It's Saturday, 4-9-22 What are you doing today?

Sometimes those plastic drain valves on the water heater won't reseal when you turn the water back on. Get garden hose cap at the hardware store while you're there, might save a trip.
Thanks. Wasn't leaking and was already back from HD. Dug through my goody box and found one and put it on for safe keeping.

havasu boat show sat am, then some lunch, then dropped boat in water and crusied aorund on lake and watched the talent in the channel, then steak dinner, then some pool/spa time.  sunday worked on a few projects around the house.

The capacitor is probably bad, at 25 years I’d do both at the same time. My bet is the capacitor you could test/change it and see if it cures the issue.
Thanks, when we get back from vacation I'll check that out as you suggested.

Cancelled a trip to Seattle this weekend for Ice Hockey, spent weekend coming and going from Hospital to visit my MIL.

Waiting today to hear what the Dr's plan is, needs Heart Valve work done. In her 80's and allot of health issues already.

But she LOVES her grandkids, they spent the weekend coloring eggs, playing chess and watching her Novellas together.

Wife is a wreck, but coming to terms with the bigger picture, her Mom has had a long colorful life, she's been thru worse then this before.

On a side note, I've hit the gym everyday this month. Feeling better then I did just a week ago.

Abandon?  Are the current ones outhouses?
No. The weird layout comes from the previous owner just plunking the new master bedroom up against the existing house. Built well and all of that but we had to go through an existing bedroom to get to the master bedroom.  I'm splitting that existing  bedroom into 2 new restrooms and then the 1 1/2 restrooms we have now( that are back to back) will become a hallway to the master with Built in cabinets along 1 side.

Had to play golf in Louisiana with my Broham and some Friends. Yearly visit to paradise! Peace





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