Out with the old...In with the new!


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Well, it has been quite a journey with my 2018 CC Silverado 2500 HD/Duramax/Allison. Loved the truck but had a lot of issues that ended up me being in a Lemon Law battle with GM.

It was resolved to the point of me getting all my money back. Low coolant issues were the start of this whole thing, but there were a lot of other electrical issues and just things going wrong.

GM decided to give me my money back minus Extended warranty and registration. However that would leave me with no truck for who knows how long. My lawyer said for me to get a quote as if I was going to sell it. I did, he presented that to GM...they cut a check for the difference and I kept the truck. settled out of court, didn't get deemed a lemon. The issue with the low coolant actually happened for the 6th time during this whole process which they replaced the crossover switch to the Surge tank! That has seemed to resolve that issue.

Had they done that from the beginning, I might not have gone through all this BS, but a lot of other things happened. Full ECU failure, Trans cooler Leak, Glow plug issues, Window actuator just to name a few. Just a bunch of crap that kept me going back to the dealer. The ECU Failure was really the last straw. Thought my engine had separated from the trans or I broke a couple motor mounts with how violently my truck was shaking, then just died. Luckily made it to the side of the road before it died. The dealer had it a week before figuring out what happened since no codes were thrown. I was beyond done with this thing at that point!

This thing has been in the shop more times than all the vehicles myself and my wife have owned combined!

I was just over it. So, then again it went back in for low coolant issue, 3rd or 4th time at that point, I was just beside myself and telling the service manager my displeasure, he said that I may just have a lemon, and gave me the number to GM's Lemon law, I decided to call! Got the run around, So I contacted Timothy Fatone, Lemon Law Lawyer and told him my situation. He called me back within 10 minutes and said I have a very strong case. He did the rest. Was a total of 14 months...to which the low coolant issue happened 2 more times.

So, back to what GM gave me. I took that, stuck it in the bank...drove my truck till I could order a new one and hoped nothing else went wrong. Well, it went in for glow plug issues...twice

Thankfully covered under warranty, but I was just done with this thing.

Ordered the new one April 8th, picked it up June 19th.

Dealer gave me more than what Carmax would have...so I ended up getting all of my money back with the Extended warranty. Basically drove it for 5 1/2 years for free minus registration.

The new one:

2024 GMC 2500 HD CC 6.6 Gas AT4...

Before and After...






Congrats, BUT....

Gas 2500HD?  :rotf:


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I want one of those at4’s and I’m a ford guy. My wife has the at4 Yukon. 

Congrats, BUT....

Gas 2500HD?  :rotf:

Peataux, gooseneck will tow 18,400 lbs, bumper pull 16,000 lbs.

My trailer is maybe 5,000. But down the road I have no problems going to a bigger trailer. However, I won't get something that is overkill for this truck! probably 26-28 ft bumper pull.

So suck it Tiny Avenger!


I want one of those at4’s and I’m a ford guy. My wife has the at4 Yukon. 
My next door neighbor is a lifelong Ford guy and has been over every day looking at this thing telling me its a gorgeous truck!


Oh and it sounds cool!

I have had a diesel since 2005. Nice to hear the V8

Peataux, gooseneck will tow 18,400 lbs, bumper pull 16,000 lbs.

My trailer is maybe 5,000. But down the road I have no problems going to a bigger trailer. However, I won't get something that is overkill for this truck! probably 26-28 ft bumper pull.

So suck it Tiny Avenger!

Hahahahahhaha...It's Mini Avenger!

Put some respek on my name!  :joe:

So you think you're Fancy now, huh?? :legit:

Bitchin truck man, I love the GMCs 👍

Sexy Truck @dbart happy it worked out at the end :cheers:

Don't listen to :tll:  his Duramax had multiple issues and he was only happy with his old beater F250 V10 which he still drives today...

I been cleaning up my 2003 2500HD CC 6.0, it still looks good and only 165k on the odometer  :lmao:

Sexy Truck @dbart happy it worked out at the end :cheers:

Don't listen to :tll:  his Duramax had multiple issues and he was only happy with his old beater F250 V10 which he still drives today...

I been cleaning up my 2003 2500HD CC 6.0, it still looks good and only 165k on the odometer  :lmao:
I had a powerstroke chavalita, old timer.

I was shamed into giving it away so I gave it to my sister's husband before I moved to TN.  Something about "real men drive real trucks in the South."

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I had a powerstroke chavalita, old timer.

I was shamed into giving it away so I gave it to my sister's husband before I moved to TN.  Something about "real men drive real trucks in the South."
That's right, yore "Bullet" proof FORD  LOL

Giving Cars/Trucks to family....it's always a bad deal :wife:   Don't do it!

It's gas, bro.

LOL Peutaux...

You are the epitome of the micro-man who needs the biggest truck lifted to the moon! I bet you have stacks on your Giganto truck with Back Off Mudflaps!


Mini-Avenger is rollin tall, but he's oh so small, while he cruises the mall...looking for boys!



Congrats on the new ride.   Good looking truck and welcome to the wonderful world of V8 power.  

That's to bad about your truck experience , Was this a known issue for that year truck, I have a old 2003 duramax and it has been a great truck, Had to do injectors at 90,000 and a high side fuel pump. Now a days I couldn't afford a new diesel truck , I would love to get your feedback on how she pulls your new trailer down the road.
