JD'S Memes

Actual conversation with Siri...

Siri: What can I help you with?

Don: I'm feeling very sad, my father died.

Siri: My condolences.

Don: Thank you Siri. Can you cheer me up?

Siri: Of course. How about a joke?

Don: That sounds good.

Siri: Knock Knock.

Don: Who's there?

Siri: Not your father. Lmao!

Don: WTF Siri???

This is funny because it's true! When my ex and I stayed at a hotel or resort, many times we got a free upgrade from a room to a suite because of her b00bs. Bartenders would give her the first drink free. If the bar was really crowded, I'd send her up to get the drinks because the bartender would see her and serve her faster than the other hundred people waiting at the bar, if I was up there I'd be the last one served.

After getting a free room upgrade and a free drink, she'd often laugh in the room, grab her b00bs and say, "With these, I rule the world!!"

Going to need pictures or it ain’t true 🤷🏻‍♂️
