JD'S Memes

As all good patriots know, one of the main reasons for the 1776 War of Independence was because the European elites were constantly sabotaging the efforts of the early American settlers to establish their own currency.

This battle continues today.

In 1963 JFK tried to do what many Presidents before had failed to do and wrest control of the printing press from the unelected bankers at the Federal Reserve via executive order 11110.

John McCloy wasn’t the only banker on the Warren Commission. Allan Dulles, former head of the CIA was a lawyer to bankers before joining the CIA as their first non-military leader.

Both were heavily involved with the Bank of International Settlements and the opaque financial markets that funded World War Two.

These financial but opaque middlemen were brilliantly satirized by Joseph Heller as Milo Minderbender in his masterpiece Catch-22.

Allan Dulles in the year before Kennedy’s death was sacked by Kennedy for the botched Bay of Pigs invasion.

Kennedy is reputed as saying he wanted to smash the CIA into a thousand pieces so I can’t imagine he would have been too impressed with Dulles being responsible for a review into his assassination.

Another CIA agent that was sacked at the same time as Dulles was Charles Cabell. His brother was Earle Cabell, Mayor of Dallas at the time of Kennedy’s assassination. Earle Cabell went on to become a member of the US House of Representatives in the Johnson administration.

Far be it from me to impute any motive in any of this but for some reason the warnings of Eisenhower about the military industrial complex always come to mind.
