Paddle leaks

Another sealant is American Sealants Amerseal tire sealant

Another sealant is American Sealants Amerseal tire sealant

OK, now Im confused............ which one is the worlds best?  Maybe one is the worlds best TIRE sealer & the other is the worlds best TYRE sealer.  LOL.


have you used this Amerseal?  seems like its not the best if your fixin' to change to Monster.  BTW, where are you gettting that Monster stuff?  I cant find it on Kartek, Pacific Customs not Amazon....

OK, now Im confused............ which one is the worlds best?  Maybe one is the worlds best TIRE sealer & the other is the worlds best TYRE sealer.  LOL.

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have you used this Amerseal?  seems like its not the best if your fixin' to change to Monster.  BTW, where are you gettting that Monster stuff?  I cant find it on Kartek, Pacific Customs not Amazon....
McKenzies Performance in Anaheim. I haven’t used either yet. I might try them side by side, see which one is really the worlds best. 

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Kinda like this???  LOL.

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I still think looking at this picture, I would deflate tire. Take the bead lock ring off, clean it up and put a nice bead of black rtv on both sides of tire. Remount the ring and let it set a day or so then inflate the tire.

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McKenzies Performance in Anaheim. I haven’t used either yet. I might try them side by side, see which one is really the worlds best. 
 that only works of they are leaking @ the same rate.  LOL. 

I still think looking at this picture, I would deflate tire. Take the bead lock ring off, clean it up and put a nice bead of black rtv on both sides of tire. Remount the ring and let it set a day or so then inflate the tire.
Im tempted.  Im not sure it can make it worse............  I did try that Bead Sealer & that is supposed to be the best Chit in the world for beads.  IMO............ there is something wrong with these tires/Tyres.  the beads just looks super chitty.  and given that they have looked like that since the first off season, and the previous set that was "exactly the same tire", didnt have any of these issues & that the beads have been oozing chit..........  I gotta wonder. 

I tried the bead sealer, same stuff you used. Waste of time and money. I have a can you can have for free if you want it LOL  Taking up space in my garage cabinet!!!

I tried the bead sealer, same stuff you used. Waste of time and money. I have a can you can have for free if you want it LOL  Taking up space in my garage cabinet!!!
What so I can put it next to mine??  LOL 

When they were not leaking down every day I had been using 20 Oz/paddle & 12 Oz/front (of starch).  When I broke the wheels down there seemed to be LOTS of starch rolling around inside each of the tires.

How long would it take for your paddles to leak, from what PSI to what PSI??

@ the end of last season, my drivers side was leaking from 15 Lbs down to 10 or so in a day.  the last trip I was adding 6 or 8 Lbs in the morning and 2 or 3 before the afternoon ride. 

Ive not changed the QTY in each paddle because it seems if whatever Im putting in it does not seal the hole then adding more is simply going to make a larger puddle on the floor. 

I put 32 Oz of Berymans in each paddle this time. 
Mine don't leak at all with the staflo in them. My paddles had kind of what looked like a perforated area just around the  diameter of the bead that leaked around the whole perimeter. Not at the bead but just beyond it in the sidewall. Looks like maybe the lock rings rub there. I was a little concerned about the sidewall leaking too tho so I just snugged the lock ring bolts and left them laying face down overnight with a couple psi so the staflo could creep in there. Then I tightened the rings down some more and aired them up to about 25 psi and left them in the trailer until I got to the dunes. Once installed I cranked on the bolts again and aired down to about 10psi and they've pretty much stayed there for almost a year. Picture shows the criss cross where they were leaking until the staflo sealed them upIMG_20220718_201540.jpg

A whole bottle of staflo is 64oz or half a gallon. I've thought about putting more than that considering the volume and surface area of the inside of a tire that size. I did just notice my front tires are making a bit of a mess. Not really leaking on the floor but there's some dried starch around the beads. Pressures are still pretty good tho



Where can I get a good quality silicone in a caulking gun tube??  It can't be worse than the mess this is making... 

They are not loaing much air but it's squeezing out the berrymans and I'm sure when it's empty they will go flat. 



A friend suggested that.  It seems kind of extreme....  but if it stops leaking...  
I've had leaking paddles that did what yours are doing. Leaked all over the floor in my fifth wheel.  Starch was the wonder juice for me. 

My new set of tires on old rims with fresh powder coating don't leak.  I spent a lot of time prepping the bead area of the tires and the rims. 

Not sure what else you can do other than buy new or try the right stuff sealant. 

I've had leaking paddles that did what yours are doing. Leaked all over the floor in my fifth wheel.  Starch was the wonder juice for me. 

My new set of tires on old rims with fresh powder coating don't leak.  I spent a lot of time prepping the bead area of the tires and the rims. 

Not sure what else you can do other than buy new or try the right stuff sealant. 
How many cans did it take per wheel? 

I did a little test to see how well a few patched would stick with different adhesives.  The "RS old" is an old unopened can of Right stuff.   It's probably 10 years old.  The RS new I just bought and the RTV is a new tube of permatex, clear RTV. 

The RTV took a bit of effort, but simply peeled off of the rubber patch.

The RS old took more effort and mostly peeled off but had some spots where the RS ripped in half.  

The RS new took a lot of effort to get apart.  It ripped in half on almost the whole patch.  

To be used as a bead sealant I'm guessing the RTV will work fine.  That is assuming it will seal the leaks

  The RS I think will be a HUGE pita to break the beads off of the wheel... 



On a perfectly flat piece of powder coated steel the RTV is pretty hard to get off and I'm sure if I use brake cleaner it will ruin the powder coating.  The RS was actually a lot easier to get off than the RTV.

The RTV did not really bond to the rubber, so it came off clean.  The RS.... this is not coming off.  Maybe a wire wheel and a bunch of careful effort and it could be cleaned up enough to seal it up again.  But....I'm guessing at this point I would have no choice but to use more sealant... 



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