Lets talk for a minute


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Apr 30, 2021
As the 2022-2023 season approaches, it got me thinking, what happened?  In a fast paced world, the one thing that stayed constant was dune etiquette.  98% of the dune community was usually a welcoming, laidback, fun group.  Always willing to lend a helping hand.  Always willing to give EDUCATED, well founded advice.  Lend a tool, lend a part and share a pad.  Turn their music off at a decent hour, or at least turn it down to a respectable level.  Now I know a lot of you are thinking the dreaded "golfcart" revolution.  But I don't think so.  What happened that it has almost become a dog eat dog world in the dunes?  I love me some dune time with the fam, but holiday weekends have become a work only weekend for me in the dunes(I am a retailer/repair/recovery vendor in the south dunes.  Buttercup and Gordons).  I used to love the energy and excitement of the Holiday weekends, not anymore.  I used to love coming on here and talking good old fashioned chit, giving some advice.  Reading some great advice and having a good time with the boyz.  I still love this place, though it's different.  But still a good time for this old fart (49).  Before I was in the retail world of off-roading (since 2012) and forced into the social media BS(can't run a UTV/Off-Road business without it unfortunately), times were so much simpler.  Everyone is now an expert.  Everyone is always boasting about the size of their dong and wallet.  Every Tom, pee pee and Harry is selling something related to the dune scene.  If you started an FB page, you are now an expert.  What gives?  Why is there very little respect for the fellow duner?  I still love it, but it's just different.  Get me back in the right frame of mind!  I'm a little lost, I need some more time with Slappy! :ez:  

In my opinion, people in our society have just gotten shittier overall, and that has bled into the dune scene too. It's sad. I know what you mean though. My family is the type to always stop and help people in the dunes. Over the past few years, it seems like people are shocked when we offer help. It used to be expected. I try to do my part by helping when I can and making sure my kids see the importance of that. 

In my opinion, people in our society have just gotten shittier overall, and that has bled into the dune scene too. It's sad. I know what you mean though. My family is the type to always stop and help people in the dunes. Over the past few years, it seems like people are shocked when we offer help. It used to be expected. I try to do my part by helping when I can and making sure my kids see the importance of that. 
Yore probably right.  I just get consumed by social media these days, and it's a fact that social media has played a huge part is the chittier attitude of the world.  I wonder if its the same in other countries? :ez:

As we get older our tolerance for BS gets less and our memories of “what it used to be like” become more and more idealized. We also tend to show up at the dunes / desert with a lot more cargo than we did at a younger age, worries, obligations and a greater sense of tomorrow. The new experiences we once had get replaced by expectation and the need to recreate instead of just being. 49 is an interesting age though, too close to “how it’s supposed to be” yet not far off from how it will be with lifestyle changes, new priorities and hopefully a little more disposable income in your mid-50s. 
Now get off my lawn!

We failed as a society.... the live and let live turned into ME ME ME........can't survive like this, that is why people are fleeing California... you get out away from here and it's still much like it used to be in other places...until the Californians show up.... 

Early 2000s were the same, new money, financing, easy income / equity, it will change again... "it's only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked" WB

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People are the same as they were at any point in time or history, not worse, not better.

Great Duners still exist, now yore more likely to know their story or any incidents that made them great.

Douchebag Duners have always existed, now yore more likely to know their story or any incidents that made them douchebags.

Social Media is just the vehicle in which you know know those stories and you learn about it almost instantly at times depending on how much time you spend on Social Media or how widely you cast yore net.

The only thing that changes is our age and whether the current societal values/trends match our own. Our age and current trends both fluctuate, once you can acknowledge people are just the same as always, yore more likely to accept some things are the way they are. That doesn't mean you like them, your just mature enough to navigate through them without disruption to your sanity.

Bummed I missed your RZRWERKS tent at the SSSS.

I really like cold free beers and conversation :crusty:

It isn't just the Dunes, it is everywhere.  "Rules are for everyone else, not me" attitude.  I see it at the River/Lake, Desert, Beaches, Golf Course and my neighborhood.  Some people just don't know any better because they are new to the activity, but a lot are just disrespecting the situation and don't care.  It is sad.  Good thing in the Dunes, when the weather isn't nice and sunny,  you get back to the quality peeps out there.

Hate to blame everything on Sxs but every A-hole with a credit card can now go buy a very fast, very capable off-road vehicle.  It has allowed a different 'crowd' of people to get into the sport.  In the past the sport was dominated by people who either built their own sandrail or at least had a lot of mechanical knowledge.  In a way they 'earned' their sand knowledge and respected it more.  Most people do not even do basic mods to their SxS's; just send it to the dealer and have them do it.   The boating industry has gone the same way IMO.

Hate to blame everything on Sxs but every A-hole with a credit card can now go buy a very fast, very capable off-road vehicle.  It has allowed a different 'crowd' of people to get into the sport.  In the past the sport was dominated by people who either built their own sandrail or at least had a lot of mechanical knowledge.  In a way they 'earned' their sand knowledge and respected it more.  Most people do not even do basic mods to their SxS's; just send it to the dealer and have them do it.   The boating industry has gone the same way IMO.
Back in the refi hayday there were lots of new sandrail owners that did not know much either.  Took cash out of the house and got a high hp sandrail or back then you could finance them.   How many complaint threads were on this forum after every holiday weekend because some person in their new rail was doing a wheelie across Olds or camp racing.  

There are a lot of new people that have been coming out to the dunes.  Not all those new people are coming out on their own.  They are usually introduced to Glamis by some one that has been to Glamis before.   Perhaps those "glamis" people are not explaining some basic dune unwritten dune rules.

Also I think some people see what is promoted via social media and think anything goes in Glamis.

In general most people are very cool and willing to help.  

When 3 and 4 wheelers came out...they were the scourge of the desert....then the sand cars that could be bought complete and ready with significant suspension and HP....now the SXS have been the latest scourge .....I'm sure the buick water pumper dude in his t frame and bald tires hated the VW guy with paddles for making whoops on his smooth sand...
