NEWSCUMS Reparations plan, Please help me understand!!!!!

It gets better..

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.


I have a plan...


I have a plan...
One year for Halloween, my wife dressed up as Tina Turner and I was Ike Turner.

My wife is half mexican half German and gets an awesome tan, but me...Token white guy.

I had to do just like this pic.

Well a good buddy of My Brother in Law's who played El Snowflake in Nacho guy, was talking to me for a long time, we were just chilling...then about about 3 hours into the party...he says,

"Dale, is that you?"




I'm just wondering if ANYTHING can ever stop the California Libtard insanity, and if the best geographically cool and fun state can ever be normal again?

I'm just wondering if ANYTHING can ever stop the California Libtard insanity, and if the best geographically cool and fun state can ever be normal again?
I don't think so.  

I'm just wondering if ANYTHING can ever stop the California Libtard insanity, and if the best geographically cool and fun state can ever be normal again?
that's a negative ghost rider, the pattern is full... I grew up here and have been trying to slide in to that window of opportunity to GTFO

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I'm just wondering if ANYTHING can ever stop the California Libtard insanity, and if the best geographically cool and fun state can ever be normal again?

The problem is...the Worker Bee's, AKA Conservatives, Republican's are the ones leaving!

That leaves the Takers, Fakers, Libtards, DEMONCRAPS, and Scum! They don't work! They suck off the ones who do work...but we're all leaving, so the decline of this great state is just Inevitable!

I call it the BLUEbonic Plague and it is starting to spread East though.

