Kalipornia doubling income tax...

So .5 percent of taxable income!!!! WTF

approx an extra $9000 per year if a couple made between 150k - 200K

NO WAY !!!   Period. I will quit my job and qualify for whatever I can!!!

Insanity is governing and Ruling the people!!

.5% NOT 5% - so 900, not 9000...taxable income too - so hopefully a lot less if you invest in 401k, etc

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EL Cajon also has some of the nicest properties in San Diego...even one of the McMillian's has a home there...sorry, feel like i need to stick up for my hometown. I'd pick east El Cajon over 80% of the cities in the county. 
My shop is east san diego next to mcmillans. Was a nice area, 15 years ago. Tweakerville now (some real interesting people and mobile meth labs) There are some nice homes in the hills above blossom valley. But like anything else, as the urban sprawl creeps into the suburbs, these areas will suffer. If you havent been to el cajon for 10 years you wont recognize it. 

My shop is east san diego next to mcmillans. Was a nice area, 15 years ago. Tweakerville now (some real interesting people and mobile meth labs) There are some nice homes in the hills above blossom valley. But like anything else, as the urban sprawl creeps into the suburbs, these areas will suffer. If you havent been to el cajon for 10 years you wont recognize it. 
The city has always been a sh** hole, but the outskirts, pretty much Blossom Valley only where I lived as a kid and my parents still do, is still a great place.  There's not many areas in San Diego with 2+ acre lots, horse trails, etc - and all homes in the area are pretty decent...It's a middle class form of Rancho Sante Fe. I consider myself lucky to have grown up there.  But yes, El Cajon proper is a tweekers paradise.  


El Cajon proper has been a chit hole for 40 plus years, hookers walking down El Cajon Blvd was a regular thing.  Now most housing East and even South (Mt Helix) are pretty nice, still are................

The city has always been a sh** hole, but the outskirts, pretty much Blossom Valley only where I lived as a kid and my parents still do, is still a great place.  There's not many areas in San Diego with 2+ acre lots, horse trails, etc - and all homes in the area are pretty decent...It's a middle class form of Rancho Sante Fe. I consider myself lucky to have grown up there.  But yes, El Cajon proper is a tweekers paradise.  

Ya, those homes at the top by the glider jump are rad. I cant live in the city. I live out in the mtns where everyone has property. Its been interesting to see how this area around the shop has changed over the past 20 years

JMHO, but this means that they are working on Plan-B (and C and D).

and now that Gloria is busing all of the homeless out of the sports arena area, where do you think they are going to end up............... (in the city that is close and been giving him the finger about Covid restrictions...........)

and lets hear it for Magic for outing the Governor and his cronies for their hypocrisy over the mask mandate...........  LOL.

JMHO, but this means that they are working on Plan-B (and C and D)
Agree, which is why I said "for now".

My concern with what is happening down there is that the crazy chit that gets implemented in Ca bleeds over to our state. Kate Brown (I believe she is Newscums aunt?) follows California's lead. We too have a state government that is run by a democrat super majority.

The entire left coast is a progressive shithole bent on self destruction. And so far, they have been successful.

Whatever you posted is a dead link - have another?
I drove by again today. Got some pictures. This is just a section of it. Wraps around corners and also goes under freeway







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^^^^ Looks like Gecko without the million dollar rigs 🤪

^^^^ Looks like Gecko without the million dollar rigs 🤪
No, but those are million dollar tents!

It's CA...where everything is a million bucks!


Yes but the increase above 150k isnt double...I dont agree with this tax, I just dont like false info.  It's not doubling income tax like the title suggests.
Keep your eye on one thing and one thing only: how much government is spending, because that’s the true tax ... If you’re not paying for it in the form of explicit taxes, you’re paying for it indirectly in the form of inflation or in the form of borrowing. The thing you should keep your eye on is what government spends, and the real problem is to hold down government spending as a fraction of our income, and if you do that, you can stop worrying about the debt.

-- Milton Friedman

We will all see more of this soon. Yesterday in el cajon (the anus of san diego) 

View attachment 24934
I get 110 at the Soco there. Run the horn (near train horns from an 80s Caddy) the entire drive through. 
