NEWSCUMS Reparations plan, Please help me understand!!!!!


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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What in the actual EFF???

Am I to understand that people who were never slaves and descendants of families that were never slaves in CA cause CA was a free state and NEVER had slaves, are to be paid money by people who never had slaves and were/are descendants of families who also NEVER HAD SLAVES??????

If said families are "somehow" found to be a eligible for this bogus payout, then wouldn't a panel needed to be created to find out which families had slaves and make them fiscally responsible for this bogus payout???

Just asking as I am really confused to this next plan from the DEMONCRAPS to buy more votes....


EFF YOU NEWSOME! Seriously Eff you to the power of 550 Billion (yes the same amount you wish to give away) you effing worthless pile of SH*T!


It's NEVER going to happen, but just like the student loan BS, the idiots will vote for him because he said he wants to give them money.... just like school when the people running for student government would just say... I'm going to have free pizza and coke every day for everyone.....and idiots would vote for them..... we haven't changed...the pizza just costs more now....

Thank God for Idiot voters......

Read the fine print..doesn't have anything to do with slavery, It has to do with housing discrimination.

I predict that they'll act like they're going to get it passed but then blame the Republicans for it failing.
Sounds about right.

Nothing more than redistribution of wealth. Go work harder or smarter you racist bigot crackers, because were all equal right?

Isn’t it waysist to move the blacks to San Fran? Forcing them to live with crap on the sidewalks? Oh here is a paycheck for doing nothing because Newscum says your not capable of earning enough to support yourself. The democrat KKK sure has made a comeback.

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What in the actual EFF???

Am I to understand that people who were never slaves and descendants of families that were never slaves in CA cause CA was a free state and NEVER had slaves, are to be paid money by people who never had slaves and were/are descendants of families who also NEVER HAD SLAVES??????

If said families are "somehow" found to be a eligible for this bogus payout, then wouldn't a panel needed to be created to find out which families had slaves and make them fiscally responsible for this bogus payout???

Just asking as I am really confused to this next plan from the DEMONCRAPS to buy more votes....


EFF YOU NEWSOME! Seriously Eff you to the power of 550 Billion (yes the same amount you wish to give away) you effing worthless pile of SH*T!

Yup, any guesses on the skin color of the people writing and pushing this complete BUULLSSHHIITT??? FUUCCKK GAVIN

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So California taxpayers who had nothing to do with slavery from generations ago are now responsible for paying for reparations to people who were never enslaved……

Sounds about right for Gavin 🤬🤬

So California taxpayers who had nothing to do with slavery from generations ago are now responsible for paying for reparations to people who were never enslaved……

Sounds about right for Gavin 🤬🤬

The STUPID is Strong with him!

Harvesting Votes for them to pick.......  :bag:

See what I did there?



It's all nothing but virtue signaling by the corrupt woke politicians, white and black. The left has learned to over promise and when they can't fulfill those promises, they blame the Republicans for their idiotic ideas being shot down. Biden uses this tactic often with the student loan bullshit being the most obvious example. It's all about votes and unfortunately the sheeple fall for it most of the time.

Want to make it stop? Then encourage them to follow through with their proposal!. CALL THEM ON IT!!!! Encourage San Francisco to give every one of their proposals, then sit back and watch the chit show when the woke idiots panic when they have to own the meltdown they created.

Bet they would stop using this tactic again.


If you watch "Atlanta" on FX watch Season 3, episode 4 "The Big Payback", great episode on this subject.

Where does it end?  Blacks, and then Chinese that built the RR, then the Irish, and then the Japanese during WW2, migrant workers that came here illegally and so forth.  I can't afford more dependents, looks like I will be moving out of this country.  Do I get to write off all these dependents, asking for a friend?

Why is this even a State issue?  

I know these are rhetorical questions, but it is Bullshiat.
