How many leo's does it take to kill a dinosaur? (12)

Wow, talk about a buzz kill.

At least our tax money goes to a good cause, I feel better already, don't you?

Although  :chummin:  is 🏳️‍🌈

So maybe they just dislike gay dino's. 

"honey what did you do in the dunes today making double-triple holiday pay, plus lodging, plus per diem and travel pay?"

"I killed a gay dino" 

"I'm so proud of you, and all the duners will feel so much safer, good work hon"  

They had the gay dino surrounded, just in case it made a run for it, not kidding either.  Well maybe about the dino making a run for it, but they did surround it when they pulled in hot like the crime of the century was being committed.  lol

Christ!  That thing was real?!  Saw a pic last week thinking it was some BS at someone's camp. 

Well, blame social media lame-o's for its rise AND fall.

As far as its removal, would you prefer they hire an outside crew to get rid of it?

Christ!  That thing was real?!  Saw a pic last week thinking it was some BS at someone's camp. 

Well, blame social media lame-o's for its rise AND fall.

As far as its removal, would you prefer they hire an outside crew to get rid of it?
Not sure, 12 leo's at 150 an hour, (holiday pay, etc) maybe a vendor would have been cheaper?

But truth be told I kinda thought it was cool art work by some lib-tard, fartsy over educated chap and we should have just left it alone?

Nah, kill the gay dino!  Good work blm!  

Not sure, 12 leo's at 150 an hour, (holiday pay, etc) maybe a vendor would have been cheaper?
Better than ticketing and towing RRE rigs, right?  They're getting paid regardless.  Removing schtick or giving tickets:  what do you prefer?

Better than ticketing and towing RRE rigs, right?  They're getting paid regardless.  Removing schtick or giving tickets:  what do you prefer?
I'm indifferent on the ticket/towing subject, I am always with my rig, as are my associates who camp with me.  And you are correct, they get paid either way.

I just find it funny that they need so many leo's on a day after a holiday to kill a gay dino.

  I don't know, maybe address all the campers leaving trash behind and ticket the $hit out of those f-n a$$ holes?  Just saying. 

I'm indifferent on the ticket/towing subject, I am always with my rig, as are my associates who camp with me.  And you are correct, they get paid either way.

I just find it funny that they need so many leo's on a day after a holiday to kill a gay dino.

  I don't know, maybe address all the campers leaving trash behind and ticket the $hit out of those f-n a$$ holes?  Just saying. 
Dino = same
