Kalipornia doubling income tax...


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Well.... trying to anyway.  This place is damn nuts...

On January 5, members of the California Assembly introduced Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 11. The bill would impose both a new excise tax and a new payroll tax, and increase personal income tax rates to fund universal single-payer health care coverage and a health care cost control system for state residents. These new taxes are estimated to raise nearly $163 billion in revenue per year, and would constitute one of the biggest tax increases in the state’s history

I will NOT pay it......This will be the absolute last straw for me and my Family.......North Carolina OR AZ will be the two choices.

OPTION #2 is to go on every welfare program avaliable to each person in the state. Go for poverty and accept every social program possible and not work.......

I honestly think that is the answer....The greatest place in the world to live has become INSANE!!  I mean INSANE!!!


@Poule43, one of my dune buddies was complaining about the cost of gas in AZ..............  LMAO. 

And yea.......... its time to start packing. 

just curious, why NC? 

just curious, why NC? 
Wilmington !!  its a beautiful place to live. Great lifestyle and beach.......slow paced and a lot like San Diego with a southern charm!..... My company is based in NC and Ive spent a lot of time there....... I love it .... I always leave in a great mood and don't wanna leave. I could own a nice modest home with a bit larger piece of land.....Leave an old truck and 5th wheel in CA and enjoy life without the stress I have now.

I wanna spend the winters in Glamis and the rest of the year in Wilmington.....I really think it would be a good life!

I love CA. But its just being DESTROYED day by day.........I can't stand it.


Have you looked into tax implications on 401k, SS, etc?  

Have you looked into tax implications on 401k, SS, etc?  
No, what do you mean. Taxes in NC are less than CA......401K I havent touched........Not sure what would be different.......I honestly dont have much but I am sure if there is a way.....Ill get hosed! :lol:  

some states tax your 401K, some do not.

some states tax your SS check, some do not.

some states tax pension plans, some do not.

some states have "fixed" property taxes, some vary with market prices & some change based on the needs of the county (this is a HUGE deal, IMO).

etc, etc, etc.  all of these things have a direct bearing on your actual take home income. 

the folks that say flippantly, "I could live like a king in BFE __________________ (insert your state/county of choice), have rarely taken into consideration the actual cost of living in those areas.  sure property out in the country might be cheaper, but if your taxes on that 100 acre property go up every year.......... 

Also how much gas does it take to "run into town to get a bottle of hooch"? 

And as we all get older, we do have to think about healthcare.  especially those of us that have been exposed to some "less than healthy" things in our lives....

My wife & I are both "city folks", but would like to try some "country living".  I think I would be cool with it, days alone in the garage are OK with me.  And my "stay @ home wife" that puts 10K to 15K (or more) miles on her car every year..............  Im not 100% convinced....

just some of the things Im thinking about as my wife & I are looking for a place for the next adventure. 

some states tax your 401K, some do not.

some states tax your SS check, some do not.

some states tax pension plans, some do not.

some states have "fixed" property taxes, some vary with market prices & some change based on the needs of the county (this is a HUGE deal, IMO).

etc, etc, etc.  all of these things have a direct bearing on your actual take home income. 

the folks that say flippantly, "I could live like a king in BFE __________________ (insert your state/county of choice), have rarely taken into consideration the actual cost of living in those areas.  sure property out in the country might be cheaper, but if your taxes on that 100 acre property go up every year.......... 

Also how much gas does it take to "run into town to get a bottle of hooch"? 

And as we all get older, we do have to think about healthcare.  especially those of us that have been exposed to some "less than healthy" things in our lives....

My wife & I are both "city folks", but would like to try some "country living".  I think I would be cool with it, days alone in the garage are OK with me.  And my "stay @ home wife" that puts 10K to 15K (or more) miles on her car every year..............  Im not 100% convinced....

just some of the things Im thinking about as my wife & I are looking for a place for the next adventure. 
Great advice.

Great info @Bobalos

Everywhere you go has its "price"........ safety is important to us / (California is becoming unsafe by the minute)

low fuel prices / afodable housing / reasonable housing prices....etc..........North Carolina from what my co workers tell me plus the time Ive spent there tell me it would be a great option........I now have a 40 foot 5th wheel that will live its remaining life in glamis soo I have a home away from home in the place I love.............Just got a few things to work out and hopefully I can make it happen......

Who knows, maybe we stay here in Carlsbad......Its just not the same place I loved my whole life......Its more like Irvine and headed towards LA.......

I hope whatever we do its the correct move.........

some states tax your 401K, some do not.

some states tax your SS check, some do not.

some states tax pension plans, some do not.

some states have "fixed" property taxes, some vary with market prices & some change based on the needs of the county (this is a HUGE deal, IMO).

etc, etc, etc.  all of these things have a direct bearing on your actual take home income. 

the folks that say flippantly, "I could live like a king in BFE __________________ (insert your state/county of choice), have rarely taken into consideration the actual cost of living in those areas.  sure property out in the country might be cheaper, but if your taxes on that 100 acre property go up every year.......... 

Also how much gas does it take to "run into town to get a bottle of hooch"? 

