NEWSCUMS Reparations plan, Please help me understand!!!!!

I just know that my tax dollars won't be contributing to this bullsh*t.

I'm just wondering if ANYTHING can ever stop the California Libtard insanity, and if the best geographically cool and fun state can ever be normal again?
One could only hope they go BK eventually and have to restructure. Big problem is there are a lot of retirees who may be collateral damage. 

One could only hope they go BK eventually and have to restructure. Big problem is there are a lot of retirees who may be collateral damage. 
Also, CA has the 5th largest economy in the world and the repercussions if they fail would cause major damage to the US economy and possibly the whole world.

I would rather see SF self destruct as an example to the socialist how their policies will fail and they will collapse from within. 

Newsome is such an idiot!

Like stated earlier, CA is such a large economy...why not make it more appealing to live here?

But no...TAX TAX TAX...and those who leave well, we still tax...then tax the ones left here even more!


I understand this so called Tax for the rich only (basically means yeah that's what we say we're going to do, but since they are in with that crowd, you watch!

The burden will somehow get transferred down to us little folk in some new LIBTARD justification of blah blah blah to help blah blah blah...its for the greater good!

Small print reads, EFF the working class..they are minions and stupid, we are above all, I am KING Newsome!!!

Newsome is such an idiot!

Like stated earlier, CA is such a large economy...why not make it more appealing to live here?

But no...TAX TAX TAX...and those who leave well, we still tax...then tax the ones left here even more!


I understand this so called Tax for the rich only (basically means yeah that's what we say we're going to do, but since they are in with that crowd, you watch!

The burden will somehow get transferred down to us little folk in some new LIBTARD justification of blah blah blah to help blah blah blah...its for the greater good!

Small print reads, EFF the working class..they are minions and stupid, we are above all, I am KING Newsome!!!
No such thing as a tax for the rich.  If you can afford said tax, you're in a spot where you can just pass the cost on to the consumer...

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This just divides races even more...I don't get how they don't realize this.

This just divides races even more...I don't get how they don't realize this.
Because they don't want MLK's Dream.  They want revenge.  They want to be 19th century Southern Democrats, only with Whites as the victims of Jim Crow.

This also allows The People to squabble and rabble rouse over inconsequential things like race while things like real freedom are marginalized in the name of "equality"

I, for one, aren't engaging in it other than to call it racist.  Which it is.  Calling white people racist because they're white is the exact definition of it. 

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The problem is...the Worker Bee's, AKA Conservatives, Republican's are the ones leaving!

That leaves the Takers, Fakers, Libtards, DEMONCRAPS, and Scum! They don't work! They suck off the ones who do work...but we're all leaving, so the decline of this great state is just Inevitable!

I call it the BLUEbonic Plague and it is starting to spread East though.

Yes, unfortunately your prediction makes sense.  And I know you have always had strong feelings about the governor, so I know you have really thought this through.

The wifey and I had a long debate about this. We were trying to figure out if reparations would work or not. The bottom line is money does not cure "trauma" or racism.

If they want to make a difference then use all that money to abolish current slavery in other countries. If US citizens are to get the money then they should be clocking a certain amount of hours reeducating their people. 

If you just hand them money they'll blow it just like everybody else does and then they'll cry foul about a white privilege system that ripped them off.

That's the short and sweet of our discussion

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If throwing money at problems really solved those problems then those problems would not need dems anymore.

Doesn't matter how much you throw at the problem, the problem still exists. Peace 
Isn't there a saying, More Money More Problems...or is it More Problems, More Money?



but seriously......


Think about the trillions of dollars that has been sent to Africa since the 80's.  Similar to the free housing, food and handouts that have been given to generations of American blacks.
