JD'S Memes

Years ago my dad came up with this "ridiculous" solution............

* Have a gang against gang completion in each prison.  equal number of the best fighters fight each other & the gang that is standing @ the end gets to goto "regional's".

* Regional's, would be in a stadium, & it would be Prison against prison.  Sell tickets to the public (or make it pay per view) & all of the proceeds go the city that the regional's is held. 

* All Regional winners goto "state"

* All state winners goto "division" (say time zones).

* All Division winners goto "country"

* All Country winners get set free. 

Sounds like a win-win-win-win to me.  LOL.
I'm not sure I want the best killers set free. How about we tell them they get to go free, but they get executed instead.

Reminds me of...

I was once with 2 other sailors in upstate NY at a "Field Days" (like a county fair) and the bar tent was selling cups of Genesee beer for 20 cents ea. My buddy Doug bought us a round and couldn't believe it only cost 60 cents for 3 beers! So he hollered out, "A round for the house on me!" and he still got most of a $20 bill back!

Soon every woman in the joint was on us 3 sailors like we were rich, apparently they hadn't seen a $20 in about 2 decades. As the evening drew to a close, there were 9 women still standing around us even though Doug made it clear the next stop was a hotel room. He decided to be a gentleman and said, "You lovely ladies work this out amongst yourselves."

The next thing you know, these 9 "women" started an all out bar brawl and hair, earrings, punches, boobs - everything was flying! When it was all over, we didn't end up with the 3 prettiest or daintiest girls, we ended up with the 3 best fighters who wanted to Eff!! We took all 3 of them to a motel and the rest is the craziest story - I'll have to tell you over beers at a campfire!

Ever since then, I always told Doug to stipulate - NO FIGHTING! TALK it over!!