And as we all get older, we do have to think about healthcare.  especially those of us that have been exposed to some "less than healthy" things in our lives....

My wife & I are both "city folks", but would like to try some "country living".  I think I would be cool with it, days alone in the garage are OK with me.  And my "stay @ home wife" that puts 10K to 15K (or more) miles on her car every year..............  Im not 100% convinced....

just some of the things Im thinking about as my wife & I are looking for a place for the next adventure. 
This is so very true --- 

And so many don't do their Homework and pack up and leave  -

Other things to consider

heating and cooling - Most places Heat is @1000-1500 a winter and $500 a month for electric  in the summer, and No solar is Not as effective as it is in CA  - rain, clouds etc.  .. and everyone says "modest house" and they end up with a Mc Mansion that is so expensive to heat, cool, maintain not to mention the 2500Sq ft shop that costs 2x to heat and cool

Being near an east coast beach is usually worse in the summer than being inland - Humidity and bugs, so many bugs  .. go to NC, SC, FLA and dig in the beach sand  - go down 6 inch and see what you find

CA policies suck and its getting worse because it attracts Libs and Progressives like a Mosquito light on an East coast summer night ,,,,

Never gonna elect repubs again unless it really turns wild west ....

I loved my second home in Havasu, but there are so many considerations  on where to go ... the weather is still the draw of my 2 miles from ocean lifestyle ---

Tough call to pack up before I retire if I ever can...

One of the things that harm us, imo, is the constant bombardment of what ifs, and now considering. The In is full of this crap, so full sometimes it bleeds through to a site about sand dunes and play. I feel it best to wait and see what really happens before the blood pressure explodes and worries start. Some things are nothing more than noise. Enjoy what matters to you.

There are many propositions right now that are deal breakers for me. 1 this tax 2 the forced jab for kids. Eff you im gone. I’ve been setting myself up for easy exit the last 10 years. Only payment and debt is my house that currently sits 50% LTV. I can rent it for 1k$/month above monthly payment. I own all my cars trailers motorhome and toys. I can be gone as fast as it takes to pack my bags. Just have to figure out where to go....

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One of the things that harm us, imo, is the constant bombardment of what ifs, and now considering. The In is full of this crap, so full sometimes it bleeds through to a site about sand dunes and play. I feel it best to wait and see what really happens before the blood pressure explodes and worries start. Some things are nothing more than noise. Enjoy what matters to you.
I find this funny, considering all that has been happening.

Get your cash ready if you want a good doctor. We already had a purge when Obamacare took effect. Any doctor involved in this universal health care will be chit. Hell, it already is. I choose to pay cash for my private doctor but still have full coverage at Sharp on HMO.

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Get your cash ready if you want a good doctor. We already had a purge when Obamacare took effect. Any doctor involved in this universal health care will be chit. Hell, it already is. I choose to pay cash for my private doctor but still have full coverage at Sharp on HMO.
There are a ton of sri lankin doctors lookin to practice. I know i have kaiser. They think this is paradise compared to that chit hole 

Here's the rest of the tax info.  In other words, the wealthier individuals are paying, not the average person. 

The bill’s excise tax would impose a 2.3% rate on gross income above $2 million of all qualified businesses in California. The payroll tax would be imposed on employers with 50 or more employees at 1.25% of employee wages and on employees earning more than $49,900 annually at 1% of wages. Finally, the bill would increase personal income tax on income exceeding $149,509, at specified rates, up to a new 15.8% rate for income above $2,484,121 (under current law the top rate is 13.3%).

Wilmington !!  its a beautiful place to live. Great lifestyle and beach.......slow paced and a lot like San Diego with a southern charm!..... My company is based in NC and Ive spent a lot of time there....... I love it .... I always leave in a great mood and don't wanna leave. I could own a nice modest home with a bit larger piece of land.....Leave an old truck and 5th wheel in CA and enjoy life without the stress I have now.

I wanna spend the winters in Glamis and the rest of the year in Wilmington.....I really think it would be a good life!

I love CA. But its just being DESTROYED day by day.........I can't stand it.

Wilmington is a nice mellow town…my wife really liked Wrightsville Beach. The one thing I do remember while working outside in Wilmington was the humidity was oppressive. 

Here's the rest of the tax info.  In other words, the wealthier individuals are paying, not the average person. 

The bill’s excise tax would impose a 2.3% rate on gross income above $2 million of all qualified businesses in California. The payroll tax would be imposed on employers with 50 or more employees at 1.25% of employee wages and on employees earning more than $49,900 annually at 1% of wages. Finally, the bill would increase personal income tax on income exceeding $149,509, at specified rates, up to a new 15.8% rate for income above $2,484,121 (under current law the top rate is 13.3%).
Average person.....$In and out burger pays $20 per hour and up in most So Cal places....That is over 40K per year flipping burgers......So 150K per year where the average home costs $675K / Fuel is $4.65 per gallon on average and taxes are ALREADY the highest in the nation

150K to run a family in CA is not a wealthy person.......... 

This tax will take another bite on the average family and STEAL IT AT GUN POINT to give it to every social justice cause in order to DESTROY the middle class

