NEW California new indoor mask mandate!? - announced today, effective 12/15/21-1/15/22... Ugh!


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Living in OC, I've enjoyed not wearing or having a mask for some time now. Other than going to Kauai last week, I can't remember when I last had to wear one. I don't even keep one in my car, etc. Guess all the restaurants I frequent will just lose out on my business (thanks to the Govt.)... cause I'd just rather do something else than wear a cloth diaper... 


PS. In reading another article on it, guess we killed the mandate in June. .. yeah .. it's been a 'better' 6 months since the mandate went away... Well at least we're good in Mother G! One day .. if I live long enough... I will leave this garbage state and take all that tax revenue with me. Only the fact that all of my family (kids and parents) are local keeps me here. Parents die, kids move out of state.. I'm gone!

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OK .. so it's the hypocrisy that pisses me off.

We went to Kauai in June and had to spit in a test tube on a zoom call with some 'official' within 72 hours of flying and provide that negative test.. Went to Kauai last week (wife and I are vaccinated and even boosted.. I know.. sheep right?).. and all I had to show was my vaccination records, no negative test required... so THAT is what is grinding my gears..

Vaccinated folks CAN spread COVID-19... so if you REALLY cared about the spread, you WOULDN'T give a rats a__ if I'm vaccinated (that would only theoretically help me), if you cared about spread, you'd want to know I was NEGATIVE.. PERIOD!!!. ... am I missing something.. with 'the spread' ???

Anyhow, I'm tired of all this... Should just be a personal risk assessment choice and that's it. Just like if I want to roll without a seat belt (which I do ).. it's on me... 


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So the vaccines don’t work... the masks don’t work... but let’s have more vaccines and masks for everyone. Maybe it’ll work this time around. 

For sure.. I think you'd need a respirator like they use when spraying paint and other PPP gear to actually stop from passing it. Dumb cloth diaper probably doesn't do diddly... Also, you can get infections through the eyes.. so they should have been saying eye goggles along with the masks if they wanted to be .. you know.. medical.


PS. Let's roll around like this for the rest of our lives.. no.. I'd rather be dead.


My long time best friend,.. of 40 years who goes to Glamis with me lives in San Clemente and he told me those places never made folks mask up.. Just don't want to go 15-20 miles for a meal.. but.. I won't be giving my dollars to those who demand masks.. nope.. it's not happening.. Here's his oldest (13) and my youngest (15) .. they're bestie's in G..

Of course .. like her Dad.. my kid is the shortie.



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The scary part is most of the businesses have no choice...the fines from Azzhole newsome are so severe for businesses that it would  literally put them out of business for good.  I feel for the business owners..... 

I did find an Aftco sun mask that "is" a mask.....but you can breathe thru it.... in case we have no choice and have to in to a business. 

Almost 2 years jab, only used a mask at first...still alive and kicking.

I'm not playing this stupid game and no longer living in CA, I don't have to.  CA voted for this sh*t, own it.

The scary part is most of the businesses have no choice...the fines from Azzhole newsome are so severe for businesses that it would  literally put them out of business for good.  I feel for the business owners..... 

I did find an Aftco sun mask that "is" a mask.....but you can breathe thru it.... in case we have no choice and have to in to a business. 
we frequent the Bob's on Hamner because they were the ONLY restaurant in Norco to not close their dining room. You had to mask up when coming in but were still at least able to "eat out" without getting take out. 

Almost 2 years jab, only used a mask at first...still alive and kicking.

I'm not playing this stupid game and no longer living in CA, I don't have to.  CA voted for this sh*t, own it.
all but the voted part... F U K Newsolini


Because the masks have worked so well up to this point. Fuggin idiots.

We have a guy at work, early 40’s, quite the physical stud, been gone for a couple weeks. Never gave it much thought, lots of folks in holiday mode anyway. Shows back up to work today, a slobbering mumbling gork. Face looks like a Scream mask. Knuckles dragging and all down in the dumps. Got his booster a few weeks ago. Y’all go get them shots though.

For the nonconformist in the crowd, if you must wear a mask but still want to breathe I suggest you get one of these. I have COPD and having had the Vid twice I cannot breathe at all in these cloth/paper masks that everyone is sporting. In the Shema mask I have no problems at all. And they don’t fog up your glasses.
