Thank guys. I really like the price of the firman but it seem like the Pred is the way to go. Will check back in for more thoughts and to share what I end up with.
If you can't swing the Honda EU3000........The predator 3500 is the way to go For Sure! They offer an extended warranty too.(I think its worth it)
I bought 2 of the Firman 3000 series generators and when they ran they were great but when they didn't, I could not get them running again. I called Firman factory in AZ and they were tough to work with. They would not send parts out and refered me to their website to fill out extensive forms and bla bla bla..........
I would not buy another 3000 series from Firman
Genny #1 got it to camp fired it up and it ran bad. Checked everything and then pulled the plug and the porcelean was broken on the plug so I replaced it and it then worked perfect, that lasted 2 trips when it just stopped. I pulled it apart and the rods came off the springs...... I messed with frustrated because the little clip on top got lost in the sand... about 5X... I ended up taking it home and was able to get a similar it all put back together after trying to get another clip which was a little different...... my buddy put a tack weld on the clip / spring soo it wouldn't come off....... It fired right up and worked for about an hour. When we got back to camp, the genny was shut off / tried to start it and no luck.......
Picked up the back up Genny I bought for the House / Brought that back to Glamis
Genny #2 of the Firman had the same thing happen with the rods on the valve springs popping off. Again, I tried several times to get it running and no luck.....Tres helped me 2X adjust the tension on the springs but it kept doing the same thing. and coming off. I was over it....I am not great with small engine repair and got fed up chasing small parts in the sand early in the am OR late at night when I needed the daam genny to work.
I said forget this / I was frustrated and just wanted something reliable..... I ended up getting a Predator 3500 and soo far it starts right up and it is quiet and reliable. I ended up selling the 2 Firmans for $150 bucks. I figured that someone that knew what they were doing could maybe make 1 generator out of the 2.
I bought the Predator 3500 and its doing the job.....Soo Far Soo Good!!!!! It is quiet and even has an electric start
Someday I will get the Honda EU3000i.........I think those are the best ones for what we do in Glamis!
