Lets talk for a minute

Most people that bought three wheelers and Buggies already had a knowledge of camping, so they knew how to respect the desert.  You learn to camp when your only option is a tent or the back of your truck. A lot of SxS newbies are new to camping, they show up in their newly financed toy hauler.  

Most people that bought three wheelers and Buggies already had a knowledge of camping, so they knew how to respect the desert.  You learn to camp when your only option is a tent or the back of your truck. A lot of SxS newbies are new to camping, they show up in their newly financed toy hauler.  
I agree. I started with a toyota 2wd and my 86' Fourtrax a sleeping bag, a cooler and small hibachi. That's all I needed to go for the weekend.

Most people that bought three wheelers and Buggies already had a knowledge of camping, so they knew how to respect the desert.  You learn to camp when your only option is a tent or the back of your truck. A lot of SxS newbies are new to camping, they show up in their newly financed toy hauler.  
This^^^  The lack therof: AKA Peeps leaving piles of refuse, trash, glass,cans,burnt pallets, etc everywhere after they leave .. will be the undoing of our recreational areas..We are literally handing the enviro freeks full mags of ammo to shoot at us.. It is the fairly sad the lack of mutual respect for humanity period.

Marboro man, Slappy here’s what you are saying. The Dune community has changed a bit, and we saw this a while back. But that fateful day back in 2001 when they closed half of our Dunes, the Dunin community came together for a common cause and fought together, hand-in-hand, to defeat that which took our beloved mother Glamis away from us. We believed in our cause, our fight, and our unity made us strong. We educated Dune etiquette, protection of the wildlife, picking up after ourselves, called those folks out when we saw The error in their ways, and brought them into the fold with us. We united together as a community, and our strength was binding. We gathered together in meetings, hashed out our issues, solved problems that we saw in front of us, exchanged ideas, and ultimately reversed the decision that closed 40,000 acres of our beloved mother Glamis back in 2014. What a day that was.

Now, we don’t have a great cause to fight for, be it only very minor ones, ones that won’t bring together hundreds of thousands of us to defeat it. Yes, we have our beloved Veterans Day ceremony, honoring our great Vets and Military in-service right now, that is for giving thanks; a strength beyond compare.  But a strength like that needs a purpose, and that purpose right now seems to be for the individual.  Yes, there are fantastic people, everyone on this website, in Slaps Neighborhood, will give the shirt off their back to help someone, to save someone, to fight for someone, but that unity is not shared with all. We always fight to keep mother Glamis clean, take care of her, take care of each other, and she will take care of us, we still believe in that, and it will take our morals, ethics, and beliefs and what we love to educate others that weren’t with us back in the day when they closed half of our mother G. It was chaotic prior to closures of the dunes, and we united. Slappy sure doesn’t want something drastic to change so we can all unite again for a common cause. It will take good folks like all of you to spread the word; Slappy Style.  

And when you’re out in the dunes enjoying what she has to offer, don’t forget, ripping a bowl, singing a tune, nobody do like Slappy dune.  

That phrase encompasses so much.  Everybody got a little Slappy in them, you just have to bring it out.

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Im part of the "younger" crowd. lol. at least thats what im told every time I dune with other groups. 

Ive been duning My whole life. Was taught by my parents and grandparents. Family/group has been in the sand since '71. I remember the early 2000's and agree with whats been said about it. We watched a guy wheelie straight into a pucker bush and flip right in front of camp. He got out and walked back to camp and just left it there until his "crew" could get it back to camp. We were all saying the same things then that are in this thread. 

I think @Slappy is on to something here. 

Now, we don’t have a great cause to fight for,
While the economy is in the crapper under sleepy Joe, The world of Ecommerce, Lifestyle businesses, and social media has never been richer. Everyone wants their slice, and its unfortunate that most promote the "careless" life. I dont condemn these companies and groups, most of them are built by awesome people. But it sucks when the wrong message gets promoted. Ive seen a lot of good examples just from SSSS over this weekend. At first I laughed, but the more I saw the false stories get pushed, the more I realized just how many people think its the truth. 

Dont shoot me for thinking out loud but... I feel its our responsibility as Duners. Like said earlier. All the Douchers have to learn about Glamis from someone. If were bringing more people, we gotta share the basics in Duning right. My friend and I recently just introduced 3 families to the dunes. From all the stories we shared with them, they opted in to buying some old school rails instead of SxS. Its been a blast and they have loved it. Dune Etiquette saves lives in the dunes, and keeps the dunes open. Just my $0.02 

I think a big factor is the power of suggestion through music. People are being hypnotized daily without being aware of it. Heres a silly way to try and give an example. 

What does a boxer do right before a match?

What does your modern SXS owner do right before his ride?

I think a big factor is the power of suggestion through music. People are being hypnotized daily without being aware of it. Heres a silly way to try and give an example. 

What does a boxer do right before a match?

What does your modern SXS owner do right before his ride?
does that include the mariachi music i get to listen to at 3am in washes? 

