I just received my mail in recall ballot, WOW!!!!!!

Last I looked elder was way ahead of the pack.  Imo, he seems just as strong as any of them.  

So is Larry Elder the number one pick??????????? Or John Cox? I HAVE NOT did my serious research yet so I’m not about to vote yet. I remember a few weeks ago the talk show on the radio was stating they really like Larry Elder but they thought John Cox was stronger in personality to get things done in the long run. Starting to do my homework on who to vote for, Larry is my favorite but I still have some homework to do before voting. 

When someone is so lame they start campaigning with a bear as a gimmick their time has played out (cox). Kevin faulcner was a terrible mayor. He didnt do crap and caved to the left every time

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Larry seems to be the most capable person. He has been Red Pilling people for years. We need someone that can take on the BS lies the liberals throw out. Shall I say "Trump like" with a refined tone. Hold the people who have been screwing up CA for decades feet to the Fire.

I hope Larry Elder wins.  The bigger issue I’m afraid of is there will be so much “push back” from the other side he won’t be able to get anything accomplished.   Wasn’t it the Texas governor said that mandated no mask.  And the school district is enforcing the mask anyway.  

Can’t believe how much everyone is hung up on name recognition and celebrity. While Larry Elder might have some views that we all agree with he is not in the system in California.

On the other hand, someone who can fight for us, and has the endorsement of the person who actually brought the recall of Newsom, hasn’t even been mentioned on this forum. I spend a lot of time up in the Central Valley, which seems a whole lot more like real America than SoCal, and he is the only name mentioned. Also has the endorsement of Devin Nunes in case his name rings a bell with any of you. Give this guy a look and see if any of you align with his outlook for California.


Kiley doesn't  have a chance in hell...this is how the republicans F everything up.....all about me and not enough about winning... Effner and Cocks and the Weirdo guy/chick can't give up the power.. .Kiley has ZERO name recognition and WILL NOT WIN.... Nunes or not nobody knows who he is.  But hey lets just keep splitting that vote up.....

Fwiw you are all fooling yourselves if you think R or D Can save the state or country. There is a deep state if you want to believe it or not. Biden is not pulling any strings of power. The power is still unclear but my true belief is it has deep ties to our intelligence services. Infact i would not be suprised to learn that facebook, instagram, twitter, amazon are all affiliated if not owned/created or helped along the way by our clandestine services. There are no coincidences in the universe and its all too coincidental that these services and the media are lock-step and act as though they are part of our justice system. Listen to a news break on an am channel, it sounds more like propaganda than news. The things they report on aren’t even news they are satire or commentary unfortunately people are too stupid to know the difference.

food for thought. The dhs just labeled people who say negative things about the govt as “terrorists” this includes saying negative things about the vaccine or masks. 


Im not worried about california anymore. Our country is lost. Now im a potential threat because i dont want my children forced to be vaccinated or wear masks. And yes i believe there was serious election fraud. No i never want to see anyone hurt.





Kiley doesn't  have a chance in hell...this is how the republicans F everything up.....all about me and not enough about winning... Effner and Cocks and the Weirdo guy/chick can't give up the power.. .Kiley has ZERO name recognition and WILL NOT WIN.... Nunes or not nobody knows who he is.  But hey lets just keep splitting that vote up.....
There is no vote split up. If YES wins then the person with the highest total of votes gets the nod. The number of candidates doesn’t affect the outcome. “Most popular” is still going to win. If anyone bothered to watch the candidates forum the other night it was clear that Kiley truly wants to clean up the mess that is California.

Freedom of choice though, vote your conscious. ‘Merica

There is no vote split up. If YES wins then the person with the highest total of votes gets the nod. The number of candidates doesn’t affect the outcome. “Most popular” is still going to win. If anyone bothered to watch the candidates forum the other night it was clear that Kiley truly wants to clean up the mess that is California.

Freedom of choice though, vote your conscious. ‘Merica
We all wants best for the state. I believe with all the lies and deceit, we cannot go about this traditionally. We need to mix it up!! Therefore whether Elder is the best person for the Job, he is the person for the seat. IMO of course. 

 Wasn’t it the Texas governor said that mandated no mask.  And the school district is enforcing the mask anyway.  

I agree with the no mask mandate. I also agree with the freedom of choice. You want to wear a mask? Wear one. The enforcing of masks? No thanks. A school district is not driven by science. But then again.....Is Fauci Science? Another EFFN idiot! Peace

I agree with the no mask mandate. I also agree with the freedom of choice. You want to wear a mask? Wear one. The enforcing of masks? No thanks. A school district is not driven by science. But then again.....Is Fauci Science? Another EFFN idiot! Peace
The school systems are being lazy, instead of trying to educate students to wear a mask while around other un-vaccinated kids they are relying on the do this because I say so strategy.  That is being lazy educators plain and simple.  They have no issue educating kids in their indoctrination to the educators liberal values but this is a bridge too far?  They are just being lazy. 

Mandates are just the do it because I told you so and we all know how long after we became adults that worked. 

do it because I told you so and we all know how long after we became adults that worked. 
Never worked for me. EFF YOU was always my reply. Guess that's why I didn't join the military. Couldn't take orders very well. Peace

Never worked for me. EFF YOU was always my reply. Guess that's why I didn't join the military. Couldn't take orders very well. Peace
Me too, The more you told me to do something I didn't want to do the harder your life became. 

Fwiw you are all fooling yourselves if you think R or D Can save the state or country. There is a deep state if you want to believe it or not. Biden is not pulling any strings of power. The power is still unclear but my true belief is it has deep ties to our intelligence services. Infact i would not be suprised to learn that facebook, instagram, twitter, amazon are all affiliated if not owned/created or helped along the way by our clandestine services. There are no coincidences in the universe and its all too coincidental that these services and the media are lock-step and act as though they are part of our justice system. Listen to a news break on an am channel, it sounds more like propaganda than news. The things they report on aren’t even news they are satire or commentary unfortunately people are too stupid to know the difference.

food for thought. The dhs just labeled people who say negative things about the govt as “terrorists” this includes saying negative things about the vaccine or masks. 


Im not worried about california anymore. Our country is lost. Now im a potential threat because i dont want my children forced to be vaccinated or wear masks. And yes i believe there was serious election fraud. No i never want to see anyone hurt.

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Elder...Everyone needs to get behind one guy..The commies are going to vote for some guy on there Pfifer or something like that.
