Odyssey PC680 - LS Engine?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Anyone using one of these batteries on their LS?  Per some Google searched people are using them in their street rods...

This little thing is in mine.  its a little "mobility" battery (like for a scooter). It seems uber small, but it has never let me down.  it does not crank very long, so its not like its being used for more than 1 or 2 seconds @ a time. 


PC925 would be my choice.  Heck Im running two in my 3.0 subaru

Curious...what are you trying to do?

A gp24 lead acid battery works just fine.

Your rail weighs a ton doesnt it?

Curious...what are you trying to do?

A gp24 lead acid battery works just fine.

Your rail weighs a ton doesnt it?
The previous owner of the car used a fork lift battery which is somewhat hard to find - and has a custom aluminum enclosure for it...clean setup...the same enclosure has the fuel pumps, filter, shutoff, etc. all mounted to it.  I'm trying to find a more available battery that will fit in the current space.  PS950 will prob work, but it a bit longer than I'd like...the PC680 would be perfect, just not ideal from a cranking amps perspective, although a lot of people seem to be using them in street cars. 

Maybe the forklift battery is the easiest route. 

I use a 680 for my rail with a Honda j series. It’s great when cold or cool but if I shut it off when it’s at 200 it is hard to restart gotta let it sit a couple minutes no problem. I’ve drained it over night from whip light a couple times too. I’m considering a 925 need to move batt box slightly though. 

we ran a 925 on old dragboat 15-1 470 inch pro stock style engine that battery had no issues 

Tossed my 925 in the trash after it died in just under 3 years.  23.9lbs of boat anchor.

Earth X LiFePo4 battery.   Weighs 4.9LBS and spins the motor like a top.  Keeps operating voltage higher so everything runs cooler and uses less amps.


I use a NOCO Genius 1 amp maintainer set on LifePo4 setting when the car is sitting

