Kalipornia doubling income tax...

Average person.....$In and out burger pays $20 per hour and up in most So Cal places....That is over 40K per year flipping burgers......So 150K per year where the average home costs $675K / Fuel is $4.65 per gallon on average and taxes are ALREADY the highest in the nation

150K to run a family in CA is not a wealthy person.......... 

This tax will take another bite on the average family and STEAL IT AT GUN POINT to give it to every social justice cause in order to DESTROY the middle class

Yes but the increase above 150k isnt double...I dont agree with this tax, I just dont like false info.  It's not doubling income tax like the title suggests.

Yes but the increase above 150k isnt double...I dont agree with this tax, I just dont like false info.  It's not doubling income tax like the title suggests.
How much more per month will the 150k - 200K family pay per year?

So .5 percent of taxable income!!!! WTF

approx an extra $9000 per year if a couple made between 150k - 200K

NO WAY !!!   Period. I will quit my job and qualify for whatever I can!!!

Insanity is governing and Ruling the people!!


Not sure but i dont see anything that says it will double:

Bill Text - ACA-11 Taxes to fund health care coverage and cost control.
There are 5 separate tax mechanisms to people of ca in this bill.

1. 2.3% Excise tax just to do business. For businesses that gross more than 2$million which in this state is most businesses short of 1 man shows. Which everyone will pay in higher costs everywhere

2. 1.25% Payroll tax paid by businesses with 50 or more per employees, again a tax passed on to the consumer

3.  An addition 1% payroll tax for all businesses

4. 1% payroll tax paid by all employees in ca through ca withholding

5. An additional .5% income tax for any family making 150$k which who doesn't and can have a family in ca

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the Tax on 150k or above is individual or is it joint family???

Either way KCUF YOU NEWSOME and CA for continuing to gouge us!



No. Its a video of the drug addict camp along hwy 67 take  directly from my phone
But hey... I noticed yesterday that the good city of El Cajon has supplied the camp with their very own porta potty now. There has always been a few living there, and in the adjoining culvert, but in the last 3 weeks or so it has grown FOUR FOLD. Just crazy I feel really bad for those business right there.  

But hey... I noticed yesterday that the good city of El Cajon has supplied the camp with their very own porta potty now. There has always been a few living there, and in the adjoining culvert, but in the last 3 weeks or so it has grown FOUR FOLD. Just crazy I feel really bad for those business right there.  
Ya, im sure that rhino lining business has lost a ton of customers. The camp was even worse around new year

the Tax on 150k or above is individual or is it joint family???

Either way KCUF YOU NEWSOME and CA for continuing to gouge us!


If you file joint it would be combined

Thankfully California isn't beef country.
Used to be that happy cows came from california. Ca has alot more farmland and beef than people think.

ca’s farming industry produces 50 billion $ in revenue yearly (shrinking 3% yearly since 2014), topped by dairy products. 15% of the US agricultural production comes from ca

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We will all see more of this soon. Yesterday in el cajon (the anus of san diego) 

View attachment 24934
EL Cajon also has some of the nicest properties in San Diego...even one of the McMillian's has a home there...sorry, feel like i need to stick up for my hometown. I'd pick east El Cajon over 80% of the cities in the county. 

We will all see more of this soon. Yesterday in el cajon (the anus of san diego) 

View attachment 24934
EL Cajon also has some of the nicest properties in San Diego...even one of the McMillian's has a home there...sorry, feel like i need to stick up for my hometown. I'd pick east El Cajon over 80% of the cities in the county. 

We will all see more of this soon. Yesterday in el cajon (the anus of san diego) 

View attachment 24934
EL Cajon also has some of the nicest properties in San Diego...even one of the McMillian's has a home there...sorry, feel like i need to stick up for my hometown. I'd pick east El Cajon over 80% of the cities in the county. 
