More Legislation Requiring Vaccines


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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So the douchebag in chief is signing an executive order requiring private businesses that employ over 100 people to require all the employees to get the jab.

I seriously hate this administration.

I thought I saw he was finally mandating Federal employees as well. What about mandating for the vaccine manufacturing companies? 

I don't get the mandates, in recent studies, most people don't want the vaccine because they don't want to be told what to do.  Fact is Americans don't like to be told they "have to do" something...............impedes on their freedom to choose.

That being said, why aren't they marketing this drug like a "Blue Pill"?  Show some sex scene and let everyone know this is what you can do once your vaccinated.  This would get half the people off the fence, which most unvaccinated are Latino's and Blacks.  Just saying the government needs to sell it correctly, mandates will never work in this country.

This will be interesting in our household. My son finished his undergrad and started at a big corporation, Im pretty sure he will walk before getting jabbed. 

I don't get the mandates, in recent studies, most people don't want the vaccine because they don't want to be told what to do.  Fact is Americans don't like to be told they "have to do" something...............impedes on their freedom to choose.

That being said, why aren't they marketing this drug like a "Blue Pill"?  Show some sex scene and let everyone know this is what you can do once your vaccinated.  This would get half the people off the fence, which most unvaccinated are Latino's and Blacks.  Just saying the government needs to sell it correctly, mandates will never work in this country.
that's why i didn't get it. i was told i had to so i automatically said eff that. i'll stand my ground

aug 27th i was positive for covid. did i die, no well not yet. did it suck, hell yes. freezing cold my teeth chattered to next minute i'm pouring sweat like im in a hot box.

body aches, severe headaches (i guess i've never realy had a bad headache until now). severe fatigue, slept for up to 36 hours at a time. 

in 10 days I had 3 glasses of water, 4 apples, tried to each a chick fil a sandwich and it was like eating a block of salt. the vanilla shake was ok, but i couldn't stomach the sandwich or even a fry.

i had a service come in and give my wife and i IV bags to help. 

I had 0 shots, wife has had both since summer, she got it aug 28th, but basically she had a sinus type infection symptoms and some fatigue.

I now carry albuterol inhaler until i get thru some of these breathing issues i'm experiencing. lungs and chest clear as per dr. and oxy level at 96%

The nurse that came and did the IV bags said no shots for her. she was 30, has literally worked 7 days a week for 3 years straight to pay off her student debt. she hates masks and gets in trouble at the ER she's out of for not wearing it. but she said I've been knee deep in it since day one and haven't got it. and she just paid her debt off, took 3 years but she did it!

anyways, would i get the shot now, I probably would, because I have been down 15 days this saturday, missed 2 of my sons college football games, and my daughters birthday...aug 27th the day i was positive. she's been at grandmas since then, haven't seen her for a while. i'll be back 100% before long, dr said it will just take a little while, so i have to ease back into my old life. 

I know I could have been alot worse off and i'm gratefull it was wasn't bad as it could have been.

As if we are not already on that slippery slope.  We are now caught in with the sheep.  

How is this going to be enforced? Oh yea... those passports or database they said they were never going to enforce.  Its coming.  All to save 2/3's of the less than 3% that die from the China Virus... GMAFB

aug 27th i was positive for covid. did i die, no well not yet. did it suck, hell yes. freezing cold my teeth chattered to next minute i'm pouring sweat like im in a hot box.
Sucks to hear... Not to give doctors advice or sound like Im followoing Joe Rogans advice.. but id get some ivermectin and get on it.   Maybe you already are.   I understand it can still help the long term effects.  Though, I understand the "covid cocktail" ingredients are/have become difficult to get.

Good luck.  Hope you get better.

I probably would’ve gotten it already if they weren’t so authoritarian about the whole thing. Mandating it is just going to make less people want to get it. 

Sucks to hear... Not to give doctors advice or sound like Im followoing Joe Rogans advice.. but id get some ivermectin and get on it.   Maybe you already are.   I understand it can still help the long term effects.  Though, I understand the "covid cocktail" ingredients are/have become difficult to get.

Good luck.  Hope you get better.
i requested ivermectin from my dr. he said he wouldn't write it, he didn't belive in it, I told him he should write a rx based on what works, not his opinion, as I'm not paying for his opinion. 

i'm good now, getting better daily

This will be interesting in our household. My son finished his undergrad and started at a big corporation, I'm pretty sure he will walk before getting jabbed. 
You'd have to drag my 24 year old son kicking and screaming.. literally. He's starting his own business, but might have to work for a local corporation as he gets his deal going (starting on the side). I doubt they'll hire him without vaccine proof. It's gonna get interesting in my household (he's already moved out, but I've kept him on payroll as he finishes his schooling).


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hes a jerk off im glued to his talks cuz I wanna see what hes gonna say next and he didn't take ?s cuz the questions would of been about what his plans are for afghanistan.there is a guy near me who i see in the woods sometimes in his sxs.hes a corrections officer in our state prison.thay have to all be vaccinated.him and so far 10 other officers all have fake covid cards for 200 bucks..if I was required to get the jab I would get a fake card and be done with NJ and NY you hear about cards being sold a lot on the news.lets see how this mandate works out

i he didn't belive in it, I told him he should write a rx based on what works, not his opinion, as I'm not paying for his opinion. 
But you are. He has years of schooling, years of residency, years of private practice. Everything he has done up to this point is to train him to form an opinion as to what he feels is the best for each patient .  If you don't agree with him after a few internet articles and a pod cast. Maybe you should find another doctor. 

A good doctor should do his own due diligence in every Rx they write not what the Rx reps are pushing or what some catchy TV commercial is trying to get people to buy.  If you don't agree with your doctors research, then you should go doctor shopping. 

As if we are not already on that slippery slope.  We are now caught in with the sheep.  

How is this going to be enforced? Oh yea... those passports or database they said they were never going to enforce.  Its coming.  All to save 2/3's of the less than 3% that die from the China Virus... GMAFB
As an employer - we are screwed.  We are being told we have to require our associates to get vaccinated or pay them to go get tested weekly.  We lose money and time making them get tested.  We piss everyone off by requiring them to get vaccinated.  If we don't ensure they are doing one or the other, OSHA can audit us and fine us $14,000 per occurrence!  And, we are at risk of litigation for doing what the government is forcing us to do.  Absolutely goofy.  I'm vaccinated and have zero issues or concerns with vaccination.  I just don't believe the government should be able to make it mandatory.   

I’m from Missouri, Show Me!
I’m DoD and thus Efftard’s mandate in July was get jabbed or wear a mask constantly and get tested twice weekly. Haven’t had a fuggin mask on once and have yet to see a nurse at our sign in desk with swab in hand.

 I actually wish we would get tested on Monday and Thursday because there are a ton of concerts coming up that I want to go to. Would be nice to have zee papers.

Who wants to sell me one of those cards??? I’ll await a PM.😉

Last 3 weeks has been mandatory testing for unvaccinated employees in my job.  Kaiser ships out spit tests so it's not much of a hassle for me.

Not sure what the whole hippa thing is but peoples medical info is pretty much on display right now for our entire dept.

Covid, as a hazard, is all non-existent for me, my family, friends and coworkers. Nothing but a couple minor flu symptoms in 20 months.  None of us wear masks, social distance or Vax this entire time.