Very similar. Although im guessing on what the Mariachi music lyrics are actually saying. 

"Im the man, get outta my way, these dunes are mine i aint heard what slappy say"

"Party party party!!! Yay yay yay!! No care for the sleeping, too loud to hear what slappy say"

I hate the crowds. We've been doing Sat-Tue/Wed prior to Thanksgiving for almost a decade now.. about 10% of the number on the weekend. You can tell as there are 2 LEOs instead of 80. Also, much safer as we have a lot of kids in our group.

Social media is the devil. I have a FB, but haven't posted in 8 years (except for thank you 50th birthday in March). No interest in seeing what you had for lunch (someone I went to JR. High with and haven't spoken with in decades.


We failed as a society.... the live and let live turned into ME ME ME........can't survive like this, that is why people are fleeing California... you get out away from here and it's still much like it used to be in other places...until the Californians show up.... 
as a 10 th generation Californian I relate. I’m living in Honduras just to be gone from the system. 

There is a shift.

Folks are downsizing their toys, trailers, mohos...simplifying life.

Even careers.

It's a good thing, happy to see GD folks sharing their thoughts and being honest with their journey to happiness.

Glamis is just sand, it is what we do there and how we do it that brings happiness. Don't let others eff up yore happy place/time.

I think a big factor is the power of suggestion through music. People are being hypnotized daily without being aware of it. Heres a silly way to try and give an example. 

What does a boxer do right before a match?

What does your modern SXS owner do right before his ride?
Boxers jerk each other off right before a match?? Learn something new everyday.

I had to re-read that.....about the boxers, didn't know that.   I sorta guessed the other.

I remember going to Glamis with my dad in the 90s and he would complain about the crowds and all the A-holes. I remember just sitting there thinking why does he focus on all the negative stuff. We were all having a great time. It must be an old guy thing. I’ve learned to taper my expectations of trips. Ya it’s spendy to go and you’d like everything to work out. Sometimes it just doesn’t. But the beauty of life is enjoying the nuances and adapting. Everyone I meet in Glamis is usually super friendly and/or accommodating. And if they aren’t I can choose how to deal with that when it comes lol. Maybe it’s just how I cope. If I wanted to worry about issues I’d stay home and deal with those. 

Most people that bought three wheelers and Buggies already had a knowledge of camping, so they knew how to respect the desert.  You learn to camp when your only option is a tent or the back of your truck. A lot of SxS newbies are new to camping, they show up in their newly financed toy hauler.  
I think the biggest difference between then and now is that FNG who just bought a buggy was at least told about it by his friends who invited him out a time or three and he got bit by the bug.

These days, people can watch some YouTube videos, or posts on FB/IG/whatever and get the bug without experiencing it with others first. Without the experienced duners to show them the ropes, they just show up expecting the same wild party they saw online, and act accordingly.

I say we bring back caning.  Attitudes and behavior will clear up quick.

I remember going to Glamis with my dad in the 90s and he would complain about the crowds and all the A-holes. I remember just sitting there thinking why does he focus on all the negative stuff. We were all having a great time. It must be an old guy thing. I’ve learned to taper my expectations of trips. Ya it’s spendy to go and you’d like everything to work out. Sometimes it just doesn’t. But the beauty of life is enjoying the nuances and adapting. Everyone I meet in Glamis is usually super friendly and/or accommodating. And if they aren’t I can choose how to deal with that when it comes lol. Maybe it’s just how I cope. If I wanted to worry about issues I’d stay home and deal with those. 
Its definitely the Old Guy Thing.  I used to be the young crowd and now close to 50 I'm the grumpy old guy who hates everyone.   But I have met some amazing people over my 26 years in the dunes and some complete sand douches.  I wouldn't trade it for anything, i live for the thrill of the fats dunes and good times with the sand family. 

Some of the best people I have met are Off Roaders. There are the ones that are POS that leave their crap all over don't pick up their trash and ruin the specialness of the dunes. But the good really does outweigh the bad. I think Covid really opened the eyes to allot to get out there and see nature and experience what we love. People are pieces of work one way or another. All I can do is try to be a better person and hope others will do so as well.

I am over holiday weekends, next season I am picking off holiday weekends, with the exception of veterans. Screw camp rzr and the big holidays, too hard to run fast with a big car or big group.   my $.02

While i do agree the SXS makes it a lot easier for the douche bags to come to the desert, please don’t lump us all together! A lot of us SXS owners started in the trenches. Also, a lot of the douche bags with a SXS still came to the desert before just in their trucks. It’s amazing what people think a Ford Ranger with a body lift can do!

Its definitely the Old Guy Thing.  I used to be the young crowd and now close to 50 I'm the grumpy old guy who hates everyone.   But I have met some amazing people over my 26 years in the dunes and some complete sand douches.  I wouldn't trade it for anything, i live for the thrill of the fats dunes and good times with the sand family. 
Just because we hate everyone doesn't make us bad people!......... Now Get off my lawn!
