I just received my mail in recall ballot, WOW!!!!!!

you are right, we need to get behind one guy for sure.  Also this guy needs to be able to win the next election as well ( which I think isn't very far off)
That's the rub.  Even if it flips to somebody else, this is simply a place holder until the next national election, at which time a Democrat will be elected.  Not to mention, CA Dems have a super majority in Sacramento so they can override any veto if they want.

Heard a bit of the debate last night and let me just say that nobody inspired me with much confidence that they are "the one" (John Cox getting served with a subpoena was the highlight).  Elder was invited, but did not show.  Would have been a good forum to have a coming out moment for those who haven't heard him on the radio for 20 years.

We just received 4. 

My wife           51 - liberal, but not socialist

Me                   49 - Libertarian ,.. generally vote with the Republicans (cause the Libertarians can't get 'together')

My Son            24 - Republican - was a socialist until a few years ago when he say 'the light' he's about as far right as they come.

My Daughter   22 - Republican, was also a socialist due to school indoctrination until she too saw the left for what it is.

Bottom line, my house was 3 (Left Democrats) vs 1 (Conservative).. and now the tables have turned, 3 (Conservatives) vs 1 (Left Democrat)!

My wife and I rarely discuss politics. She's a great woman and a true 'Bleeding Heart Liberal' .. love to see her abandon her party. Doubt she wants the police defunded or be for paying reparation's, etc... probably wants universal health care because she doesn't understand it. Not sure where she is on BLM, but let's face it bad cops kill 1-3 black people per year.. if you really cared about blacks, you'd care about the 20 blacks that killed other blacks in the last weekend, right? Face it, it's community.. blacks kill blacks, Asians kill Asians, Whites kill Whites, Hispanics kill Hispanics (predominately).


Anyone look into this guy Paffrath?  he was interviewed the other day on our local news station.  seems like he has his head screwed on pretty straight.  He is a "D", but is way more right than crazy. He is doing to a good job of leveraging social media to his advantage. 


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First thing.....End Homelessness. Good luck with that. Peace

That hole has been there for many many elections. Not a new trick at all. Shred your envelope, take your filled out ballot to your local polling station, show them your two Government issued picture ID’s, insert your ballot in to the sealed ballot box, go home happy that you at least tried to do it properly.

Never have trusted the hole since way before all of the recent shenanigans. Especially here in California.

I saw Larry Elder speak this morning at a live outdoor function that the local Phoenix Fox News channel picked up.  I was very impressed with what he had to say and how he said it.  He seems to be well in the lead in the polls, but I'm not sure if the Keep/Remove polls are going so well. 

Biden to campaign for Scumbag in CA in the coming days 🤬 I'm so done playing politics. I need my life back. Oh wait, where is it? 

The lies that Newscum is saying in his marketing campaign are pure scare tactics.  He has raised $80 million for this recall, three times more than all else combined.  Totally sad to see.

The lies that Newscum is saying in his marketing campaign are pure scare tactics.  He has raised $80 million for this recall, three times more than all else combined.  Totally sad to see.
Willing to bet that most of that money is from outside the state. 

The commercials are getting kinda nuts.  The left spouting BS and elders firing right back.  Lime he already made The commercials for the BS, so he could just pull the trigger on them. Good for him.

I've never given money to political campaigns before the Trump reelection campaign,  but I felt compelled to try to help out Elder. He's getting out spent by the left 24:1.  Says a lot about the left... 
