NEW California new indoor mask mandate!? - announced today, effective 12/15/21-1/15/22... Ugh!

So lame

 I have not worn a mask( other than a 2 hour Dr visit in Aug ) since the last week of May and don't plan on it. I live in north OC so we used to hit up many LA county businesses but stopped that when they kept the mask/vax BS. I really hope OC does not bend over this latest trap. We all know Jan 15th is not the end date. 

Everyone needs to say NO this time and not give in to this BS 

There is an exemption if you are hearing impaired so my new answer to all requests will be " Huh?" 

There is an exemption if you are hearing impaired so my new answer to all requests will be " Huh?" 
Link? Have bilateral 60% loss. Would love to be able to use the documentation for that.

Bummer news, saw it coming though....lots of folks we know lately with the sniffles since Thanksgiving and a positive COVID-19 Test.

Stay well, protect your families health.


Because the masks have worked so well up to this point. Fuggin idiots.

We have a guy at work, early 40’s, quite the physical stud, been gone for a couple weeks. Never gave it much thought, lots of folks in holiday mode anyway. Shows back up to work today, a slobbering mumbling gork. Face looks like a Scream mask. Knuckles dragging and all down in the dumps. Got his booster a few weeks ago. Y’all go get them shots though.

For the nonconformist in the crowd, if you must wear a mask but still want to breathe I suggest you get one of these. I have COPD and having had the Vid twice I cannot breathe at all in these cloth/paper masks that everyone is sporting. In the Shema mask I have no problems at all. And they don’t fog up your glasses.
I had no reaction to shot 1 and 2.. wife was ill for shot 2 and we (sheep) both got boosters a few weeks ago and basically had a bad flu for like 12 hours. Pounding headache, chills, body aches. I really don't care about the wife and I and the 'shot' but I'm mad at myself for allowing our 15 year old to be vaxed (she's had the 2)... hopefully we aren't kiling her or making her sterile. Statistically NO ONE young and healthy dies from this thing.. unless you're obese.



PS. My 7 year old next door neighbor tested positive last week (had to have a test for a dance recital) .. she has no symptoms and her parents are testing negative... they're pretty sure it's NOT a false positive so I think it's that little kids don't have enough of a 'viral load' to even spread it, but that's just my non-educated guess.

PPS. Before this mask thing comes into play tomorrow, I'm gonna go belly up at the bar right NOW at Woody's Diner and have bloodies, hash browns, sausage, eggs over medium.. maybe even a bowl of fruit so I can pretend I'm... you know... healthy.

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Because the masks have worked so well up to this point. Fuggin idiots.

We have a guy at work, early 40’s, quite the physical stud, been gone for a couple weeks. Never gave it much thought, lots of folks in holiday mode anyway. Shows back up to work today, a slobbering mumbling gork. Face looks like a Scream mask. Knuckles dragging and all down in the dumps. Got his booster a few weeks ago. Y’all go get them shots though.

For the nonconformist in the crowd, if you must wear a mask but still want to breathe I suggest you get one of these. I have COPD and having had the Vid twice I cannot breathe at all in these cloth/paper masks that everyone is sporting. In the Shema mask I have no problems at all. And they don’t fog up your glasses.
These are also really good masks

Link? Have bilateral 60% loss. Would love to be able to use the documentation for that.

Exemptions to masks requirements

The following individuals are exempt from wearing masks at all times:

  • Persons younger than two years old. Very young children must not wear a mask because of the risk of suffocation.
  • Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a mask. This includes persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a mask could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a mask without assistance.
  • Persons who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
  • Persons for whom wearing a mask would create a risk to the person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines.

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In the last 6 months or more, the only time I have worn a mask is on a plane.  I personally feel like people are going to ignore this mandate at this point, people are done with this...........................

In the last 6 months or more, the only time I have worn a mask is on a plane.  I personally feel like people are going to ignore this mandate at this point, people are done with this...........................
I wished I could say the same up here where I live. We are between Portland and Eugene, two of the most liberal cities on earth. Wearing a mask at all times appears to be a badge of honor for these freaks. Not uncommon to see people by themselves driving with a mask on.

We have been under a mask mandate since last summer and the Oregon Health Administration just proposed to make the mandate PERMANENT! When the director of the OHA was questioned about it he said permanent does not mean permanent. WTF?

Ex wife is in the hospital.. Covid-19 positive on an IV but she’s a hypochondriac…. 29 year old daughter is positive but triple vaxed, no symptoms..22 year old daughter was with her is negative…Son hasn't tested yet, feels fine and is not vaccinated... Also...   my 7 year old neighbor missed her first dance recital… positive test (required), no symptoms.. parents are fine…. negative ..

Bought 10 tests for the Eff of it… 

worn out …


PS. Got about $2k of fireworks today....  🤦‍♂️🧟‍♂️😬… have to give my dog Xanax in G.. that's all I'm focused on right now...



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so tired of this chit.... so in the last month os so i know 1 person that has covid and 6 or 7 that had the flu  so its nice to see that this year the flu has made a comeback. or mabe they are actually not just marking down every illness as covid

Yeah,.. I had a good time today at Woody's Diner.. talked to a sweet Ausie gal (my age divorced)... she was 'punching in' too... So that's it I guess... like I said, I ain't playing 'silly mask games' no more.. I won't get into an argument or be a moron.. I just won't go to places that mandate masking.

See you in a month.. I'll just make/save more money I guess.


Old lady took one of these tests cause she went to a B-Day party tonight and was 'negative.' 

We should either..

A. Cancel all debt to China.

B. Nuke the muther fuggerz


Forgot about the "mandate" today...walked right into Starbucks with no mask on like I usually do!

No one said a thing there was about 75% masked up...25% unmasked!





San Fran is exempt from this mandate......................chew on that for a moment

San Fran is exempt from this mandate......................chew on that for a moment

Not a whole lot  of 'rona up there, because they are mostly vaxxed.   Looking into it,  they still have a mask policy and have since August, but they exempted gyms and workplaces . . .

This "mandate" is from the California Department of Public Health...what authority do they have over the general public?

Not a single person at the gym this morning with a mask on. Haven't seen but 2 masks so far this morning in Newport Beach/Costa Mesa
