sndsamplr soon)  :hethan:


2019 Glamis Veterans matte.jpg


Wow, congrats and welcome!

Been here for almost 20 years and it is my go-to for anything sand related, funny stuff, news, motocross, jokes, memes, etc... and just a way to talk to friends of whom most I have never even met in person!

This place is awesome!

Thank you for continuing on with it...looking forward to what is next!

Dale  :dbart:
