Hows Da Sancho ???? Post up Pics

I was very fortunate to get an RV camping pass from a friend/exhibitor and extra passes from my buddy @Whipsandshyt.  Spent Thursday and Friday delivering cars and trailers to the show with my son. Walked the booths Thursday afternoon and talked to a lot of our vendors, which is a rarity for me. Very happy to see more sandrails than I'm used to at the show. Got to spend a lot of time with @Grant@Funco, his family and employees. Such a great group of people!

Donated to the ASA daily for our camp meals which was unexpected and absolutely appreciated. We camped next to the Lazer Stars light business and made new friends. They said they've been camping at the SSSS for over 30 years. Another good group of people.

Somehow @URCLEVERhopped the border and got into the RV camp and we hung out a little at 11pm Fri night. I barely remember that conversation but was reminded when we saw each other again Saturday morning when we were both headed to the sh!tter. Apparently I looked like sh!t. Believable. 

Ran into a lot of our clients that I've never met, mostly from the transport side which my son runs, and it was great to hear feedback on his work ethic. Very proud dad moments. 

Also got to meet a lot of followers on IG. Good to put a face to the IG names. 

My son bought whips from @Whipsandshytfor his new to him Tatum Sand Demon, a battery jumper pack and a tow rope. I had a few things on my list but only bought passes from the ASA. 

Overall a great show, very humid, and the beers were cheap when I could get them from my RV next to the show.

Loaded up a Buckshot from the @CBM booth after closing on Sunday (thanks Bruce!) and a Funco from the Str8up booth around 8pm last night. Weird being there after hours when no one is around.

Already made arrangements to have an RV spot for next year. 

Nice to see all you kids on Friday, always a good time at the SXS super show. Seems they called the wrong name for the ASA raffle.😉
I said the same thing, I have bought tickets every year, somehow my name never gets called :classic_blink:

so anything super cool this year?  new ropes, radios, whips, wheels, tires (what is the story with buggy tires), engines, etc? 

did Weddle have a booth?  did they have any fancy new stuff?  seems like they are always doing cool stuff?

IIRC Gear-One had a booth, what kind of stuff did they have? 
We were there. No one likes pictures of tranny's, so no pictures of the tranny tenders. (I am ok with that)

Caught @L.R.S. digging around in my cooler looking for Bud Lights, told him to scram.

@Grant@Funco thinks he's funny with the "where's my transmissions?" jokes. 

Was nice to tell people "yes, we do have your parts in stock. Transmissions too. Want a new sequential? Give your builder a deposit, they can have it in less than a week to assemble for you."

A few other peeps saying hello. Sorry if I don't know who you are, I am not great at matching online persona's with actual people. 

Stoked to see lot's of actual sand cars at the show this year. Possibly a change in the air???

We had a great show, more orders than expected which is nice to help cover the cost of the show. 

Got to meet a lot of people and shake hands.

Released some new exciting UTV product, seem to have a lot of interest.

Cant wait for what the future holds, lots of new products coming down the line for sandcars and utvs.

One of the Funniest things Saturday was Cheff and Sharon wanted too see what their new Can am would be like we went up to the Can am area they jumped in the car almost exactly like what they ordered. The main Can am rep comes walking over asking what they were doing I said he ordered one of these cars and Checked all the boxes. The Guy right away said SIR what can I show you and went over Everything with Cheff and Sharon for 20 mins. The rep looks at me like why was I there  and Sharon said to him this is my husband and thats my boyfriend and my Husband pays him to make me Happy and this car makes me Happy.. We walked away I was laughing because I said I don't think that man knew you were kidding.. LOL

Sounds like a shift in the Sand Community is occurring, a turn for the better...

That's awesome. 
