Marboro man, Slappy here’s what you are saying. The Dune community has changed a bit, and we saw this a while back. But that fateful day back in 2001 when they closed half of our Dunes, the Dunin community came together for a common cause and fought together, hand-in-hand, to defeat that which took our beloved mother Glamis away from us. We believed in our cause, our fight, and our unity made us strong. We educated Dune etiquette, protection of the wildlife, picking up after ourselves, called those folks out when we saw The error in their ways, and brought them into the fold with us. We united together as a community, and our strength was binding. We gathered together in meetings, hashed out our issues, solved problems that we saw in front of us, exchanged ideas, and ultimately reversed the decision that closed 40,000 acres of our beloved mother Glamis back in 2014. What a day that was.
Now, we don’t have a great cause to fight for, be it only very minor ones, ones that won’t bring together hundreds of thousands of us to defeat it. Yes, we have our beloved Veterans Day ceremony, honoring our great Vets and Military in-service right now, that is for giving thanks; a strength beyond compare. But a strength like that needs a purpose, and that purpose right now seems to be for the individual. Yes, there are fantastic people, everyone on this website, in Slaps Neighborhood, will give the shirt off their back to help someone, to save someone, to fight for someone, but that unity is not shared with all. We always fight to keep mother Glamis clean, take care of her, take care of each other, and she will take care of us, we still believe in that, and it will take our morals, ethics, and beliefs and what we love to educate others that weren’t with us back in the day when they closed half of our mother G. It was chaotic prior to closures of the dunes, and we united. Slappy sure doesn’t want something drastic to change so we can all unite again for a common cause. It will take good folks like all of you to spread the word; Slappy Style.
And when you’re out in the dunes enjoying what she has to offer, don’t forget, ripping a bowl, singing a tune, nobody do like Slappy dune.
That phrase encompasses so much. Everybody got a little Slappy in them, you just have to bring it out.